View Full Version : tambour

jim sauterer
05-11-2008, 11:22 AM
anyone ever make their own tambour top or would you buy one.does anyone make router bit for top or just roundover bit.thanks any input appreciated.happy mothers day to all moms.

Tom Cowie
05-11-2008, 1:33 PM
Hi Jim

Here is a link for Amana I think this is what your looking for unless you want something more traditional.



Steve Mellott
05-11-2008, 1:49 PM

I made tambours for two rolltop desks approximately 10 years ago. I used a round-over bit to rout the edge of a board and then flipped the board over to rout the other side of the same edge to get the bullnosed effect. I then ripped the routed piece off with a table saw. I then attached all the routed slats to a piece of black canvas with glue and staples. The tambours are still working. Good luck with your project.


Matt Crew
05-11-2008, 2:03 PM
The Vol. 30/ #176 issue of Woodsmith Magazine has an article about the Ammana bits for tambours.

Dennis Puskar
05-11-2008, 10:05 PM
I have made 5 tambours using a round over bit and the gluing the strips to a heavy weight canvas. The oldest one was made 15 years ago and still works fine.


David DeCristoforo
05-11-2008, 11:04 PM
"...gluing the strips to a heavy weight canvas..."

Whenever I do this I always think that this is the reason the gods gave us the vacuum press. No better way, at least not that I have found....

Karl Brogger
05-12-2008, 9:05 AM
When I made tambours I used tape on the edges to hold all of the wood pieces together then sprayed them with contact cement, then sprayed the canvas while it was stretched over a piece of scrap.

Personally, I'd buy it ready to go.