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Karl Laustrup
05-02-2008, 7:55 AM
Friday May 2nd, 2008


Beginning the 5th month of 2008 already. Time really flies.

Weather is not the greatest up this way. It's been cool and today T-storms and rain. At least the cooler weather has kept the grass from going crazy. I just got the JD fixed, ignition switch, so I can get the snow thrower off and the mower deck on. I'll have to mow in the next few days.

I've been able to get the basement squared away for a new toyl. Pics etc. once it's all set up. Next is the shop so I can get busy on those projects that have been piling up.

Foot is better. I can go longer walking or standing before the heel starts hurting. Then, I just have to get off it for a short time before it feels better again. I'm really looking forward to it being all better.

I've got a friend coming over to help with some wiring for the new toyl this weekend and finish setting up the toyl. I've got lights to put up yet also. So I'll be pretty busy this weekend, rain or shine, at least as long as the foot holds out. I'll be watching the race on Sunday. Beatin and bangin from Richmond. :D

What's up in your neck of the woods? Some fun, games, work, play? Maybe take in a Cinco de Mayo celebration? Sit back and have a margarita?

Whatever it may be I hope it's enjoyable and above all SAFE.


Al Willits
05-02-2008, 8:26 AM
Still suffering from the back injury, but getting well enough to have gotten out last night with beasty to hit the local Williams Sonoma store to look at chef's knifes for me.

Had the gal there convince Beasty we needed a 13" brazier and 12" fry pan by Allclad, she stays home next time.. :)
Any way...did manage to get over to the knife's and picked up a nice Wusthof Ikon Classic 8" chef knife.
With the back still sore, fine tuning that may be all I'll be doing this weekend, maybe get out and look at the TV stand...maybe a little sanding too...maybe depending on how I feel.

Weather sucks here too, so don't feel to bad about not being able to get the boat out for a little fishing, but hopefully next weekend.

Good to hear your getting better Karl.


Matt Meiser
05-02-2008, 8:29 AM
I need to finish up setting up my new saw. All the parts for the wiring are here now so I can do that and I still need to take care of dust collection and final adjustment. Sunday there is a flea market nearby that has traditionally been a good source of tools from what I've heard so I plan to check that out. Then hopefully I'll get started on the bookshelf I'm building for my mom.

The storms are supposed to be hear any time now and last through tomorrow night. I skipped my ww club's Galoot meeting last night to get the lawn mowed. I don't think it could have waited until Sunday.

Nancy Laird
05-02-2008, 8:38 AM
I'll be doing my turning demo today and Saturday and the spring fling sale at WWS. Only this time it's not the WoodTek. It's the VS mini from another company which shall remain nameless at this point - but there go my "root for SCTW" privileges on here---if you get my drift!!!!

Should be fun!

Sunday will be a day to recuperate!! I'll need it after two days of standing on my feet.

Jim O'Dell
05-02-2008, 9:08 AM
It's going to be beautiful here!! Low to mid 70's Sat. and Sun., and no clouds. And I have to work Sat 1/2 day.:( I need to repair the sidewalk at the shop where I broke it out to get the water to drain a year ago New Years Eve. Might try to install the Biese fence on the TS-3612. I need that done. But probably no actual woodworking. Jim.

Jim Becker
05-02-2008, 9:24 AM
Al...check out the Global all stainless knives. I absolutely LOVE them...

Well, Karl, I'll be back working on Nastia's bedroom (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=82989). I got the wall built last weekend including electrical and wiring and started the mud work during the week when I had a few minutes. I should have the mud finished by sometime late on Saturday and will get it trimmed out and start the painting on Sunday. She "should" be able to move in next weekend...and will be doing the "dance of joy" accordingly. I'll also be taking down a little more of the old trim in the great room on Sunday as the refinished floor will be dry by then...last coat goes on today...and the painters start in that room on Monday. (It's a nearly two story tall room and not something I'm willing to paint myself, so the same pros who did the addition will be working in there. Ching...ching...but worth it)

In my free time when not waiting for things to dry, I'm going to try and get the shop cleaned up a little as it's a disaster area right now, and get the glass in the doors for the wet bar cabinet. I'll also try to get the new 52" LCD up and running in the new multi-purpose room so the "old" 30" LCD can move to the new master bedroom. Oy...it's like moving again!

Craig McCormick
05-02-2008, 9:28 AM
Greetings all,

The electrician finally showed up last night and installed a 100 amp sub panel in my shop so I finally have power! I will add a few outlets and a lighting circuit over the weekend. You can check out our house/shop project here:

I also need to get one of our vintage travel trailers ready for ebay. I'll paint a new turquoise stripe on the side and replace one or two water damaged birch panels on the interior.

Jill had her last chemo yesterday! YEA!!!! I will have to keep pretty quiet as she sleeps through the weekend.

Have fun,

Craig McCormick

Tyler Howell
05-02-2008, 9:35 AM
Karl & Al,
Get better.
Headed back to the Minniapple to check on the house, see the family do a little packing and shopping.
The real reason is to attend a trackor repair/maintenance class 1/2 way in Duluth so I thought I'd keep on going.

Spent sometime at my new volunteer gig, meeting some of the local and prepping for a project.

Also got to observe some boat building classes in process. Hope to attend next year.

Have a safe weekend.

Dave Burris
05-02-2008, 9:52 AM
Not much WW going on here. Doing a little bit of eletrical work on the house. My Dad and I are moving the house over to 3ph and a new 200 amp sub panel. That will eat up most of the day. Think I will let the old man do the work and I will just hand him the tools. This is one of those jobs that needs to be done right the first time!

Also.. Karl I hate for you to miss the race this weekend. Check your listings but I think it is set for Saturday night on Fox.

JohnT Fitzgerald
05-02-2008, 9:53 AM
probably nothing in the shop - need to get out in the yard and do some cleaning/gardening and make the place look respectable.

Mike Monroe
05-02-2008, 11:26 AM
My week-end schedule; cut firewood tomorroe and burn down an old farmhouse on Sun.

Fred Haydon
05-02-2008, 12:05 PM
Since I spent my evenings this week working on the yard, I might be able to get away from that this weekend.

Tonight I go to pick up my eldest from college for the summer. The trip is about 1 1/2 hours one way. Looking forward to her being home for a while, her school years was rough and we can all use a little time off.

Tomorrow, will be spent in and around the shop and Sunday will be spent falling trees for next winters heating saeson.


Al Willits
05-02-2008, 12:10 PM
Jim, I looked at them, Shun and a half dozen others, the G2 looked like a very nice knife, but I like the way the Ikon feels, I didn't care for the straight handled design of the Global.
The Ikon just fit nice, but your right, they are nice..so was that $400 Shun, but even that didn't feel quite right...plus the "LOOK" I got when I mentioned the price..:)

Check the Ikon Classic out next time your out, it has the tapered Bolster which the other German knifes didn't have.

Tyler, you get down this way give a call, we'll hobble over for a burger or something, Lori wants to get them spring rolls again....:)

Al...who with a new sharp kinfe is buying more band aids. :)

Shawn Honeychurch
05-02-2008, 12:52 PM
Vacation week:

Saturday = Pickup new sliding patio door for the bedroom

Sunday = Pickup 1955 DeWalt MBF RAS.

Monday = Install new sliding patio door in bedroom

Tuesday and Wednesday = Rebuild front wall of workshop and install new door

Thursday = Build stand for MBF

Friday = Sleep In

Rick Hubbard
05-02-2008, 12:57 PM
Well, what I will probably be doing is cleaning up THIS out of my backyard(most of it is a beaver lodge that that floated in from a little stream up the way).

05-02-2008, 2:52 PM
im gonna finish setting up the new sawstop and the new jet planer and dial 'em both in. I cant wait to dim the neighbors lights with those machines!!!

reorganizing the shop to make room for them is also on my Saturday to do list.


John Lucas
05-02-2008, 3:06 PM
Well I am back to the shop and feeling great (half the day). Elena and I started review of new PC Omnijig. I will spend a few hours more on it and then look at what's required to install a new router table top from Woodpeckers.
For those counting, I just uploaded May 1 update to website... http://www.woodshopdemos.com/

John Keeton
05-02-2008, 3:54 PM
Boy, am I disappointed in you guys!! Not one mention of the Derby! Are you all a bunch on ingrates?? It's UnAmerican to not watch the Run for the Roses - or is that just in Kentucky!?!

Barry Nelson
05-03-2008, 12:00 AM
Started our annual migration north,to the warmth of the tropics,only having to return for my wife to have a knee replacement in the near future, end June early July (first of both!)
Been reading Home Depot is closing five stores and laying off 1500 people,not good news, perhaps recession is starting to bite?:(

Harley Reasons
05-03-2008, 8:50 AM
Whew, where do I start? Trying to work more on the den remodel project, have drywall finished and two coats of primer on it. Have to go buy crown to start painting it. Also, continuing work on my TS base addition. I have the Delta standard mobile base under my TS and when I added the Bessy fence needed support for the legs. Got the extension welded up and need to drill bolt holes to attach, then prime and paint (pictures on this project will be in a separate thread). Also, have to work 4pm to 10 pm tonight and 11 - 7 on Sun at the HD BORG.

Dennis Peacock
05-03-2008, 10:30 AM
Not much here Karl....just dodging tornados and such here and trying to get more work done at the day job. Gearing up for a short season of cutting firewood and also having to get my home A/C unit worked on before summer sets in.

Have a great weekend!!!! :)