View Full Version : Ken

Mark Mandell
05-02-2008, 2:11 PM
Just posted on Wood Central that Ken Salisbury passed away yesterday. Knew him from the Pond and he was one of the people who got me into turning.

The Old Rebel will be missed

Chris Padilla
05-02-2008, 2:21 PM
There is a thread going right now on the GWW&PT forum...please add to it if you like.

Glenn Hodges
05-02-2008, 4:23 PM
I never met him, but felt I knew him by reading his posts over the years. I hate to hear about it, and sorry for the family loosing such a fine person.

Bernie Weishapl
05-02-2008, 4:26 PM
Ken was a fine gentleman and had helped me when I first got into turning. He will be missed. My prayers are with his family.