View Full Version : Any substitute for......

Anton Smolka
04-05-2004, 7:13 PM
I just received the free pen-making DVD from PSI. It was ok, worth every bit of free :)

Anywho, during the sanding/finishing process, the gentleman used "EEE Ultra Shine". I thought the results looked pretty good so I was thinking about trying it...but I want something NOW :)

So, is there any substitute for "EEE Ultra shine" that I could get at say Lowes or Home Depot, Sears? The only other options I have is online ordering or if Woodcraft carries it, a 2 hr drive to the closest store.


Richard Allen
04-06-2004, 7:46 AM
You can use any number of finishes for pens. The one recomended is fine but no better or forse than a lot of other finishes. Use whatever finish you like and apply that finish in a way that is consistant with that finish. A wiping varnish works okay.

Go ahead and order some of the EEE Ultra Shine. In the meantime use whatever finish you like.


Anton Smolka
04-06-2004, 9:10 AM
You can use any number of finishes for pens. The one recomended is fine but no better or forse than a lot of other finishes. Use whatever finish you like and apply that finish in a way that is consistant with that finish. A wiping varnish works okay.

Go ahead and order some of the EEE Ultra Shine. In the meantime use whatever finish you like.


I'm using HUT for my final finish. It's a akin to shellawax. I was interested in the EEE because it acts like a fine sandpaper and is more suited for final prep. I'm gonna order some.

thanks for your reply!

Scott Greaves
04-06-2004, 2:58 PM
Hi Anton,

That EEE is an abrasive compound, somewhat akin to buffing with a wheel charged with Tripoli (EEE, get it?). It is a really nice product, and you won't be sad you bought it. But, satisfactory results can be had in other ways, such as sanding to a higher grit. I sand to 600 grit, then switch to Micro Mesh, and sand to 12,000! A friend of mine sands to 2000 grit with sandpaper he buys at WalMart, and does just fine. The key to adequate surface preparation is to eliminate any visible scratch marks from sanding. The EEE is a good way to do this, but certainly not the only way. I don't know of an equivelant product that might be available locally, but you might try asking at an auto parts store about some of their abrasive compounds. Good Luck!


BTW, if you want a penturning video that is worth considerably more than free (but costs more too!), check out the video by Bill Baumbeck at Arisonasilhouette.com