View Full Version : An open letter to ...

Walt Caza
05-22-2008, 2:06 PM
An open letter to Mr. Zimmel and SMC:

I think you are really onto something Gary. Since woodworking is a journey, and not a destination,
it makes great sense to challenge posters of completed projects, with 'great work, what's next?!?'
Our shiny new project forum can be enriched by encouraging each other to start moving on our own personal next step of a looong adventure.
We can't rest on our laurels forever!

A new tool, a new tip, a new-to-you joint. First time with a different finish.
Techniques we aspire to learn. That next project we're gonna tackle.
Pushing to elevate our individual art.
Offsetting stuggles and frustration with enough rewards to keep us pushing ahead. It is inspired, and inspiring.

I suspect this 'what's next' notion may grow to become the new 'no pics, never happened' which has proved to be sooo fun!! (in the spirit of good fun)
Let us challenge one another...
it is great to complete a project, many projects never make it that far...
but it is greater still, along the road to greater shop rewards,
to keep looking ahead, and growing our ability and accomplishments.

As woodworkers, we tend to be hard markers with ourselves.
Always chasing what could have been better, spotting heinous flaws even as others lay out praise. Maybe next time I will keep those joints tight and tidy.
Uggh those specks in the finish. We can really beat ourselves up. It never ends...
If you have ever thought, 'if I built this over...I could do it better' then congratulations, it is not as bad as it may appear.
This is the foundation of shop progress. I am not sure how to get those lessons any other way.

So, what do you have in the hopper?
Terrific that you have just finished a project, but better yet... what do you have comin' down the pipe?
Robert Frost's famous 'The station' pointed out the value of the journey.
That's where the next lesson lies, that where the happy hides.

As our Creek is swelling up it's muddy banks, maybe we can offset the dilution of our family feel, by stirring the pot,
with that catalyst question which sends ya back lookin' for more lumber:
What are you working on next?

If you wanna play along, simply pass it on...
Ask others what they are working on next.
Maybe we can keep our growing community feeling more connected
and folksy? Alot of new faces and names go flying by... let's keep conversation flowing across the miles

I enjoy Creeker's Weekend accomplishments...this is just an idea to
spur on project posters to look forward and keep making progress.
Besides being fun, I really do wanna know:
What is sitting on your workbench right now?

Maybe I've just had too much coffee...
but I like your idea Gary, and feel I've struggled to stay on top of the increased flow of our Creek,
Maybe you are on to something?
Just a guy thinkin' out loud.

Chris Padilla
05-22-2008, 2:12 PM

Nice letter...care to provide a link to what Gary did/said? That would help me as I've no clue what you are referring to! :)

Walt Caza
05-22-2008, 2:34 PM
Ok Chris,
I really was just thinkin' out loud...
In response to my latest project posting, Gary got me all stirred up by
simply asking, what's next?

I like how that felt of community. I like how that sounded and got me to
thinkin' about my current project. I like that he was interested in my wood journey.
It made me wanna snap a few pics of my next work-in-progress, to share here.

It made me wanna pass it on, to others who have wrapped up a project.
No biggie... I just thought maybe others might like it too...

sign me,
tryin' not to drown (in this big Creek)

Greg Cole
05-22-2008, 2:40 PM
Agree it's an inspiration to see some of the very nicely executed "stuff" made my the community here.
We are all our worst critics but for me I use that as drive to be a better wood worker in general. Me being on my own case makes me think things through a little more before I dive in and do a little more research in the quest for knowledge. The real learning for me is in the doing and solving probems as they arise.
I'm in the middle of building a full size bed (mahogany & curly maple) for a guest room for my home as well as a king size bed (walnut & curly maple)for my BIL. My bench is literally covered with parts, pieces, boards and a stack of shop sawn veneer destined to become the above mentioned beds.
Then my next project is an absolute adamant stoppage of any & everything else until I build a real bench. I've up to my eyeballs with my current ply & 2X monster.......

I'd wager this is the linky to inception of the letter.

Cliff Rohrabacher
05-22-2008, 7:30 PM
Gary got me all stirred up by
simply asking, what's next?

Cheap date huh?

Jim Becker
05-22-2008, 8:03 PM
I'm certainly a believer in putting a new challenge in every project. I wasn't able to do that so much with the cabinetry for the addition due to the time frames, but there were still "firsts"...first vacuum veneering, first resawing of a very expensive piece of cherry crotch, etc. But as I move forward with "the list" of new things we need for the house, I certainly will try to get back to some new challenges whenever I can. It's become a balancing act, however, between time and need.

"What's next?" is indeed an excellent question we need to ask ourselves as well as each other!