View Full Version : segmented box with ornamental work

Paul Engle
05-17-2008, 3:04 PM
Been a good week, #1 daughter graduated from nursing school, old college buddy gave the address at the comencement, and I finished 1,2,3 items on the OT on exsisting turned items, the oak platter not so much, milo nope but the box of maple, paduak,bubinga worked very well , pics are not so hot as batteries went dead. The box is not finished as it became a sea trial for test and evaluation when the lid poped along one joint while on the OT. The hf is maple burl 5" x 6" high 1 1/4 opening, walls at 3/8 inch hollowed by hand with HT bowl gouge, has 2 poly wipe on coats but I am thinking of adding some OT to it before it is finished and sold.The smaller platter/ plate is 8 inch birch jpeg 111 and I mis counted two of the rings :mad:..... oh well the learing curve goes on.

Steve Schlumpf
05-17-2008, 3:29 PM
Very nice work Paul! Looks like you have that OT thing down pretty good! Interesting design on the platter - gives it a 3D effect! I think the maple HF is outstanding - both in wood and form! I give you extra points for being able to turn that by hand - hope it didn't beat you up to much!

Again - very nice work and that HF is exceptional! Thanks for posting!

Bernie Weishapl
05-17-2008, 5:33 PM
Paul they are all beauties. I really like the detail you did. HF wood and form are great. Well done.

Paul Engle
05-19-2008, 5:29 PM
thanks guys,
And yeah hand turning a hf is a lot of .... work . I am glad the customer only wanted a smallish one. He does not want any OT on it so off to AZ it goes .Next project is a 4"x6 " East Indian Rosewood box , I'll be holdin my breath on this one as it will be covered with OT for the customer....I'll post pics if it turns out even fair.