View Full Version : Help identifying type and color

Paul Marsh
04-28-2008, 12:00 AM
I'm new here and have been enjoying lurking for a little while now.
I do have a question for anyone willing to help. Any ideas on type and color of this sample? Sorry for the picture quality. As far as I can tell from research it may be a bordeaux birds eye maple. I am considering making a few trim pieces in a vehicle that need to match as close as possible.
Thanks ,

glenn bradley
04-28-2008, 12:51 AM
20 lashes with a wet noodle for asking us to identify anything from that picture. Just kidding. . . no really, go check out some of my pics :D. Let's assume BE maple; you should be able to match the color with dyes abd a little experimenting. Keep very accurate account of your mixes when trying to match. That way you can dupicate whenever you want.

Dave MacArthur
04-28-2008, 3:07 AM
That clearly is not a Bordeaux, it is primarily pinot and properly classified Burgundy, though it is indeed maple. It can be recognized in the wild by the dark Japanese Maple looking leaves, but wide like a sugar maple, with silvery bark. I remember one time we were deep in France on a covert mission, unable to get air extraction, and we were forced to chop one of these burgundy maples down with our survival knives, rive planks from it with a make-shift adze made from an old hardened K-rat bar, and build a raft to escape via river to the sea. We traveled at night, but you could still see the water stained behind us for a half mile in a streak of vermilion. As I recall, the wood machined nicely with the survival knife or a P38; it should make a nice dashboard ;)