View Full Version : Booklice (psocids) in Workshop

Philip Florio
04-29-2008, 9:34 AM

I have my workshop in the garage. Last summer with the heat and humidity I noticed very small {pin head size, beige to translucent} bugs crawling all over my workbench and lumber. These are called book/paper lice http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2080.html

During the cold season they disappear. I used moth balls but that didn't seem to help. Lowering the humidity isn't an option being in the garage.

I have asked an exterminator and also at a local Woodcraft store as to how to prevent these pest. No one seems to know how to or even what they are.

Maybe some one in this forum has had this problem with these pest and can recommend a solution.


Terry Browne
05-01-2008, 12:48 PM
If the exterminator doesn't know, then I'm stumped too. Are these critters destructive? The name sounds like the might like to eat paper or even sawdust. Possibly a good cleaning with then keeping dust and debris to a minimum would help.

David G Baker
05-01-2008, 3:04 PM
Raid Fumigator delayed fogging action dry fog will kill everything in your shop. I am a firm believer in this product and have been using it for years. I use it once or twice a year in two of my out buildings. Depending on your square footage you may have to use two of the containers. They come with three in a box.

Matt Woessner
05-01-2008, 5:35 PM
These sounds like the same bugs we call dust bugs. I used to work at an elevator in Illinois and when the warm weather hit these little things were crawling everywhere. They ate the grain dust off the walls and floors. They actually really helped to clean the elevator. I am with you in not wanting them in my shop. I would agree that a fumigation will get rid of them. I doubt that they would harm any wood products. Good luck.

Frank Guerin
05-01-2008, 6:53 PM
I have been living with these things forever. They do love paper. Any and all paper products are fair game but as far as being destructive to anything else I have never found that to be true.

Philip Florio
05-05-2008, 2:38 PM
Thanks David,

When using Raid, do you cover up things in your shop, for example the cast iron tables?


Chris Padilla
05-05-2008, 2:43 PM
Fun site:


David G Baker
05-05-2008, 3:25 PM
I do not cover anything because this Raid product produces a smoke like atmosphere rather than mist like most other bug bombs. The main reason I use the Raid bomb is because it leaves no mess that I have ever detected. If there is any thing around for human or pet consumption I would remove it or cover it well because this stuff goes every where.

Philip Florio
06-22-2008, 7:45 PM
I tried the Raid Fumigator and left it for over 3 hours. When I got back in the shop they were still there!

I can't stand these things! Help!

Jim Becker
06-22-2008, 10:08 PM
Call a professional...most of the stuff available to homeowners really doesn't do the job for tough problems like this. (And I'll be the first to admit I hate the thought of using any kind of chemicals, but sometimes it's the only way)

Ted Jay
06-25-2008, 9:48 PM

I have my workshop in the garage. Last summer with the heat and humidity I noticed very small {pin head size, beige to translucent} bugs crawling all over my workbench and lumber. These are called book/paper lice http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2080.html

During the cold season they disappear. I used moth balls but that didn't seem to help. Lowering the humidity isn't an option being in the garage.

I have asked an exterminator and also at a local Woodcraft store as to how to prevent these pest. No one seems to know how to or even what they are.

Maybe some one in this forum has had this problem with these pest and can recommend a solution.


Try Diatomaceous Earth. (This is not the same stuff you use for the pool filter.)

FWIW, The food grade DE should work. I had a few boards that I had left laying on the ground, from a "lean-to" that I dismantled, that were full of termites. I spread the DE all over the boards and the ground, and after a week all were dead or non-existent. You can also powder your dog with it to get rid of fleas, unless the dog likes to jump in the pond two or three times a day!!!
I spread about half a five gallon container on the ground under the joists of the shop addition to discourage ants, termites, scorpions, and other bugs.
I prefer the food grade, as it is not toxic. (It surprises some when your stick your finger in and lick it, that why it's called food grade.) A one pound bag goes a long way.