View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
05-30-2008, 5:59 AM
Friday May 30th, 2008


After a short work week, it's that time again.:D Another break from the hustle and bustle of work.

After several nice days, we are getting some much needed rain, but it's supposed to clear up for the weekend. It's been a hectic week for me. I had to pick up my buddies JD so I could mow my lawn while mine is in the shop. Picked up some left over Canadian cedar logs from his building his house several years ago. Resawed on the LT-16HD right after I got it home. Got 5 one inch slabs that I can use to make???????? Not sure what I'm going to do with all this cedar, but I'll find something. A couple of bird feeders for sure after I get it all sliced up.

Per my Dr. I picked up a pair of "Crocs" last weekend to wear around the house. They have made such a difference in how my foot feels, it's almost unbelieveable. :) I'm going to get another pair to wear outside [well, actually inside as I've been wearing the pair I have everywhere] as they cushion my heel so well.:D:)

I might even be able to spend some more time in the shop cleaning this weekend now that my foot is feeling better. I'm making progress, but it's been slooooow because of the foot. I have to be careful though as I don't want to overdue it and end up worse than I was. I also have some yard work to get done. I'll make time for the "Monster Mile" on Sunday.

Well, what's happening in your part of the world? What are your plans for the weekend?

I hope ya'll have a great weekend and get everything accomplished that you set out to do. Just make sure it's SAFE.


alex grams
05-30-2008, 6:55 AM
In the office.

Maybe if i have time I will complete the wall mounted bookshelf for the wife and get that mounted on the wall (just 1 more coat of waterlox to go!)

Matt Ocel
05-30-2008, 6:56 AM
I cleaned the workshop yesterday, because Saturday I'm heading across the border to Cheese Head Country. I have been offered 2 out buildings that are going to be tore down. I need to check out wood species and beam sizes. Don't know what I'll use the material for yet, but I don't want to pass up a good opportunity.

Tony Cox
05-30-2008, 7:20 AM
Well, it's that time of year where graduations and open houses interrupt the weekend. We have a graduation tonight with the open house tomorrow. We have a graduation and open house on Sunday. Maybe someplace in this mess I can find some shop time. We'll see. I need to finish power washing the house so I can mark that off my list. It wouldn't be so pressing if the North side of my house wasn't the front. Sure makes the house unattractive.

I need to get the finish on the drawer fronts I got done last weekend. Then make the drawers and be done with my last set of garage cabinets.

This is all I am hoping for right now. I don't want to be too disappointed if I don't get done.

Have a great & safe weekend,

Mike SoRelle
05-30-2008, 7:31 AM
I have a niece's graduation/graduation party to attend on Sunday, and I think SWMBO has plans to get the rest of the beds planted (she got about 1/2 done last weekend)

I have to go over and measure the FIL's walk-out basement door as it's about to fall apart (literally) after 50 years or so but I don't think I'll actually do the work until he leaves for Florida in a couple of weeks.

So no shop time to speak of in my immediate future, though I do need to get out and pick up some oak and get going on the patio table that's been at the top of my todo list for a few weeks now.

Everyone have a safe and productive weekend!


Jim Becker
05-30-2008, 8:12 AM
'Careful with the Crocs, Karl. Comfortable, but they can catch on things...

My weekend is starting today and it's more of the "musical rooms" shuffle. I hope to get my office moved at the very least and hopefully get to painting the trim I already installed on the loft landing in the great room. Professor Dr. SWMBO has the YMCA karate run this week, so I have the full weekend. I do suspect another visit to Ikea will happen as we need a bunch of big pillows to turn the unused twin bed now in the new "play room" into a day bed and probably a small shelf units to deal with books in my office until I can get the cabinetry up on the wall down the road. Time is what it is... I'll need to mow the lawn, too.

Oh, and the folks from DirectTV should be showing up tomorrow morning to install our dish...and then I can give Comcast the heave-ho. Recent poor customer service when I added another box combined with diminishing content for the money finally pushed me over the line. So the sat service will be replacing cable until FiOS is available here in the next few years.

Matt Meiser
05-30-2008, 9:58 AM
LOML has to work tomorrow since year end is approaching and their auditors are coming so I probably won't get much shop time. I might head to an interesting sounding garage sale which listed a 3-phase jointer and other tools. When I do get shop time, I'll be working on my workbench.

Jerome Hanby
05-30-2008, 10:18 AM
Wife has the bug to try turning in a bad way, so this weekend we're cleaning up the garage. For some reason unstacking and moving stuff out of the way to get to the lath and reversing the process when you're done doesn't appeal to her. Go figure...;)

Jared Minor
05-30-2008, 10:25 AM
Today is my last day at work for the year. Students finished yesterday. Time for a couple of months off. Home repairs and such are going to pretty much eat up that time though. I'm going to try and get a ridge vent installed in my shop this weekend. My bro-in-law might be in to help out. Have a few cabinet doors to make still. Need to take the siding of an old house so I can complete my storage shed. Scrape and paint the shed and the eaves and trim on the house. Did I ever mention I hate scraping and painting. But that looks like what I'm up against for the summer. We haven't had much rain at all, so I won't have to mow very often. Ya'll have a good weekend.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-30-2008, 10:35 AM
Make 5 doors for the cabinet I made last weekend. Make another hanging cabinet.