View Full Version : A great gloat based on something not so great

Rasmus Petersen
04-29-2008, 4:38 AM
Well i have a great gloat.. but itīs based on something not that great.
2 years ago i busted up my left knee (complete mash up) i have been through surgery and traning more or less since, the knee is "ok" but not 100% more like 80%...
But today i got an SMS from my bank (i have auto sms service when i receive deposits) and i said that i had gotten a LARGE deposit.. i checked and lo and behold !! money from my insurance company

So now im taking the misses on a short weekend trip to somewhere nice.. and !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting a new LATHE And a bandsaw !!!!!!!

Lathe will be Jet 3520B (powermatic in mayo disguise) and a brand new band saw (don't know witch yet)

So the gloat is getting a real lathe... the sad thing is i would rater have a 100% working knee... from one that knows TAKE GOD CARE OF YOUR KNEES!!

Norm Zax
04-29-2008, 8:22 AM
Smooth move - trip + lathe! Enjoy the new equipment ... and take care of the equipment you still have.

Paul Douglass
04-29-2008, 9:21 AM
Well at my age, it would be a fair trade. I don't care about moving fast anymore anyway. :) Congrats on the lathe and bandsaw. I don't envy the decision on which to buy. It get tough.

Rasmus Petersen
04-29-2008, 9:23 AM
Paul : Yep.. very.. i have nailed the lathe. 3520 but bandsaw Blahh i think i will end up with some kind of jet, either the BS14 16 or 18. 20 i to big for me... But i just cant get my head around what to get...

Pete Jordan
04-29-2008, 9:38 AM
Congrats Rasmus!

Get the 18 bandsaw. It makes cutting blanks so much easier.

Tom Sherman
04-29-2008, 9:38 AM
Congratulations Rasmus, I can relate to the knee problems, I have just been retired early because of bad knees. Great news about the trip and new toys.

Rasmus Petersen
04-29-2008, 9:46 AM
Well itīs hard... i end up with the do i realy need to sped double and get the 18" .. well i will be searching hard to find answers ....

robert hainstock
04-29-2008, 10:06 AM
As one who has hobeled around on titanium hip joint parts for over ten years, (No check in the mail to make it better). I can enpathize with what you have gone through. Enjoy tour new toys,Er I maen tools, and the trip too. looking forward to seeing turning pix from the new equipment. :D:D:D

Pete Jordan
04-29-2008, 10:14 AM

You could get the 12 or 14 with a riser kit and that would probably work.

Reed Gray
04-29-2008, 11:06 AM
I got my wood shop via a disability settlement for a bum knee and arthritis that the injury triggered, that I never knew that I had. I wasn't even turning then. Get the biggest bandsaw that you can. The best Christmas present I ever got myself was a lathe (12 inch Atlas, then a PM, now a Robust), and the second best was a Laguna 16HD bandsaw. Cuts the bowl blank prep time by about 1/3, and the roughing out by at least 1/3.
robo hippy

Russ Peters
04-29-2008, 12:16 PM
Sorry to hear about the knees. Glad to hear about the tools. VERY smart move to take the wife on a trip before buying the tools.

Richard Madison
04-29-2008, 1:37 PM
Agree with Reed on this one too. Go big on bandsaw. I have a Jet 14", which is a decent saw, but should have gone bigger. And consider the ceramic guide blocks when you wear out the plastic ones.

Have similar hip and knee joint deficiencies, so can relate. Hope yours holds up well.

Steve Schlumpf
04-29-2008, 1:46 PM
Rasmus - sorry to hear about the problems with your knees - but happy to hear about your trip and new tools! Take your time on the bandsaw - I have a 14" Jet which I bought before I got into turning. While it is a very good saw, I wish I had gotten something bigger - like the 18". Best of luck figuring out which bandsaw! Looking forward to seeing pictures of all the new tools!

Bernie Weishapl
04-29-2008, 2:06 PM
Congrats Rasmus on the new lathe and bandsaw. Taking the little lady on a trip doesn't hurt either.

Burt Alcantara
04-29-2008, 3:35 PM
Sorry to hear about your knees. I busted up both 40 years ago. Took 20 for them to heal completely so don't expect overnight miracles.

Bandsaw -- I've been drooling over the Grizzly 514x2. For me, it's a matter of getting it into my low ceilinged basement shop. Fits, on paper, with about 2" to spare. That's too tight for me. 3hp, 19" swing(?), 12" hgt, BIG table, resaw fence, foot brake, other good stuff. Check it out.


Rasmus Petersen
04-30-2008, 12:59 AM
Hmmm sounds like the consensus is to get the bigges bs that i can fit into the shop.... i think i must do som rearangeing.... lathe wont be here until sometime in june..