View Full Version : heres a flower, what do you think?

curtis rosche
05-05-2008, 5:42 PM
here a flower, my stepdad turned this peice, i just used it to test the dye. i am making one right now thats a little bigger out of maple, for a german exchange student who is going back june first. i thought the cup looked like a flower, and when my dad came back from german for work, he showed me the huge tulip feilds over there. that gave me the idea to make a red tulip, and i threw the rings in there because she was facinated by them when i first showed them to her a couple months ago. so, how do you think the colors are? does it look like a flower?, or did i get a little to much waterlox today?

curtis rosche
05-05-2008, 5:57 PM
when you dye a peice, do you dye and then sand, or sand and then dye?

curtis rosche
05-05-2008, 7:04 PM
no one likes this?

Nancy Laird
05-05-2008, 7:06 PM
Curtis, I LIKE it.

Tom Sontag
05-05-2008, 7:08 PM
Sorry, but it does not look very flower-like to me. Tulips have petals and rounder bottoms. And leaves, not rings.

That was the realistic eye talking. It does not look like a real flower. But ever since Picasso (actually, earlier), you can call any abstraction of an idea anything you want. Just make something relevant or beautiful or both and you will have a nice gift.

If you use water with your dye, you will have to sand afterwards. If you use DNA, not so much.

Bruce Pennell
05-05-2008, 7:29 PM
Curtis looks great I'm sure she will treasure it. Very nice of you to do for her.

charlie knighton
05-05-2008, 7:30 PM
you have to start somewhere, you have dyed a form, its a good start, you might want to look at the aaw board in the gallery under Bill Tilson, he has some stuff , just keep experimenting and you will move up the learning curve, when you look back in a couple of years you will better understand the progess you have made :D

Allen Neighbors
05-05-2008, 7:57 PM
Curtis, I think the top of it does look like a flower. I stood in the tulip fields in Holland. I think it is a good representation of a tulip. I like the color of the top. The rings don't look like leaves, though, nor do I think you intended for them to. It'll make a nice piece of Americana for her to take back with her. The rings add to it's uniqueness (sp). Plus, she could even drink out of it... I think.... :)

Ben Gastfriend
05-05-2008, 8:01 PM
Are you going to put some type of finish on there? Looks kinda flat.

Anyway, It looks cool to me. I usually sand to 400, dye, remove the excess dye with EEE. Then let it cure and finish.

curtis rosche
05-05-2008, 8:04 PM
yes, those crazy drinking germans, you know how they are ;) the rings arent supposed to be leaves, just a neat thing for people who dont turn and quicker than making leaves with a dremel

curtis rosche
05-05-2008, 8:37 PM
theres no finish on it and its only sanded to 100 or so

Allen Neighbors
05-05-2008, 9:02 PM
Curtis, If it were mine, I'd wet sand it after the dye cures, starting with 180 and go all the way through 600, with Danish Oil. It'll make a wonderful patina-like finish.
Oh yeah, then I'd photo it, and post the pic. :D

Bernie Weishapl
05-05-2008, 10:20 PM
Curtis I would sand starting at 220 if it is fairly smooth now and then either a gloss poly or waterlox. I like the tulip top.

curtis rosche
05-06-2008, 7:28 AM
well i should be done with mine on wensday

Gary Herrmann
05-06-2008, 8:13 AM
Pretty sure this is right. When you give it to her say: Diese Blume ist fur dich - This flower is for you.

But maybe you already knew that. Nice job.

Allen Neighbors
05-06-2008, 2:13 PM
Gary, mit der Bleischtift auch, Sie sprechen sere gute Deutsch!! :D

Gary Herrmann
05-06-2008, 2:31 PM
Allen, es tut mir leid, aber mein Deutsch ist schrecklich. Waay out of practice...

05-06-2008, 4:19 PM
Guys, this is a family forum, and more talk like that will not be permitted!:D

curtis rosche
05-07-2008, 7:23 AM
nice german, it was kinda funny, when she got here, oone of the days we had off, she went to an amish school, the amish kids couldnt beleive there was someone else who spoke german and that there was a whloe country that spoke it