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Karl Laustrup
05-16-2008, 7:00 AM
Friday May 16th, 2008


Here we are halfway through May already. The weather around here has been pretty good this week and the weekend is shaping up to be pretty nice I think. :)

Automotion http://wisdells.com/WisconsinDellsAttractions/automotion.cfm rolls into the "Dells" this weekend. Already seeing some really nice vintage cars as well as some hot rods. They're expecting upwards of 900 cars to participate. It also marks the beginning of the "busy" season in these parts. The motor homes and travel trailers are finding there way already. Saw 3 very high end motor homes pull in yesterday from Mississippi, so I guess not everybody is cutting back because of high fuel prices.

One of my projects this weekend is to get LOML's former wheels [PT Crusier] cleaned up so it can be sold. She has a new LTZ Impala and I need to sell the PT so I can get something for me, cause I don't care for the PT.

I'm also going to try and work on the shop clean up some more, if the foot will permit. Al, I hope your back is doing better so you can get down here and help. ;):D I'm getting a little done at a time. Just seems to be so much more going on all the time. Now it's golf season too. It's also getting warm enough to make a trip up to the north side of Lake Superior and check up on Tyler.

Traps are out for the moles. I haven't checked the traps in a couple of days, so I better do that and see if the range cats get a treat. I'm also debating whether to get some more barn lime and spread it again.

That's what's up in my neck of the woods. What's up in your neck of the woods? Whatever it might be I hope it is fun, productive and above all SAFE.


John Keeton
05-16-2008, 7:30 AM
Weather report says light rain this am - and Sunday pm, so will take advantage of the wet spots to do some continuing shop cleanup and organization. Going to take off work today and go help mother-in-law organize her new apartment. She has moved in to a facility that will permit her first choice on assisted living if/when that time comes. She is in her mid-80's, but doing fairly well.

Most important! - This weekend is the Grand Opening of the new Lexington KY Woodcraft store!! Friend and fellow creeker will go over for that Sat am.

We have had an excessively wet spring, so mowing is always on the weekend agenda. Need to get out the bushhog and do some cleanup - hay is about ready to be cut, but have someone that is going to mow for the hay. That is a real deal now for him because of the high price of hay. He should get 50 rolls at about $40/roll - Not Bad!! But, I don't have the right equipment or time, and need the place mowed. Works for both of us.

Hope everyone enjoys the wonderful weekend the good Lord has given us!!

Tyler Howell
05-16-2008, 8:17 AM
Hey Karl,
Sunny skys up here in the north for a change.
Headed to the cities for a little cross country travel.

Got some good shop time this week. Things are falling...... literally .....into place. Gotta unstack some of those boxes:o.
Have a great weekend

Mike SoRelle
05-16-2008, 8:24 AM
Well, let's see wife and daughter are going out of town with some other girls and moms to go to a panic at the disco concert (yay?) so hopefully I can make some sawdust this weekend in peace.

This weekend is also the 'official' grand opening of the new Hardwood Lumber and More store in Cincinnati, so I think I'll be going out there tomorrow to see if the vendors that are coming are going to offer any good deals, I also want to pick up some white oak to build a patio table with.

If any other creekers are planning on going there on Saturday, drop me a PM and maybe we can do lunch.

Other than that I think I'll just veg and catch up on all the tv shows I DVR that I haven't gotten to watch yet weather is supposed to be crappy, so might as well enjoy the time inside.

Glad to hear the foot is at least letting you do most of the things you want Karl.

Everyone have a great weekend!


Tony Cox
05-16-2008, 8:39 AM
Well the temps here in central Indiana are still about 10 or so degrees below normal. Should be in the mid-70's and we are staying in the mid 60's. Yesterday I think the high was 59. I hate when May is like this. It makes for a terrible track experience. I enjoy the track so much more when it's sunny and above 70.

Anyway, no big plans for the weekend. I am sure I will spend some time in the garage. I have lots of things I need to get wrapped up. I would like to start installing my cabinets this weekend. I will probably go to work for about 4 hours on Sat. and Sun., but that shouldn't interrupt me too much. I go early in the morning and get it knocked out.

Have a great weekend...


Steven Shelby
05-16-2008, 9:03 AM
Morning Karl!

Bad news is no shop time this weekend. Wife said she doesn't care if I work on her diningroom buffet/hutch/thingie as long as it's done by Thanksgiving. I really want to finish it, just having a tough time finding the time! If I could figure out a way to carve out two 5 hour sessions, I could get it in and out of the finishing room and in the house.

Other bad news is the weather is not great. We expect rain Friday night and part of Saturday, then nice the rest of Saturday and Sunday, mid-60's.

The good news is we are heading for the Cape after work tonight. We have a deal with one of the campgrounds there, where they allow you to leave your camper/RV for 7 weeks in the Spring and camp on the weekends. It allows me to leave my gas guzzling truck at home since I don't need to tow the camper. And we get to camp every weekend! So if yer lookin' for me, I'll be stokin' the campfire with one hand and holding a frosty beverage in the other hand.

Have a great weekend!

Matt Meiser
05-16-2008, 9:47 AM
Steve, sounds like fun. We do something similar in the fall at a campground in Indiana. The other nice thing is that you can stay a lot later on Sunday knowing you don't have tear down, tow home, unhook and unpack, etc. Or leave at the same time, but take the long way home.

The wife and daughter are going to a production of High School Musical tonight, then the daughter goes to the zoo with the Brownies/Dasies tomorrow and the wife has to work. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I picked up and old drill press at a garage sale yesterday, but might have already sold it. If not, I'll probably start tearing it down. And I need to prep, prime, and paint the bookshelf I posted earlier in the week. Saturday night is a friend's 40th birthday bash. Sunday--no plans other than I may be going with a friend to look at some more old iron he might buy.

Matt Woessner
05-16-2008, 10:45 AM
My father is receiving an honorary doctorate degree from MS&T formally UMR. So my wife and I are involved in all the functions. They put those things right in the middle of the day to where you can get anything done before or after. Be careful.

Lance Norris
05-16-2008, 11:34 AM
Im sitting here waiting on the mailman to bring me the Ryobi 18 volt miter saw I won on Ebay. I hope it comes today. I hate Parcel Post. It is so slow. After he comes, I have to go to my sister in laws house and install 3 smoke detectors, fit the kitchen drawer I had to rebuild for her and take a look at a piece of moulding that seperates her kitchen floor from her dining room floor. She injured her foot and is temporarily in a wheel chair, and cant get the wheels to roll over this moulding strip. I should probably take my sawzall with me. :D

Ken Fitzgerald
05-16-2008, 11:37 AM
I hope to spend more time in the shop working on cabinets.

Fred Voorhees
05-16-2008, 3:14 PM
Relaxing tonight 'cause I will be working 9 hours tomorrow and then quickly getting home, showering and it will be off to the nights dirt track races. That will wrap up my day. Sunday is still up in the air a bit. My younger brother is coming up tomorrow and staying through til Monday when he will be doing an apprenticeship interview for the same construction union that I have belonged to for over thirty years now. I just may use Sunday as another day or rest since besides nine hour Saturdays, I think we will begin nine hour weekdays also. Tough grind, but I could use the greenbacks for one reason or another. It seems like it is never a chore to get rid of that stuff.:D

Jim Becker
05-16-2008, 4:39 PM
More "musical rooms" for me now that the addition is completed. The rain is going to torpedo any outside work so I should make some more progress. I really do want to get back in the shop soon, however...

John Shuk
05-16-2008, 9:03 PM
I'm headed for San Diego Sat. morning for a week. I'm taking my middle son (5 yrs. old) to see my father. He is super excited to go to the zoo and Sea World. I'm looking forward to the La Jolla Cove and Balboa park. It should be a great trip. Keep the waters flowing while I'm gone.

Peter Quinn
05-16-2008, 9:44 PM
Hey all...back to the basement after a week at home with a sick baby. Baby is getting better quick so I can move forward on my concrete pour. i finished the excavation and compacting Tuesday, tomorrow I hope to nail in the expansion joints, lay the vapor barrier and time permitting set the wire mesh. Next week the crete goes in, then just a month to wait till I can move in the mortiser. I picked up a commission to make a "Standing desk" so I can use some time to work out the design and start some mock ups. And if I don't mow the lawn soon the neighbors may assume the house has been foreclosed, so thats in order too.

Woodchucks are back in my yard after a year away...a big one, a medium sized one and a few very small cute ones. Are wood chucks destructive?

John Cooper2
05-16-2008, 10:18 PM
Well, Got some sort of woodworking/shop time in the morning. A group of modle Railroader are coming over and we are going to see if we can get our Modular group off the ground. Basic idea is that everyone builds a 2' x 4' section then you hook them together to get a big layout. This is a new group so things are a little rough around the edges, but we will see what happens during the construction in the morning.

Sunday = work so nothing planned. most likly honey do's and that stuff.

All weekend I will be hitting myself on the head over a tool purchase. Looks like a great piece of machinery, but just a touch out of the budget at the moment. Want to pull the trigger, but the voice of reason is too loud at the moment.