View Full Version : wow what a difference a year makes

Chris Rolke
04-03-2004, 9:55 PM
my first bowl 4/7/03


todays work 4/3/04



that is 1 heck of a difference if i do say so myself

btw finished with mineral oil and beeswax buffed with carnuba

John Miliunas
04-03-2004, 10:54 PM
Yeah, quite the transformation in a year, ain't it?! Nice job on the Walnut! Quite frankly, your 1st attempt weren't really at all shabby, either! Kinda' funny in a way, 'cuz I've got a Walnut bowl of similar design sitting in a semi-completed state, which I just did a couple evenings ago. Still need to "tweak" it and finish sanding/oil. Anyhow, keep up the great work, only next time, don't make us wait a year in between! :cool: