View Full Version : Replacement handles for stanley 750 chisels?

Charles Shenk
04-28-2008, 11:00 PM
Does anyone know where to buy accurate reproduction handles for Stanley 750 and Defiance chisels?

Casey Gooding
04-28-2008, 11:34 PM
They aren't accurate reproductions, but I've found that Lie Nielsen handles will typically fit old Stanley chisels.
They are inexpensive and the hornbeam is hard as a rock.

Joe Meazle
04-29-2008, 12:26 AM
A lot of folks on woodnet are happy with this Kid's work.


I forgot to say do not ask for purpleheart ;)

Charles Shenk
04-29-2008, 2:02 AM
What wood were the original handles turned from? Oak?

Roger Bell
04-29-2008, 5:29 PM
Hickory with a red stain.

Clint Jones
04-29-2008, 10:45 PM
You can just restore the old ones. Here is a Stanley chisel I recently restored and sold.

Charles Shenk
04-30-2008, 12:05 AM
Clint, I bid on your chisel. That's a nice one. Regarding the handles, I have quite a few chisels that don't have handles. I may learn to make them myself.

Clint Jones
04-30-2008, 12:49 AM
They are easy to make. I make them all the time. You can use hickory and a deep mahogany stain and can get the same look as the 750's . First just turn a tenon on the end and epoxy some leather on the end and just turn it like its wood.

Mike Henderson
04-30-2008, 1:10 AM
Or if you're not a stickler for making them look original, just make handles that fit your hand and work well for you. I haven't found a commercial chisel handle that I like yet so I make my own. And I remake them when I decide I don't like the feel. Pecan is an excellent wood for handles - feels good, right weight, and takes a beating.


Mike Brady
04-30-2008, 7:41 PM

This is what i did for the Stanley 750 chisel I restored. Turned the handle from ash and stained it with two colors to get the deep red with brown overtones. I added the leather washers, as original. It matched the original handle well. The other chisel is the L-N version.

Charles Shenk
04-30-2008, 9:15 PM
Mike- Nice restoration! What's the trick in getting the metal so shiney?

Mike Brady
04-30-2008, 10:38 PM
That is done with a 3M deburring wheel. I got mine from a golf supply house.

Tony Zaffuto
05-02-2008, 2:36 PM
For 750 handles, you may want to consider "Bloodwood". Hard and dense and should hold up very well for a chisel handle. Turned some recently and with just a wax finish, the wood looked very similar to some 750(s) I have that are near unused.

Bought the wood from "woodturners catalog" website (no connection), priced at about $3.00 or so for a 1-1/2" X 1-1/2" X 12" long turning stock block.
