View Full Version : Stacking Clamp System

05-01-2008, 9:58 PM
Anyone tried the R&R Stacking Clamp System?

Looks interesting, but like EVERYTHING, it is pricey.

On the up side, it is very frugal with space. They operate independently, so you can pull dry pieces out and put a fresh one in without having to take anything apart. Here's a pic:


Oh, the url is: http://www.rrclamp.com/

richard poitras
05-01-2008, 10:09 PM
One thing to think about with that system is glue dripping down on the piece below it, but I guess you could put paper or something in-between them?

Michael Weber
05-02-2008, 1:40 PM
I had looked at those when I was building my kitchen cabinet doors but decided for one job it wouldn't be a wise investment. But for someone who builds a lot of doors and panels it seems reasonable. Especially someone who isn't already loaded up with clamps. The individual clamp prices look pretty competitive.