View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....Pics

Dennis Peacock
04-28-2008, 9:27 AM
28 Apr 2008

Good Morning on a beautiful spring day.

I hope that each of you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was spent working for the day job and attended church on Sunday. The LOML & the LOML Jr went with me to visit fellow creeker Larry Browning on Sunday afternoon. Larry had kindly offered me some chunks of Ash for me to make my WW bench from, so I took him up on his offer. I borrowed a buddy's pickup truck, hooked up my trailer and headed for the Browning Estate. I was thinking on the way there that I'd get several of these "pieces" of Ash and bring it back for maybe 2 workbenches, but once we loaded the first piece? I changed my mind.!! These babies were HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!

Any way....the fuel cost for a 252 mile round trip was $90 and this same trip just 2 years ago would have been around $40....but I won't go down that dawg trail....these fuel prices are killing me!!

So...MANY thanks to Larry Browning for offering me the timbers and helping me to get them loaded. Brought home 6 timbers and all to go towards my 1st official woodworking bench since I've been doing woodworking, which is well over 30 years now. THANK YOU Larry!!!!! Oh...hey Larry....thanks for the tour of your shop and it was a real pleasure to meet more of your family.

So....what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
04-28-2008, 9:37 AM
I spent most of the weekend working on getting the new saw up and running. I installed the fence, aligned the top to the blade, made some adjustments to my outfeed table, and built a side table. I went out before work this morning and cut the router plate recess in that. Yesterday I ordered the motor cover and I just ordered a starter for it so I can put pushbutton controls on it.

Tyler Howell
04-28-2008, 9:43 AM
Unpacking boxes and setting up shop. A few unplanded naps:o.
Met with some of the new neighbors.
Cold and snow way up here in the north country.
Play safe.

Mike Heidrick
04-28-2008, 9:50 AM
On Saturday I changed the oil/filter in the motorcycle (05' midnight Warrior if you care).

Also started mowing and finished on Sunday. Still breaking down some of the extras (extra runs/pieces already assembled that were thrown into the spiral ductwork deal once I got there) from my ductwork run. Hope to get that done and put away early this week.

alex grams
04-28-2008, 9:54 AM
Building drawers for a desk!

Building drawers is a complete pain. I spent about 8 hours Saturday (first Saturday in a month I wasn't in the office!). Milling down poplar and sanding, cutting, grooving, etc!

I actually think I spend more time sitting down figuring out how to get the most out of the pieces of lumber I have than actually working on them.

But once I got the first one cut and glued up to the appropriate width, i was able to quickly cut out two more and glue them up, then I ran out of wood :( BACK TO THE SHOP TODAY FOR MORE!

Also got the glue ups for two large drawer fronts done. Took a while to figure out which pieces of walnut to use and get a good grain match!

Felt good to spend a nice long uninterrupted day in the garage working!

Peter Quinn
04-28-2008, 10:00 AM
I installed the remainder of a built in linen closet in my bathroom on Friday, just two years after finishing the remodel on the bathroom too! LOML is most pleased though my shoulder may not forgive me for some time as the 68" upper section had to be lifted straight up then slid back to rest on the previously installed lower cabinet, not much clearance between the shower wall and exterior wall, lots of grunting, straining and a bit of praying. Just a little trim left and I'll take some pics. I really need a Gill lift!

Intended to rest on Sat when I got a call from my BIL...need help fixing the deck BAD. Money is tight there, knowledge of construction is scarce, the tool collection is thin, the house is old and they need all the help they can get. They put off sanding and staining the deck boards to the point of no return (how much is an ounce of prevention worth?) and intended to replace one section of deck at a time on credit.

Being a naturally frugal Yankee I suggested flipping the boards as the under sides were smooth and most boards were still structurally sound. Pulled a lot of 16D rusty nails out carefully with a cats paw and a wrecking bar, flipped the boards and secured them with screws this time. Looks and feels like a new deck! Should buy them a few more years, and now they can throw their money at fixing the hand rails which are ready to fall off. I'm guessing I'll be involved in that project too.

Spent Sunday in the park with my 1 yr old son enjoying some much needed rest after a hard week. Doesn't get much better than watching the smile on a little one's face when he experiences his first chocolate milk shake! Meant to clean the shop to make room for a slot mortiser arriving on Tuesday but never found the time. Guess that will have to happen tonight.

Jim Becker
04-28-2008, 10:00 AM
Looks like a fun time in Arkie-land this weekend, Dennis!

My weekend (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=82989)...

David Epperson
04-28-2008, 10:00 AM
Not so much over the last weekend, more like off and on for the past 3 weeks - and not really "fine" woodworking - but I've been building beehives. FILs 2 hives decided to swarm like mad - 4 or 5 times so far. We didn't have nearly enough new hives built for that many - or frames. so I've been busy making sawdust and bee homes.
Brought one hive home with me and in 3 weeks they've turned an empty box into one 1/2 to 5/8 full of wax comb - most full of soon to be honey. :D
Dang I'm glad they are the gentle variety. :D

Mike SoRelle
04-28-2008, 10:18 AM
I did a whole lot of nothing this weekend.

Took a scraper to the glue lines on a table top and did some sanding on it, but after realizing that I was totally covered in walnut dust and had company coming over I went and showered and never made it back out to the shop.

Did have a few friends over and had a fire in the fire pit in the back yard, consumed a bunch of beer and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows so I guess that counts as doing something, though I'm not sure it counts as an accomplishment? :)

On that note, have you ever gotten firewood and had a few pieces that made you say, gee, I wish they had milled this stuff instead of chopping it up?

The rainy weather we were supposed to have never fully materialized, just a few showers Friday night and last night.

ah well, back to the grind, hope everyone had a good weekend.


Jim O'Dell
04-28-2008, 10:20 AM
Not much for me this weekend. Lazy Sat am. Got the last piece of drain pipe for the french drain installed and covered up. Threat of bad weather for Sat. night , so put the van in the shop again. Barely rained. Sunday started reassembling the shop. Sure seem to have more room for some reason. Moved the RAS to the end and behind the TS. Still need to build my outfeed table and replace the temporary setup I'm using.
Beautiful weather both days. Jim.

Art Mulder
04-28-2008, 10:27 AM
Larry had kindly offered me some chunks of Ash ...

Cheese and Crackers, Dennis! Those are monster boards! Do you need to reinforce the foundation in your shop to support this future bench? :eek:

As for me...

Took the four kids out Saturday morning to give Mumma some alone time. In the afternoon we all went to see "Nim's Island" -- which is a great kids movie, we all enjoyed. Spent some time out in the sun, took in some walks, had cake at church (our pastor turned 50) and oh yeah, did some woodworking too.

Finally finished this table (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=83092), and also installed some shelving for sports stuff in the garage, and started working on some milling for a picture frame. Ran some test pieces to check out what we like -- man, FOUR router bit changes, what a pain that'll be when I build it!

Dennis Peacock
04-28-2008, 10:39 AM
Cheese and Crackers, Dennis! Those are monster boards! Do you need to reinforce the foundation in your shop to support this future bench? :eek:

LOL Art!!!!! Maybe so....but I wanted this bench to be "heavy" so it wouldn't move when I commence to handplaning. :D

Keith Beck
04-28-2008, 10:43 AM
Finally got off of my butt and got started on the craftsman-style TV console that I've been putting off for a while. The plans call for two sheets of 3/4" and 1 sheet 1/4" QSWO plywood. With local prices for a sheet of 3/4" QSWO ply hovering around $160 or so, I decided to switch things up and make rail and stile panels instead.

I got the two end panels done yesterday, including resawing the wood for the insets. I've got three panels to go. It appears that I'll still need one sheet of 3/4" ply, but I'm getting lots of practice making panels.


Ben Cadotte
04-28-2008, 10:47 AM
Went for a 3 day camping trip at Acadia NP. Was a nice relaxing weekend. Have today and tomorrow to play before I have to leave for work again.

Keith Outten
04-28-2008, 11:00 AM
Mow and trim on Saturday.
Pulled two walnut stumps out of the ground Sunday and spent a couple of hours with a Surveyor trying to locate my property lines so I can dig a monster drainage ditch.

Charles P. Wright
04-28-2008, 11:22 AM
My cable modem has been crapping out, losing signal. CableVision says that it is fine when plugged into our garage, so I pulled about 200' of cat 5e and 150' of coaxial cable through my walls.

I also got the lawnmower started and mowed our backyard. Getting it started took like an hour.

Rick Gooden
04-28-2008, 3:01 PM
Sang in production of Carmina Burana on Saturday evening. It was awesome.

Mike SoRelle
04-28-2008, 3:21 PM
... so I can dig a monster drainage ditch.

Didn't know there were monster problems down in that part of VA, I thought they were all up north a-ways around DC....

Glenn Clabo
04-28-2008, 4:03 PM
The merry face of spring
turns to the world,
sharp winter
now flees, vanquished;
bedecked in various colours
Flora reigns,
the harmony of the woods
praises her in song. Ah!

Zahid Naqvi
04-28-2008, 5:29 PM
You did good there Dennis. No WWing to report here since Nov last year, just been lazy I guess. I've got to finish that bed I started in August last year.:rolleyes:

Richard McComas
04-28-2008, 6:13 PM
Stayed of the shop this weekend doing various chores around the house. Things like shoveling 18 inches of new snow we got on Friday. Then helped in the kitchen making egg rolls from scratch.


Joe Mioux
04-28-2008, 7:37 PM
Since I work 7 days a week, I worked all day Sat.

Got home, at 5 to watch NYW, and the rest. I start dosing off at 6:15 pm and my neighbor, Kelly walks in the house and asks if I have a fryer. I say yes.

Next thing I know I am frying up wild mushrooms..... mmmmmmmmmm....

Sunday, worked, church, worked then came home and spread Milogranite on the lawn.

Started worrying that I really need to finish the outdoor dining table in order to make room for the new Table Saw.


yea that is a stealthy pre-gloat, and its going to be a nice gloat when it arrives later in the week or early next week

Larry Browning
04-28-2008, 9:39 PM
It is always a great weekend when a creeker comes to visit!

I'm in Oshkosh, WI all this week and this is the 1st chance I have had to come to the creek all day. And man! is it cold up here!!!! It snowed this morning and is supposed to snow some more tonight! Sheesh! It's almost May! This Arkie isn't used to this.

I think unless Dennis just glues together those timbers to make one big block of wood, he should have enough to make 2 benches.:D

Man! my back still hurts from lifting those toothpicks.

Dennis challenged me to get my bench finished before he gets his done. I told him I only started mine in November, so he was going have to wait a few more months before starting his if it was going to be a fair race.