View Full Version : Do blow ups come in three's?

Bruce Pennell
05-31-2008, 4:04 PM
Had my second blow up in a row today. First was a 19" winged mesquite bowl. The tree had three uneven branches, so 4 wings with the trunk. I'd roughed it down to about 1/2"thick wings, noticed a 1/2" bark inclusion running through the bowl just under two wings. My fault (blonde moment) grabbed the CA glue, should have used epoxy. When I touched the tool for the third time it got very exciting. Changed my shorts and started a 15" mesquite bowl. Rough it down and got tired so I quit before sanding. Had a little pith in the top of the bowl I missed the night before. Parted off the top 1 1/2" of the bowl. Everything looked and felt great, was thinning the bowl, no catch that I could feel, was only a little under a 1/2" thick when it flew into 4 chunks. Not as exciting as the winged bowl. I never saw the crack or heard any change in the sound. But after I got it stopped there was a small crack in the bottom of the bowl. Do these things come in three's? I just rough out a winged pine bowl, very wet, left it to dry so I hope this one doesn't head for outer space. I might have to call NASA for a job if this keeps up. Its all fun any way, wether you get a bowl or a blow up. Do like my cage on my new PM a little more now.:D

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2008, 4:17 PM
I don't know if launches come in threes but I'll bet if you are like me...you are flinching a whole lot more than normal!

Here's hoping you luck changes Bruce!

George Conklin
05-31-2008, 4:31 PM
It does my heart good to know this stuff just doesn't happen to me;).

Bruce Pennell
05-31-2008, 4:35 PM
Ken to tell the truth they both happened so fast I don't think I could have reacted at all. Looking at both after the fact probably scared me more than when it happened. I know the two pieces came from the same tree, probably some cracking or other forces at work in that tree, maybe cracking or who knows....I'll turn my pine bowl finished tonight or tomorrow. See if it's me or the wood...I know I'll win...I'll just keep turning until I get it right. Can't let a tree beat me....Thanks for the kind words...Bruce
PS the pine sure leaves nice curly's coming off Doug Thompsons 1/2" bowl gouge.

Bruce Pennell
05-31-2008, 4:40 PM
George I heard the other day Arizona is one of the worlds hottest UFO sights, maybe we just have a lot of turners in Arizona.;)

Allen Neighbors
05-31-2008, 6:15 PM
Bruce, I don't know what the wind is like in your part of the world. But here, it is pretty hard at times, and most of the mesquite I've ever turned had pith checks. (That's where the wood separates in different places around the pith.) Could be... just thought I'd mention it.

Bruce Pennell
05-31-2008, 6:20 PM
Allan I probably got a tree that got hammered by the wind. This was from a tree, that my tree guy brought me. All the mesquite I've turned out of the back yard has been fine. I have 6-7 pieces of that tree left I'll take a closer look next time. Thanks Bruce

Will Branson
05-31-2008, 7:07 PM
Well, I can't say I've had 3 in a row. I'm new at this, my first 2 projects were passable probably due to running lathe at the 2nd lowest speed and going very slow. Today I increased the speed to try my hand at a mushroom. I blew it up.

Have to say, never understood what you guys meant when you said a piece blew up, now I do. :-)

See ya!

Bernie Weishapl
05-31-2008, 9:53 PM
Oh heck Bruce sometimes they come in ones, twos, threes, fours, fives or sixes. ;):rolleyes::cool: I had 2 in a row that blew up on me and I think the old timer called it ring shake. He said strong winds can cause it in a tree and they are not much good for turning.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2008, 9:56 PM
Speaking of blowups....and launches.....I only had to experience one to get the urge to buy and use a full face shield!

Bruce Pennell
05-31-2008, 10:21 PM
Bernie I would have to agree with the old timer on this one. I'll try another piece and if it blows I'll use the rest for firewood or make small thing out of it. I just checked a piece I did the other day, the large mesquite lidded box with the bark inclusion is starting to separate on the bottom. Which is just on the outside of the pith, I would think it's shake cracks. The bark inclusion looks OK.

Ken, I agree. My day in the shop starts by turning on the light, starting the CD player 60-70 Rock-N-Roll, and put on my Trend Pro, then start turning.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2008, 10:43 PM

You wise all knowledgeable rascal! I like your taste in music and I wear a Trend Airshield!

Do you happen to drink Folgers and Bud Light too? Not at the same time, of course!

Bruce Pennell
05-31-2008, 11:11 PM
Do coffee in the morning and on occasion a good drink at night (did try in my youth to drink bud dry). Love the Trend Pro great helmet and no more coughing and brown snot. Had a good friend of my wife, just got told her lung problems where cause by the silica in mesquite, she'll be on O2 for the rest of her life. I ordered my helmet the next day....$370 seemed cheap after that news. She just kept her tree's trimmed with a small chain saw, I figured the lathe would be worse. I love the look of mesquite, so I knew I'd be turning it.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2008, 11:17 PM

I'm getting ready to turn my first mesquite. I did a favor for a fellow Creeker in Texas recently. In return he sent me some wood / blanks....some mesquite, honey mesquite, texas ebony, and some others ...packed in pecans still in the shell. My wife sure appreciated the pecans. I can't wait to turn that mesquite.

Bruce Pennell
06-01-2008, 10:44 AM
It turns great just have to sharpen your tools more often, I hone even my gouges with mesquite. I prefer to turn a lot of end grain boxes, because it really shows off the grain. When you turn the bark off there is a layer of light wood, but under that the magic begins. Turned a vase 10" for my wife and she just loves it. Bowls look good also with the light and dark mixed. I'm surprised some of my blow ups didn't make Idaho. I'm waiting on my son-n-law right now, to make a trip out to the ranch for some large mesquite.....with him it might be a long wait you never know. On the river out here we can find some big logs. Saw some cotton wood someone turned the other day, need to try some out, we have lots of it also.Enjoy the new wood......Bruce