View Full Version : Just bought a Keen Kutter can't get the blade to lower through the mouth

Dewey Torres
05-26-2008, 11:43 PM
I bought a K4 from the Bay and it came with a "Victory" blade, so I ordered a new one (this time an authentic Keen Kutter 2in). I was so happy when it came chip breaker and blade. It is much thicker than the Victory blade and chip breaker that came with it, but when I installed it... it was to thick. I played with the frog adjustment, well and every ajustment on the plane period!.
Could I have bought the wrong plane iron and chip breaker for this plane:confused:

Clint Jones
05-27-2008, 12:05 AM
The blade you bought is from a KK keen kutter plane made by the Ohio tool co. It is thicker than the Stanley made blade that originally came in the K series (bedrock) planes and will not fit the larger Ohio blade.

Dewey Torres
05-27-2008, 12:17 AM
Thanks Clint... I had an idea it would be you or Jim Koepke (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/member.php?u=23302) to come to the rescue here.

Ok so now I put the KK series blade back on the bay and look for a K series blade.

Two questions:

How can I tell which is which (ask I guess???)

Can I by a quality Stanley blade and chip breaker set or should I stay with Keen Kutter? ...Would the Sweet Heart blades work?

Thanks all,