View Full Version : Red cedar vase

Jim Maxwell
04-23-2008, 6:11 AM
Found a piece of red cedar in the rack that needed attention. After a short time turning I stopped the lathe and checked the progress. Some fiddle back grain appeared on one side and three borer holes appeared vertically in line on the other side. The fiddle back was too pretty to loose and the borer holes cried out for attention. The idea of a hole pattern from a previous job seemed to be the answer. The piece is 110mm high and 95mm diameter. The timber came from a tree that had been previously harvested by the property owner and was estimated to have been 300 years old. The stump was so big three of us could not link hands around it.

Bruce Pennell
04-23-2008, 7:00 AM
Very nice work, love the addition to the worm holes. NICE!

Steve Schlumpf
04-23-2008, 7:44 AM
Very nice work Jim! You are right - beautiful wood! The hole pattern design is different and enhances the piece. Glad you were able to save the curlies! Very nice piece! Thanks for posting!

Bernie Weishapl
04-23-2008, 8:00 AM
Great work Jim. That is some beautiful wood.

Tony Wheeler
04-23-2008, 11:05 AM
very nice job Jim

Glenn Hodges
04-23-2008, 12:33 PM
I like the wood, form, design, and pattern of the holes.

curtis rosche
04-23-2008, 1:24 PM
got any more?

Jim Maxwell
04-23-2008, 5:04 PM
Yes Curtis, I have more........ :D

Chris Padilla
04-23-2008, 5:14 PM
*SSSSNNNIIIIFFFFFFF* Mmmmm, I can smell it from here! I spent last weekend planing a buncha Western Red Cedar.

I took the family to some of the old growth forest in the Pacific Northwest (Washington State) and those Cedars can get MONSTROUS!

Oh!!! Gorgeous vessel!

David Newson
04-23-2008, 5:35 PM
Jim - That's real nice bit of work I like the holes it makes a very unique vase, I'm not really that familiar with the Red Cedar is that its natural dark red colour. ?

__________________________________________________ __________
Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained

Jim Maxwell
04-23-2008, 5:48 PM
David, yes that is the natural colour. Mind you that piece came from a tree about 300 years old. Younger trees are much lighter in colour and are not so 'crisp' to work with.

Ben Gastfriend
04-23-2008, 7:36 PM
Really nice piece. Glad you were able to save that one, looks like some really nice wood!

*SSSSNNNIIIIFFFFFFF* Mmmmm, I can smell it from here! I spent last weekend planing a buncha Western Red Cedar.

I took the family to some of the old growth forest in the Pacific Northwest (Washington State) and those Cedars can get MONSTROUS!

Oh!!! Gorgeous vessel!

Um.... Chris.... planing? You do know this is the turners forum. Right....?