View Full Version : Rosewood (what is the Hardest one ?)

Graham Skinner
04-28-2008, 9:03 PM
Hi Creekers.

I need to get some rosewood for my Father-in-law (he wants to fix a musical instument).
I gave him some Cocobolo on his last visit, and he asked if I can get him some more, or a similar wood of the same hardness or even harder :eek:.
I have seen some Katalox on E-bay and wonder if it will be as hard as the cocobolo?.
If you could name some other very hard one's a well it, will be very helpfull as I do not have a great knowledge of the Rosewoods.

Thanks for reading this...Graham...

Mark Singer
04-28-2008, 9:07 PM
A lot of different woods are called Rosewood. There is Indian and many other varieties .

Peter Quinn
04-28-2008, 9:35 PM
I'm seeing cocobolo at 1136 on the janka scale, so lots of woods rate 'harder' including any rosewood. I don't make instruments but do play them and am wondering are you looking for tone wood or backs? I assume backs as most tone woods need less to be hard then to resonate well. Check the first link for examples of where woods fall on the janka scale. Check the second for a source for good info on backs. If your simply looking for wood harder than cocobolo it seems there are many choices.

http://www.lmii.com/CartTwo/Secondproducthead.asp?CategoryName=+Backs+and+Side s