View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments...PIC...

Dennis Peacock
04-05-2004, 11:32 AM
Well....another beautiful weekend has come and gone. I sure did enjoy it.!! :D

I spent some of Saturday with the oldest son and I went and grabbed up some of my newest turning stock...as you see below.

Had to run to the feed store to get some more cracked corn since out annual visitors keep growning in numbers. At first we started out with two ducks (mallards) and now we have as many as 15 at any one time. There is a pond just behind the back of my property and they "walk" over to eat at least twice a day. I really do enjoy the wild animals. I also have some Fox Squirrels that love to feed here and a few Cotton-Tail Rabbits.........

Turned a few Freedom Pens this weekend and got ALL of the Adirondack Chairs assembled and ready for staining and now I'm off work this week so I expect to have the tables and stools that will go along with the Adirondack chairs completed this week. I have 11 more Freedom Pens to turn and then I will be OUT of Freedom Pen kits. We will get the pen tubes stuffed and I will ship all the pens I have turned in round #2 this week.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all..!!!!!!

Chris Padilla
04-05-2004, 12:03 PM
I knew Saturday would be spent digging up the yard to reroute/replace sprinklers/bubblers and general yardwork BUT what I didn't expect was it take ALL weekend and I'm still not done! :( This will mark the third weekend in a row of absolutely no WW'ing...I'm going mental! :eek:

For some strange reason, whoever put the PVC down for a certain circuit of sprinklers decided to bury the damn thing 18" in the ground.... :mad: I've never seen a sprinkler head with 3 of those fairly flexible cut-to-size extension pipes connected to it and the tee buried near China. :rolleyes:

So after digging up TWO(!) more of these China sprinkler heads (for more exploration work), I decided to tap off one of them and run all new line for the rest of the circuit buried at a more respectable depth of 6 or so inches.

I still cannot figure out why someone would bury sprinkler pipe 18" in the ground...in California...where it never gets below 40 F in the winter. This line is buried deeper than the main water feed into the house! On top of that, it was all Schedule 120 line...the really thin crap that breaks if you look at funny (or hit it with a shovel or landsacper's axe once). It also doesn't cut worth a darn since it is so flexible. :(

Any of you have trouble with animals chewing on your sprinklers or water-feeding lines? The squirrels here are mad and will chew through anything if they can smell water in it. I had many holes and splits in various portions of my sprinkler system. I am in the process of beefing up all water feeding lines--i.e. I am bringing as much Schedule 40 PVC to the "end of the line" as possible. It takes them longer to pierce Sch40.

However, I am going to rig up a water dish off the sprinkler line for the little vermin. So far, in summer's past, this appears to keep them from chewing on the lines.

Well, with Daylight Savings time over, I should now have evening light to work in the yard after work. I dearly want to get this all done before the next weekend. I can't imagine a solid month of month of no WW'ing! My EC isn't making itself for some reason! :p

Jim Becker
04-05-2004, 12:18 PM
Friday night I took some time to straighten up and put away all the turning blanks I processed the weekend before. Saturday morning, I met Dominic Greco "along the road" to pick up more of that cherry tree he noticed down the weekend before. We loaded several very nice pieces into my truck and had a nice chat besides. On the way home, I dropped off some of that cherry and some ash I had picked up on Friday to a turning friend, Jill Biros. She earns her living from turning and I try to donate stock every once in awhile to her efforts.

Once at home, I unloaded the remaining wood and then spent a couple hours on the tractor re-grading the area by the road where the truck accident occured. ('Just found out a few minutes ago that the insurance information given to the police is bogus...'lapsed late last year. Sheesh!) It was too muddy to "fine tune", but I was able to knock the slope down a little for easier and safer mowing once things are put back together. The rest of the day was spent in the shop doing a little turning; finishing up the spalted bowl shown in another thread and turning a basic bowl from a nice piece of ash I got from Alan Turner.

Sunday was spent in the shop, after a "late start" due to the time change, applying finishes to the aformentioned turnings and in the house rearranging our master bedroom a little. Spring cleaning, as it were...:rolleyes:

Ken Fitzgerald
04-05-2004, 12:34 PM
Spent Saturday traveling back from San Antonio. Enjoyed the visit with yongest son and spouse but was good to get back home. Didn't make it to Austin to visit Minimax but did manage to get to several SERIOUS woodworking tools outlets in the SA area. Jees......it was like coming out of the dark ages.......converting from telephone dial up ISP to cable modem service! Saw my first Jet.....Icra......Shopfox......large Delta tools........Vega....many other brands that my old memory is forgetting right now. Anybody there have experience with the JET 18" bandsaw? I was willing to buy just about any CHEAP bandsaw until I crawled over that 18" JET......Now.....after the shops built I think I will wait on the b/s purchase until the budget will allow purchasing the Jet or something of equal quality. Luckily my wife and daughter-in-law weren't with us so they didn't witness the mess they had to mop up from my drooling over the ww tools! Yesterday I went to BOB and bought a new Milwaukee reciprocating saw in preparation for installing a new 48" door in my storage room. Then maybe I can get my new t/s out, recheck the alignments and seriously create some sawdust. Today.....order 48" door......contact contractor to remove large english walnut tree from backyard......contact contractor to see if estimate for new w/w shop is ready........this evening.....miss the Final NCAA bb game while replacing a tube on a CT scanner. It's Monday......hit the ground running!

John Miliunas
04-05-2004, 12:37 PM
Spent a little time Friday trying to see if I could get a spalted Maple chunk to turn properly. It did. Turned right into firewood! :rolleyes: Checked out an auction down the road on Sat. Did score about 260 brd/ft of Cherry. Pretty nice stuff, though I still think I paid too much for it being at an auction and all. The bulk of Sat. went to taking down and hanging new closet doors in daughter's room and finishing up/attaching the top for her study area. Did a bit of cleaning in the shop. (More like major shoveling!). Got parts cut up/glued for older daughter's cutting board. Watched a movie with daughter in the evening, while LOML watched "Trading Spaces". Sunday, did a bit more picking up in the shop and managed to get some temporary tool-holder setup near the Vega, so I could easily grab/put away lathe chisels, centers, etc... Spent a few pleasant hours with visiting Creek'r, Tyler. :D Helped LOML on a couple minor chores in the house. Cut, sized and drilled enough pen blanks for my next commitment. All in all, a pleasant and productive weekend, though it WAS way too short! Have a great week, all! Work safe! :cool:

Dave Anderson NH
04-05-2004, 1:26 PM
Our guild's period furniture subgroup had a meeting at the shop of Allan Breed. Allan is the guy who did the reproduction of the Brown Chippendale secretary which brought 12 million bucks a few years ago at auction. He also taught a class over most of a year to a bunch of guys in DC who wanted reproductions of it. Al did a great slide show did his famous 1 hour claw and ball foot demo. Truly a great way to spend a Saturday.

Yesterday I prepped 2 dozen marking knife handle blanks out of East Indian Rosewood and turned about half a dozen of the blanks. Unfortunately I ended up doing some clothes shopping to keep Sue off my back about "going to work looking like a bum".

PREGLOAT Follows: I'm looking forward to the coming weekend when I build a Shepherd Tool Chariot plane in a class sponsored by our guild. Doug and Ben are going to be my house guests for 2 nites and I expect we'll have a pretty nice time.

Jim Hill 2
04-05-2004, 1:39 PM
Spent about 12 hours finishing the drawers and getting them installed this weekend. May get the top installed tonight and a last coat of poly tomorrow. Should have this in the living room later this week. This will be one project down, 34 more to go! :D Man I love this hobby. :cool:

Mark Bachler
04-05-2004, 2:12 PM
Went to the wood working show in St. Paul Minn. Spent too much money. Stayed over night at our daughter's place. Came home Sunday & started on 3 small cabinets for a friend.

D.McDonnel "Mac"
04-05-2004, 2:33 PM
Well my weekend was 7 days long. While the wife and kids visited my Father in law I stayed home (she thought I had stuff to do at work but I was secretly going to remodel the bathroom she had been begging to have done before my daughters wedding in June). I spent 10 to 14 hours every day and still did not get it done for their homecomming suprise. As with all projects like this the scope expanded beyond what I had planned by double. What was going to be a put up beadboard and paint turned into a replumbing, new floor, put up beadboard/new trim and paint. Oh well the jobs about done now but darn I wanted it to be like those suprise remodel TV shows when she walked in Friday.

The woodworking/fun part was the new trim and beadboard. The beadboard was the real 3" strip kind (not the groove in plywood kind) Doug Fir leftover from another job. I milled all the trim up out of poplar and pine since it was going to be painted.

Now maybe I can get back to turning some Freedom Pens.


Scott Coffelt
04-05-2004, 4:16 PM
Well, watched some basketball (great games by the way), NASCAR (boring then exciting), cleaned out the small landscaping pond in the yard. Took me two days to get that crappy rotten leave smell off the hands. Cut down the dead top half off one of the River Birch trees (15 ft up there).... I can call it WWing since I had to break out the Tiger Saw. My electric chain saw wouldn't start.

Did get into the shop and cleaned. I was also able to get some work on a night stand. Finished the edging for the Maple Ply, Walnut accent piece, Birdseye Maple drawer, back attached and a top built. Now this is were it went south. :( My plans (that I drew up) were wrong. I thought the top was the same dimension as the base, but in reality (if I would have only went up stairs and looked first at the matching dresser) was it was suppose to be 1/2" bigger on all sides. :rolleyes: Now, the million dollar question is do I just leave it, since it has been glued on and hope nobody but me knows or break it loose and have to completely redo the top and the walnut trim (which insets back about 1/4" and is sandwiched between the top and carcass. Still have to build the Walnut leg assembly.

Cut several pieces of glass for our fused glass tile project. And finally, enjoyed the "Prom" thing for my daughter. She sure looked pretty, grown up too, warned her boyfriend about trying to find out what's under that pretty dress. Tough being a dad with a teenage daughter.

Alan Turner
04-05-2004, 5:29 PM
Up early Sat. morning, and spent a bunch of time "figuring." I have 3 new machines arriving in a couple of weeks, and a small shop to begin with. The light went on (a true rarity), and I figured out how to revamp my shop storage to elimiate things that hold things without taking up any floor space, and without discarding anything of consequence. On the drawing board is a drawer unit for under my back workbench, and a set of drawers for an existing cabinet (total: 14 drawers, mostly small; two large), and a revamped set of shelves, and two new wall cabinets, to replace a small one, in an out of the way place. Can't wait to get at it. The doors for the new wall cabinets will be my test drive on the new slot mortiser.
Also spent a bit of time on Sat. at the new place selling a bit of wood and such, organizing, and met up with some very nice SMC'ers.
Arriving shortly are a Griggio slot mortiser; a PM shaper Mod. 26, and a PM 14" bandsaw, which I will use for scrolling only. Can't wait!


Rob Littleton
04-05-2004, 5:40 PM
finished packing and moved over to the inlaws for a short time.

I bought the lathe too (previous gloat)

Cant wait to get my own house and my own shop back.

Should be back into it in a couple of months.

Terry Quiram
04-05-2004, 8:33 PM
I finally finished the tables for my friends tavern and will deliver the last four tomorrow after work. A total of 12 tables, each 34" sq. Oak ply dropped into a 6/4 sq rabbited frame. Underside corners braced with 12" triangle glued to the bottom of the table and screwed into the frame. The Mahogany inlay band was to hide a poor fit between the ply and frame.

Bart Leetch
04-05-2004, 9:19 PM
The LOML & I took Thursday & Friday off as Friday was our 21 anniversary We just spent time together & went to breakfast & ran around & looked the country over stopped & had ice cream & later that evening went out for dinner. Saturday I went to work on our 1990 Lumina & removed the throttle body off of the intake so I could get down to the oil pump drive & remove it. It is the same place Chevy has always put it driven off of the cam shaft but there is no distributer on top of it, just the shaft with a gear & the hex tail shaft to go down into the top of the oil pump. The seal for the oil pump drive was leaking I replaced the seal no more leak.

Aaron Koehl
04-06-2004, 8:38 AM
Nice- is he planning on protecting it with anything, like an acrylic sheet or the poured acrylic?


Byron Trantham
04-06-2004, 5:23 PM
Yard work, yard work, yard work! :mad:

Got a little more done on the wife's sewing room. Another few more hours of painting and preping and we start on all the melamine work. Tons of it!

Chris Padilla
04-06-2004, 5:58 PM

I hear you...I'm on 3 solid weekends of no ww'ing! I'm dying! :)

04-06-2004, 10:30 PM
You wimps need to try an entire year. The end is in sight though. Maybe I'll be able to do some actual woodworking next month.
