View Full Version : Going to build my own hollowing rig, need help!

Joel Sauder
04-24-2008, 9:57 PM
Ok, I have decided to try and build my own hollowing rig. It only took one time hollowing freehand to see why this would be a good idea. I am going give the Captian Eddie Steel Snake/Articulated Arm design a try. All I have to loose is 30 or 40 bucks. I think I have the design figured out (mostly), but I have five questions about carbide cutters used:

1) What diameter round carbide cutter do you prefer?

2) Is the cutter dished on top or flat?

3) What is that angle of the bevel on you cutter? (The supplier that I found offers O, 7, 11, and 15 degrees)

4) Do you regularly use any cutters shapes other than round?

5) At what angle to the wood to you prefer to orientate the cutter? (Somewhere I heard that 30 degrees was ideal)

Thanks for the help.


Bill Bolen
04-25-2008, 8:34 AM
I'm really just getting started using mine. Finished 2 yesterday. I use 1/4" or 3/16" square cutters. I use the HSS square blanks. I think you are after the "hunter tool" round bits though. Drilled out the end of a 5/8" bar to mount the bit in then drilled and tapped a hole for set screws. Darrell Fernell at the "aroundthewoods" site has a tutorial on this. I followed the angle that came on the bit blank. Just ground a round nose on it and sharpened one side left the top flat. I like to have the bit angled down just a hair when in contact with the wood. Steve or Bernie should jump in here soon. They both have experience with the monster system and will answer any questions you might post. Sorry I'm not more help here. But, I'm only about 2 steps into this journey!...Bill...

Dick Strauss
04-25-2008, 9:34 AM
I think you are talking about Darrell Feltmate's site. If so, lots and lots of good info there. Here's the tool making area....