View Full Version : 15" Powermatic Planer

Casey Carr
04-29-2008, 1:38 AM
I have a chance to buy a 15" Powermatic Planer for $1000. It doesn't have the true Byrd shelix head on it, but the straight blades that are wrapped around the cutterhead in a helix. Comes out of a guy's cabinet shop that he's shutting down. Claimed he was tired of being self employed. Said he used it quite a bit, but it wasn't every day. Only a couple years old, single phase 220, which I can handle. Also said it cut like a dream, not having to worry about grain orientation in even the most figured woods.

I was kind of wanting to hold out for a 20", but I'm thinking that might be stupid to pass on something like this. Been looking at the Powermatics since they have the solid in and out-feeds, instead of the rollers that Jet uses.

I'm also thinking that if I ever do want to upgrade to a 20", I could probably sell this one for what I pay for it. What's the general thoughts on this with everyone here. Thanks in advance.

Mike Cutler
04-29-2008, 5:24 AM
It would cost you a lot more than that new, and even one of the "lower tiered" brands would be close to that price by the time you got them shipped to your door.

If it's in good shape, ready to go, and you're willing to sacrifice the additional 5" of width, don't pass on it without a good reason.

Lewis Cobb
04-29-2008, 8:16 AM
I have a chance to buy a 15" Powermatic Planer for $1000. It doesn't have the true Byrd shelix head on it, but the straight blades that are wrapped around the cutterhead in a helix. Comes out of a guy's cabinet shop that he's shutting down. Claimed he was tired of being self employed. Said he used it quite a bit, but it wasn't every day. Only a couple years old, single phase 220, which I can handle. Also said it cut like a dream, not having to worry about grain orientation in even the most figured woods.

I was kind of wanting to hold out for a 20", but I'm thinking that might be stupid to pass on something like this. Been looking at the Powermatics since they have the solid in and out-feeds, instead of the rollers that Jet uses.

I'm also thinking that if I ever do want to upgrade to a 20", I could probably sell this one for what I pay for it. What's the general thoughts on this with everyone here. Thanks in advance.

Do some searches on this model - I seem to recall a number of people that were complaining about the life/cost of these knives but I could be wrong. Good price in any case.

Loren Blount
04-29-2008, 9:47 AM
I looked at this model and had a chance to buy a "new" used one off of an individual for $1200 and passed after reading about the problems with the head in this model. From what I read the knives wear out VERY fast and are not sharpen-able, and are expensive. Last the long shavings they produce clog your dust collection hoses. My opinion is keep looking (thats just an opinion) and what I decided to do.

Best of luck


Craig D Peltier
04-29-2008, 11:20 AM
I waited for a good deal and finally found one. I will pick up a 20 Powermatic today for 1k that was never used. Its the older model 208. So there are good deals on 20s but depends on your area as well, if they come up on CL.
I rationalized this one by telling myself I was saving $600 off a new 20 grizzly with shipping and tax. I didnt want to sepnd the 1600 plus set up time etc.

Casey Carr
04-29-2008, 11:33 AM
Okay thanks. This is the info I was wanting to hear. I'm guessing I could put a shelix head on it myself, but at $800, it's only $400 less than I'd pay for a new one. Not as great a deal as I was hoping for. Maybe that 20" will pop up someday. Thanks again for all the quick replies.

Kim Spence
04-29-2008, 2:03 PM
I own this planer, the Powermatic 15s. When the blades are sharp, its absolutely fantastic and leaves an extremely smooth surface. As you've likely read though, the blades don't stay sharp long and are prone to nicks. Because of the way the blades mount they can't be shifted left to right to overcome the nicks. If new blades could be had for around $20 I think this would be a fantastic planer. But at $80 or so a pop for blades that last only a couple hundred BF, its just way too expensive.

I finally got tired of the blades and just last weekend upgraded to the Grizzly carbide head. I guess I now own a Grizzlymatic.

My 2 cents is that if you can buy it for maybe $700 then upgrade to the Grizzly ($475) or Byrd heads you'll have a heck of a planer at a decent price. Or find someone who has upgraded to one of these heads and take their straight blade head off their hands for them and install in the PM.

Mechanically, this planer is pretty much identical to similar Griz, Jet, Sunhill, General, etc. planers. All made by GeeTech and mechanical parts are interchangable.

Casey Carr
04-29-2008, 5:04 PM
Guess I didn't realize Grizzly made their own spiral cutters. And I definitely didn't think a Griz would fit in a Powermatic. How do they compare to the Byrd cutters? $475 sounds a lot better than the $800 Byrd wants.

Kim Spence
04-29-2008, 6:54 PM
I definitely didn't think a Griz would fit in a Powermatic.

Check out Grizzly's website (http://www.grizzly.com/catalog/2008/Main/47), they have a cross reference table that shows which 15" and 20" planers their heads will fit. The Griz heads will fit all the same machines as the equivalent Byrd Heads. When I ordered mine I actually ordered the cutterhead bearing and gearcase gasket that fits the equivalent Griz and they fit my Powermatic...was easier to order everything from one place than to have a separate order in with Powermatic.

These machines are all made by GeeTech. Differences are minor, mostly cosmetic, but mechanically equivalent with interchangable parts (other than bases, etc.)

Back to your question about buying the PM. A new PM with factory installed (Byrd) helical head goes for about $2200. I would use this as your point of reference to determine if the one you can get used is a good value...i.e. say $800 plus $475 for the Griz head = $1275, seems like might be an OK deal.

Another point of reference - Griz sells their version of an equivalent planer (without digital readout) with helical head for $1440 or $1540 (Depending on specific model) delivered. The used PM plus the $475 head still seems like an OK value to me if you can get it for $700 or $800. Probably not at $1000 though.

How do they compare to the Byrd cutters? $475 sounds a lot better than the $800 Byrd wants.

Lots of opinions out there on this, especially from the folks who paid the extra for the Byrd :). The supposed advantage of the Byrd is that the cutters are skewed so they shear cut which provides a cleaner cut with less chance of tearout. I suppose in theory this is true. But my opinion is that this is just theoretical, and in practice one would be hard pressed to tell the difference. That said, I haven't used a Byrd so I have no firsthand knowledge of their abilities. But I do like the Griz heads. I have the same head in 8" version on my jointer and am thrilled with it after 2 years or so. Smooth cuts, little to no tearout, long cutter life.

I have no association with Grizzly, just a satisfied customer.

And for what its worth, Grizzly also sells Byrd heads, their price on the 15" is $595.

Just my 2 cents, happy shopping.

Karl Brogger
04-29-2008, 7:51 PM
I have the exact same planer. It works really well. The knive's are spendy at $100 for a set, and I have yet to find someone to sharpen them. But even with dull knives the planer does a remarkable job.

$1000 if it hasn't been used that much, and looks to be in good working order is probably an OK price. Not a great deal, and you aren't getting screwed. I think I paid about $1500 for mine 4 years ago.

The shelix setup looks pretty slick, the biggest thing being that you can rotate the knives. I don't see myself getting a new planer in the near future but I would definetaly get that head when I do upgrade.

Peter Quinn
04-29-2008, 7:59 PM
I used a 24" italian planer (don't remember the exact brand) but it had the flexible straight knives in the spiral head. They didn't last long before taking nicks, it really paid to go through your stock with a wire brush before milling to avoid gettin the bosses shoe in your butt. But that spiral head with fresh knives left a finish that was almost ready for a seal coat! Real quiet and beautiful. Don't know if this helps.

D-Alan Grogg
04-30-2008, 11:22 PM
That is a good price on that machine if it's in good shape. I have the PM-15s, too. The issue is with having to buy new versus sharpening the flex-blades. I made up a fairly simple fixture that I use to sharpen mine (all 3 at once). They're not advertised for resharpening, but I've had no problems with mine. These blades do give a great cut when sharp, though.

With that said, in the long run the helix head with carbide inserts would be a more economical system.