View Full Version : Assembly Table - Laminate Top

Tommy Squires
05-13-2008, 3:03 PM
I plan to build an assembly table along the lines of David Marks or the Wood Whisperer. I'm OK with the details of the torsion box but am considering using a laminte top. My concern is will I create a surface that either cups or bows because one side is covered with laminate. Since this method is used for pre-made counter tops available at the BORG, I would think that this is not a problem. I plan to use MDF for my box. Anyone have experience with this?

05-13-2008, 4:15 PM
If you're using a torsion box I doubt it'll be a problem. I built an outfeed table that was laminated on one side only, but had a torsion box type frame (minus the bottom) under it and it has remained dead flat for 7 years or so. The fact that both DM and the WW put some form of finish on the top of theirs has pretty much the same effect as laminate. DM actually laminated his (with wood, but again, same effect).

Roland Chung
05-13-2008, 4:28 PM
I just sent you a pm that might be helpful.

I also wanted to say that I just finished mine and I used 1/4" of double sided maple melamine in place of the hardboard. When it gets beat up, I will replace it the same way that Marc will replace his hardboard.

The main reason that I wanted something other than hardboard is that I use waterbased finishes and I wanted to avoid surface contamination from my work coming into contact with the wax that has been suggested to help the hardboard shed glue.


Jim O'Dell
05-13-2008, 4:37 PM
The two torsion boxes I built for my multifunction setup are covered on the top, outside edge, and the two ends with laminate. The back and the bottom have about 3 coats of poly to seal them off. So far so good. I think the trick with torsion boxes and wanting all surfaces to have the same material on them is so that the 2 skins will react the exact same with humidity/temperature changes. I was warned not to use different materials on them when I was building mine, because they would react differently and cause the unit to cup and bow at different times of the year. Jim.

Alan Schaffter
05-13-2008, 11:28 PM
I used laminate on the top only. The torsion box design should take care of any tendency of the top to warp.
