View Full Version : Any deals at AAW Symposium?

John Sheets
05-26-2008, 7:09 PM
I had been putting off a purchase or two ( like McNaughton coring system, couple of John Jordan tools, Don Pencil tools, etc.) thinking I might encounter some "special show pricing" at the AAW in Richmond. Has anyone found this to be the case at the big symposiums, or is most stuff just going to be the normal pricing?
Thanks, John

Jim Becker
05-26-2008, 7:30 PM
You may find some deals and, of course, would avoid shipping on some. But you'll also likely pay local sales tax on stuff you pick up there. That said, the chance to speak with the vendor directly in the expo is a very nice thing.

Bernie Weishapl
05-26-2008, 8:17 PM
I am doing the same thing John. Putting off a few things hoping that maybe there will be some good deals there.

Mark Wollschlager
05-26-2008, 9:45 PM
I would hazard a guess that any deals would be had towards the end on heavy items.
Lathes can be had without shipping and the demo lathes can be a good deal.
They are available for presale.
And chunks of wood get cheaper on Sunday.
Remember, everything is costing more to transport to and from the show.
Usually the best thing is to see and hold the tool before purchase.
Oneway has had some pretty good promo items in the past ( chuck bodies and stuff).


Dick Strauss
05-26-2008, 10:22 PM
I understand Doug Thompson will be there with his gouges which are a good deal at regular prices. I also understand Dave Peebles will be there (at the same booth I think) with his matching tool handles for the Thompson gouges. I've never been to "the show" so I don't know about deals. I do like to hold the tools before I buy. It should be a great opportunity to do just that!

Ron Ainge
05-27-2008, 3:56 PM
I just returned form the Utah Symposium and there were a few deals there, Craft Supply had a sale the day before the show and I found some real deals in there sale. At the show Craft Supply brought in several vendors to show there tools and then you could buy them from Craft Supply. They offered 15% off on any item in there catalog and Sorby offered an additional 15% on any of there porduct. I ordered about $700 and had them ship it to me. By having them ship it to me I saved the sales tax and ended up saving about $200 with all of the discounts and the shipping was free. I am still waiting on the shipping to arrive but I can wait a few days to save the amount I did.