View Full Version : Double Dovetail - Boxtail (Incra LS ???)

Matt Ocel
05-03-2008, 11:58 AM
I want to start dabbling in box building and am looking forward to making boxtail, double dovetail etc. joinery.

Is the Incra LS super system the way to go??

I have been reading up on it and just wondering if it is everything they say it is?

I'm ready to pull the trigger, so I thought I'd throw it out here and see what you guy's (and gal's) have to say.

Mark Valsi
05-03-2008, 1:35 PM
I like mine alot !!

very versatile for all kinds of cuts

Bill Wyko
05-03-2008, 2:19 PM
Here you go, a little example of the incra at work.:D There's a few things you can do to get great results they don't tell you. PM me and I'll give you a few tips to get you started.

Will Blick
05-03-2008, 2:25 PM
> There's a few things you can do to get great results they don't tell you. PM me and I'll give you a few tips to get you started.

Ahhhhh... Bill..... no secrets here, share with us all! ;-) Thanks!!

Jim O'Dell
05-03-2008, 2:30 PM
I agree with Will, make a tutorial Bill. I'm sure many of us would gain some knowledge. And you are right. One thing I've found so far, is if you want to do through dovetails in 1/2" material, the bit you need is not in any of the kits sold for the Incra unit. Half blinds, yes, but not the through type. So come on, you don't have anything else to do with your weekend except write this tutorial for us, do you??? :rolleyes: :D:D Jim.

PS: Matt, don't miss that 273 and change deal Amazon has on the 25" Incra LS Super System. Not likely you'll find a new one at that price!! And go through the Amazon links here at SMC so the Creek gets a cut!!

Christopher Kanda
05-03-2008, 4:34 PM
How about some tips guys! I have not had time to try out my incra system yet and am a bit anxious. They make it sound easy but there have to be some tips to make the learning curve faster. A video tutorial would be great.

Matt Ocel
05-03-2008, 5:14 PM
Bill -
Who do you think inspired me?

Will -
When I get mine, I'll take you up on that offer.

Jim -
I'll check out that deal on Amazon.

Any of you guys using Incra's offset router table top? I was thinkin what the heck, as long as I'm gettin the super system, I might as well pick that up 2.

Thanks Guys,

Gotta go - there's flowers to plant!

Bill Wyko
05-03-2008, 5:22 PM
No problem. The piece you use to make your decorative stripe, they tell you to cut them individually and glue it to the face or side then cut it to the proper thickness. I take the whole piece and drum sand it to dimention, then I cut it up and glue it to the other pieces. Thats how I was able to make those drawers so uniform. If you don't understand I'll try to take pics this weekend to explain it. As most of you incra users already know, it is essential that you always reference your material to the fence even when you have to do a pull cut. Please be very careful when doing that cut. I use feather boards for that step. also keep in mind, highten to tighten, lower to loosen your dovetail cuts. Something else to watch is your fence needs to be square to your table. The incra comes with little teflon shims to set up your fence square. When you clamp your material to your guide it is more important that your material is flat to the table just before it hits the bit. If it raises up even in the slightest it will make a terrible joint. I'll be doing some drawers soon for my LOMLs jewelry box soon so I'll document the job. Don't get discouraged if they don't come out right the first time let me know what the results were and I'll help you overcome the problem. Glad to help if I can. Your homework for this weekend is to make some double, double box joints. (There easier than the double dove tails);) BTW the Amana bits are very nice for Incra stuff also freud bits work well. I expect pics next week. There will be a test on friday.:DJK

Joe Spear
05-03-2008, 5:30 PM
You can also do double dovetails and double box joints with the Porter Cable Omnijig and 4612.

Bill Wyko
05-03-2008, 5:31 PM
If you don't have a drum sander you could use a bandsaw and sand the blade marks off, the important thing is to maintain parallel from all 4 corners and an even thickness. Do you all have the BIG book that gives you instructions? If so, I'll tell you which steps to change in the diagrams when I get home tonight.

Matt Ocel
05-03-2008, 5:53 PM
Jim -

Thanks for the tip! I just bought it, I should be makin saw dust by Wed.

MMMMMMMM double dovetails!!!!!!

Now I gotta read Bill's tips.

jason lambert
05-03-2008, 6:23 PM
I love mind, not the best in a production shop but for a hobbiest or a pro it is the way to go.

Bill Wyko
05-03-2008, 6:24 PM
We'll be expecting a nice gloat with pictures from you asap.:D You'll love that bad boy.