View Full Version : 1st acrylic turning... OOPS!

David Sallee
04-28-2008, 12:44 AM
Well, I tried my luck turning acrylic for the first time tonight and had a blowout!...:eek: ... not while turning but while milling the blank :mad: .. I think I didn't get enough CA on the end and it caught just right and boom!! My first blowout..

Because it was stuck in there and I didn't have another 3/8" insert I went ahead and put it on the mandrel and "played" with it for a bit to get used to turning acrylic then just turned it down to the insert so I could re-use it.. :D...

Drilled another blank, milled it MORE carefully this time and turned away.... came out pretty good I think. The wife is in the process of sending a pic to all her internet friends and so far they ALL want one.. LOL

Anyway, here's a shot of the final product....


Combo-Pen2 in Blue Ocean Green acrylic from PSI

Comments and suggestion welcome...


dennis kranz
04-28-2008, 4:28 AM
Nice looking pen. As far as having a blow out those are things that happen. As you do more pens you will have fewer blowouts. Thr only thing you can do is learn from each one and have fun doing it. As far as your internet friends go, charge them for the pen you'll need the money for more tools.

Bernie Weishapl
04-28-2008, 9:38 AM
Great looking pen. Nicely done.

Lars Thomas
04-28-2008, 9:46 AM
Looks like a good pen for Earth Day!

Steve Schlumpf
04-28-2008, 9:49 AM
That's a good looking pen David! Nice colors, form and finish!

Rick Gibson
04-28-2008, 10:47 AM
Nice looking pen David. As far as giving them away, it depends. I give most of my slims away and gave one of my better pens to a friend who got me started in woodworking last weekend. He called me Monday night and he had taken it to work - almost lost it but caught the guy in time. Showed it to the company brass and they had never seen anything like it. Are considering an order of 30 to 50 engraved pens as gifts for their clients. Sometimes it pays to give a nice one away.

Dave Stoler
04-28-2008, 1:23 PM
I normally glance at the pens and don,t give them much thought,until...This one really caught my eye.Maybe the depth?It sure is a beauty,might just have to give pens a try.

Jim Becker
04-28-2008, 1:51 PM
Very nice pen and I also like your use of the raw materials in the photography. Great effect!

robert hainstock
04-28-2008, 2:07 PM
Those acrilics are beauties to work with, and poish up sooo pretty. Nice!:)

David Sallee
04-28-2008, 6:28 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments, greatly appreciated!

......I also like your use of the raw materials in the photography. Great effect!


My other "hobby" is/was photography but now-a-days anyone can shoot a good pic with current cameras and competition is thick around here sooooo... I decided to switch to turning pens and such.... and once I get my homemade tent set back up I'll be putting out pics like the one below...

Except with pens.. :rolleyes:

