View Full Version : Wood cracking???

robert hainstock
05-22-2008, 11:53 AM


89124There has been some discussion lately about wood cracking, and which woods are worst/best for not cracking. I say that all wood is in constant movement, and that we need to be aware of the fact, and take it into account when making our projects. The attached pictures are of a thrift shop marriage of three disimilar woods that I put together In 1973. all of the pieces were purchased at a thrift store in ImperialBeach, Ca. the base was a mahogany nut bowl, the post, a walnut turning 7"x20", and the top a redwood burl plate that somebody made. I'm just the guy who "married" them. A recent look shows several cracks in the plate, and glue joint movement in the pillar. I will try to repair the cracks, and clean up the glue joints, but today I read of an old violinist/instrument maker who said that the best sound doesn't occur until the wood has aged 160 years. I would add that many years ago I obtained a walnut counter top 1"x36"x 7'. I cannot remember all the wierd things that happened to that stuff after the saw got into it. This is not intended as a gloom and doom, but simply a headsup. Study the way old timey furniture makers put stuff together that still exists today and you will see marvelous joinery that uses very little in the way of glues. :D:D Bob