View Full Version : Shop Lighting

Dick Sylvan
05-27-2008, 11:54 PM
I just purchased a Lightolier fluorescent overhead fixture (4 tube) for my workshop ceiling. I plan to use 4 for the shop, but I bought one to see how I was going to hang and wire this particular fixture. I bought it from a local dealer here in Houston which has been in business for many years and serves both homeowners and professionals for their lighting needs. I was wearing a white, button-down shirt, Hermes tie, and braces, so it was clear I wasn't a member of Houston's fine cadre of electricians. I explained that I was going to use it for my woodworking shop and this was what the salesman suggested. So, I get it home and un-box it to discover:

1). There are no instructions as to how to hang/mount the fixture or wire it.
2) There is a female wiring input with round holes unlike anything I have ever seen except for some European wall plugs. There was no male part, nor any clue as to what that part was or where to get it.
3) There is a metal cover that goes over the ballast and central wires, but no screws or point of attachment, so I suppose it is supposed to fall down and sit on the plastic lens after the light is installed.
4) There are holes in the "top" of the fixture at either end that could be used to screw it to the ceiling, but if you are not mounting to a solid ceiling no other holes for odd locations of joists, etc.
5) There are a couple of holes that could be used for the power in wire , but not any on the sides in case a wire to a plug was to be used.

All in all, not a happy experience for something that really should be easy. Has American industry become so litigation shy that it has become worthless to all but the "professional" user. Do I have to resort to some cheap fixture from the Borg. Or am I just SOL? Obviously, this is mostly a rant, but any help or suggestions would be appreciated before I return what to me is a useless, but otherwise nice looking fixture. Thanks to all who can help this incompetent fool!!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-27-2008, 11:57 PM
Dick...can you give us a model number?

Ken Fitzgerald
05-28-2008, 12:03 AM

Use this link and you can download installation instructions:


Dick Sylvan
05-28-2008, 12:19 AM
Thanks, but it doesn't respond to my computer at home, I'll try it at the office tomorrow.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-28-2008, 12:28 AM
BTW......Lightolier is a Philips company and Philips isn't a US company. I believe it is headquartered in Holland?

Ken Fitzgerald
05-28-2008, 12:47 AM

I downloaded the instructions. It shows mounting instructions but it won't help you with wiring. Maybe at the site you can find a contact number and call to get the information you need. Good luck!

Jim Becker
05-28-2008, 11:15 AM
Lightolier caters primarily to pros and there are often a number of "options" for their fixtures. Your electrical supply house that is selling the product should be able to help you with insuring you have everything you need...and you might not if you didn't specifically ask. They may assume "you know"... This is exactly the case with the local electrical supply near me. Unless you are looking at foo-foo fixtures in the pretty show room, they assume you know exactly what you are doing and only give you want you exactly ask for.

Bob Herpolsheimer
05-28-2008, 11:40 AM
Could you be talking about the disconnect required in fixtures now? If so, there should be a small sack with the other part in it (this is to hook to your power supply cord). My guess is that there are some sort of key connectors for your ballast cover also. If you don't have it go back to where you bought it and they should be able to get you some. As far as hanging, I work with the Lithonia brand and they provide knock-outs for jack chain or cables. Hope this helps


Dick Sylvan
05-28-2008, 2:43 PM
Your electrical supply house that is selling the product should be able to help you with insuring you have everything you need...and you might not if you didn't specifically ask. They may assume "you know"...

I took your advice and went back to the lighting store and lucked out by being helped by the owner. He was very helpful and he pulled another fixture from stock and he cleared up enough of my confusion/exasparation that I now think I am OK. I'm not sure if anyone else in the store, which is relatively large, would have been as helpful. Thanks for your suggestion. I am still surprised with no instructions in the box, though.

Don Bullock
05-28-2008, 10:13 PM
I'm glad you worked it out.

...I am still surprised with no instructions in the box, though.

These days most directions included with products are useless anyway. Often they are written by someone who thinks he/she can translate and are in meny different languages.;):D