View Full Version : Are Jet the best clamps?

dennis thompson
04-24-2008, 6:25 AM
I am considering buying some more clamps. I've looked at several threads & it seems that Jet clamps are the best.
Would you agree?

scott spencer
04-24-2008, 6:49 AM
I've got Stanley and Jet clamps and prefer the Jets. The Jet clamps have markings in 1-inch increments along the bar...a simple feature but very handy. I've handled the Woodcraft, Besseys, and Pittsburg clamps from HF, and prefer the Jets. Just my 2 cents.

04-24-2008, 6:58 AM
if you are talking about the parallel clams. i have a number of them and love them. the produce even pressure and keep things pretty square. I am planning to get more in the near future. i would absolutely recommend them


Glen Blanchard
04-24-2008, 7:27 AM
Yeah, the JETs are very nice indeed. They also have a lifetime warranty!!! I had (2) 24" clamps, 12 mos. old each, that would no longer grip the bar. It was not glue, I have yet to figure out exactly what happened. I have 4 other JET parallels that continue to work fine - but I digress. I called JET and explained the issue and they sent me 2 new clamps. No request to see receipt or even return the non-performing clamps. That, my friends, is great customer service.

Jeff Duncan
04-24-2008, 8:01 AM
Buy yourself some Wetzler clamps and you won't need a warranty. I can pretty much guarantee you'll never break one and they're not much more $ than the rest, (Jet, Bessey etc).

Glen Blanchard
04-24-2008, 8:10 AM
Buy yourself some Wetzler clamps and you won't need a warranty. I can pretty much guarantee you'll never break one and they're not much more $ than the rest, (Jet, Bessey etc).

Does Wetzler make a parallel clamp?

alex grams
04-24-2008, 8:33 AM
I've been keeping an eye open on Jet clamps to see when the 4 pack goes on sale, but hasn't happened in the last few months :(

Joe Spear
04-24-2008, 9:19 AM
There are no parallel clamps listed on the Wetzler website.

Jim Becker
04-24-2008, 9:31 AM
"Best" is a relative term. I use Bessey K-Bodies and have never been disappointed. I'd probably be just as happy with the Jet or Jorgie or whatever in this particular class of clamp. The Jets, however, have been getting good comments, so you should try some to see how they work for you. Start with four. If they meet your expectations, buy more as the need occurs.

Vic Damone
04-24-2008, 11:07 AM
I have some Rockler pipe clamps, Wetzler F clamps, and Jet parallel clamps, and Irwin Kwick clamps 12" and 24" (heavier blue and silver clamps).

The Kwick clamps get the most use but for substantial glue ups I'll choose the other three depending on application. The Wetzler clamps are not marketed very well but they are an amazing old school hand tool that I would purchase before the Jets. They're close in price. There are circumstances where the Jets are superior and having a few is nice.


Jacob Reverb
04-24-2008, 11:12 AM
For 3/4" pipe clamps (my most-used type of clamp) I like the HF jobbies.

For $3.50 each on sale plus $7 for a 4' Borg pipe, that's less than the price of the Pony brand without the pipes. And they seem to work as well.

Chris Padilla
04-24-2008, 11:25 AM
All Bessey in my shop. :)

David Tiell
04-24-2008, 11:30 AM
I bought two sets the last time the Jet clamps were on sale, but didn't open and use until last week. Love 'em! Waiting for them to go on sale again to grab at least two more sets.

Lance Norris
04-24-2008, 12:39 PM
I have all Jet parallels. I have used all the other brands in previous work. I prefer the Jets in my home shop. If you buy Jets or Besseys, get the Bessey clamp extender. It works with the Jets also. They allow you to make 2 shorter clamps into one longer one. Works great with the Jets.


Jeff Duncan
04-24-2008, 12:56 PM
"Does Wetzler make a parallel clamp?"

As already answered they do not make what some refer to as a "parallel" bar clamp. But the poster asked about the best clamps and I would certainly say out of the brands listed so far, they are the best at what they do make.
I've got a rack full of Bessey's in different syles and sizes, and a handful of Wetzlers, Hartford's (no longer in business) and some beefy Jorgie bar clamps, along with all the other types of clamps one collects. I have no doubt that the older all steel clamps will outlast my newer Bessey's. I still use the Bessey's all the time though, as they are better suited for some applications. It just depends on what your doing at the time.
In short, you can never have too many clamps, whatever the brand name is.
Of course that's just my opinion, but I'm sticking to it:D

Rod Sheridan
04-24-2008, 2:43 PM
I have 36 Bessey K body clamps, and am very happy with them.

Now all I need to do is buy another 36 so I always have enough!

Regards, Rod.

Peter Quinn
04-24-2008, 5:33 PM
Lots of companies are making very good clamps out there these days, and lots more make decent stuff for cheap that works well.

For parallel clamps I'm pretty happy with the K-body and use bessey uni-clamps for lighter duty operations. For lots of things I use pipe clamps and have been enjoying the rockler sure foot design. For real tough stuff I got Jorgenson I-beams...they simply don't make a stronger clamp, and by they I mean anybody! Of course you don't always need 2200# of clamping force for every glue up.

Are jets the best? I doubt it, but they look equal to the K-bodys, jorgensen and gross stabil parallel clamps. In any event parallel clamps are real nice for lots of things but cost a lot and aren't neccessary in every situation and in some case where I want to apply concentrated pressure in a non square way they are a liability.

A while back I found a good sale on K- Bodys, stupid me thought I was ordering 5 clamps while I was actually ordering 5 door sets (2 @50", 2 @32")! I wish I had ordered 10!

Rob Will
04-24-2008, 9:42 PM
Lots of companies are making very good clamps out there these days, and lots more make decent stuff for cheap that works well.

For parallel clamps I'm pretty happy with the K-body and use bessey uni-clamps for lighter duty operations. For lots of things I use pipe clamps and have been enjoying the rockler sure foot design. For real tough stuff I got Jorgenson I-beams...they simply don't make a stronger clamp, and by they I mean anybody! Of course you don't always need 2200# of clamping force for every glue up.

Are jets the best? I doubt it, but they look equal to the K-bodys, jorgensen and gross stabil parallel clamps. In any event parallel clamps are real nice for lots of things but cost a lot and aren't neccessary in every situation and in some case where I want to apply concentrated pressure in a non square way they are a liability.

A while back I found a good sale on K- Bodys, stupid me thought I was ordering 5 clamps while I was actually ordering 5 door sets (2 @50", 2 @32")! I wish I had ordered 10!

Well said Peter,
I too use the Jorgensen I-beams for tough stuff ( I have eight of every size). I also have several Quick Clamps and Bessey K-body models.

As far as applying concentrated pressure, or being able to apply pressure out in the center of a cabinet (or any other wide glue-up), I have recently been buying the Bessey Tradesmen bar clamp. They come in various sizes including some models with extra depth.

Our local Woodcraft is stocking a 5.5" depth model with the +2K composite handle. Very nice.
I have my eye on some of these clamps with a 7" depth.
Having a few extra-deep clamps would be a nice compliment to normal bar and pipe clamps.



Maurice Ungaro
04-25-2008, 7:11 AM
Who asks the best clamp question?

Al Willits
04-25-2008, 7:28 AM
Dennis, if you could come back and let us know what kind of clamps, it might help.

If your looking at the parallel clamps, I like the jet one too, well built and one feature I like is the one clamping arm that moves needs to be released to move.
Bessy makes a nice clamp and I have several, but picking one of them up wrong sends the one clamp sliding into your hand.
Not a big deal unless your forgetful like I am. :)


Mike Heidrick
04-25-2008, 7:36 AM
In parallel clamps I have four bessies, 12 Jorgies, and 8 Jets. They are all great. I really like the handle on the Jet clamp head. Also I would probably like the bench dog feature on them but I have no dog holes on this version of my bench/assembly table. Definately give the Jets a try. I want to try out the extender accessory one day.

Best new jet parallel clamp deals happen at the WW show around here.

For F clamps I sure like my bessey tradesmans.

Per Swenson
04-25-2008, 8:52 AM
I don't wanna sound like a snot......

But I always find the best clamp is the one I get to first.:D


Chris Padilla
04-25-2008, 9:39 AM
I don't wanna sound like a snot......

But I always find the best clamp is the one I get to first.:D


You mean the one you can barely reach because you didn't plan ahead while you're holding your stock in the perfect orientation??!! :p

Greg Cole
04-25-2008, 9:46 AM
You mean the one you can barely reach because you didn't plan ahead while you're holding your stock in the perfect orientation??!! :p

And should we ask how ya know that?;) Good thing I have long arms at 6'2".... or does that mean I can just about reach???

FWIW, all Bessies for me for parallel clamps.

Per Swenson
04-25-2008, 10:46 AM

that one.

Every gosh darn time.:rolleyes:


Cliff Rohrabacher
04-25-2008, 10:51 AM
I like Pony pipe clamps
Cheap effective - what's not to like?

Jack Vines
04-25-2008, 11:31 AM
Just an old woodworker who has an aversion to plastic. That stuff'll lower the testosterone in males, cause early puberty in females and has no place in my shop. The Jet clamps may be the best design ever, but I can't get past all that red plastic. Let's come back in fifty years and see what percentage of Wetzler versus how many Jet clamps are still in heavy use.

thnx, jack vines

Glen Blanchard
04-25-2008, 11:41 AM
Let's come back in fifty years and see what percentage of Wetzler versus how many Jet clamps are still in heavy use.

thnx, jack vines

Ummmmm.......in 50 yrs I don't think I will care. :rolleyes:

dennis thompson
04-25-2008, 3:29 PM
I'm talking about parallel clamps.

Dave Hale
04-25-2008, 3:41 PM
I've got the Woodcraft (made by Bessey) and 4 months ago got a cabinet set of Jet clamps. I find I'm reaching for the Jets first, then the Woodcraft to finish up. Two reasons, I like the handle on the Jet better (better grip) and the 'locking' mechanism in the Jet. Keeps the Jet clamps from flying down to my hand. :(

alex grams
04-25-2008, 3:53 PM
Ive got a set of woodcraft (their 4 set was on sale when i needed some). They work fine and are decent for the money.

But when jet goes on sale i expect to order two 4 sets from them to round out my clamp needs (for now).

Julian Wong
04-25-2008, 4:01 PM
I have 36 Bessey K body clamps, and am very happy with them.

Now all I need to do is buy another 36 so I always have enough!

Regards, Rod.

You got to be kidding... how can you ever have enough clamps? :p

Cliff Rohrabacher
04-25-2008, 4:08 PM
I'm talking about parallel clamps.

parallel clamps are those slick clamps made from two long-ish pieces of wood (or metal) with two threaded rods running through 'em each rod has a right hand and a left hand thread and you can set the clamps to be "parallel" to whatever your work is you are clamping.
they are really quite nice.

Is there something else that some one is calling by that moniker?

Glen Blanchard
04-25-2008, 4:13 PM
Is there something else that some one is calling by that moniker?


Kevin Groenke
04-25-2008, 4:35 PM
Just to muddy the waters.

hand screws
vacuum pressure
rubber bands
masking tape

Actually 6" and 12" mini quickgrips get used more than anything else here.

That said, I really should get a couple dozen parallel types, I'll look at the Jets when I do.


Per Swenson
04-25-2008, 4:40 PM

You left one of the more important ones out....

The commeerson clamp.

" Commeerson, hold this " Quick!



Greg Cole
04-25-2008, 5:35 PM
" Commeerson " Quick! Per

Dad? That you?
Man what blast from the past. I think I may have heard that a FEW times.:D
