View Full Version : Got an e-mail from David Marks He says hi.

Bill Wyko
04-22-2008, 12:49 PM
I had e-mailed him a picture of the Humidor I built in a style like his Egyptian dresser. The link got lost in the mix but he still replied personally. He said to say Hi to Mark Singer. He met Mark a couple years ago. He also said to say Hi to Sascha Gast. He said you guys are very talented. In addition he said he's heard lots of wonderful things about SMC:D I'll send him new pics and hopefully they get to the other side. I think that's pretty nice of him to respond personally even though he didn't get the pics. He is quite an inspiration to me. I only hope I get to meet him personally some day.

Pat Germain
04-22-2008, 12:58 PM
Awesome, Bill!

David also replied to an email and picture I sent him a few months ago. That guy is way cool! He has an amazing ability to remember people and their names.

I don't think I know Sascha, but I've seen some of Mark Singer's work here on SMC and, obviously, I agree that he's very talented. I also greatly appreciate Mark's posts.

Chris Padilla
04-22-2008, 2:52 PM
"Yo, David." :D

Greg Hines, MD
04-22-2008, 3:46 PM
"Yo, David." :D


As a Moderator, I wonder if anyone has ever invited David, or Norm, or any of the various celebrities to SMC?


Chris Padilla
04-22-2008, 3:49 PM
I invited Steve Gass, owner/founder of SawStop, over one time and he graciously accepted and still posts from time to time.

I have not reached out to anyone else. Shiraz, owner of Grizzly, chimes in every once in a while as well...dunno if anyone invited him over.

I'd say if an appropriate thread comes up, anyone here should feel free to reach out and extend a handshake to any of these 'celebrities' of woodworking. It would only be too cool to see David or Norm post over here once in a while. As a mod, I'm no more "special" than anyone else around here; I just appear to have "god-like" powers! ;) hahaha :D :D

Anthony Anderson
04-22-2008, 4:09 PM
It would only be too cool to see David or Norm post over here once in a while.

I agree, that would be cool, seeing how most of us on here, got started, kept safe (Norm's friendly reminder at the beginning of every show, you all know how it started:)), and was inspired to try knew techniques by these two craftsmen. So yeh, it would be very cool, if they stopped by to say hello. Let's add to them Tommy Silva, Richard Trethewey, and the rest of the gang on TOH. These are all the guys that I really enjoy watching and learning from. They truly are the "craftsman's craftsman".

There are quite a few of the new "flashy craftspeople" on DIY and HGTV, that are clearly not very hands on, but are more a tv personality than anything else, and I often find myself scratching my head at some of the "techniques" they attempt.

So Norm, David, Tommy, Richard, Kevin, and Roger if you ever have time, I know that you probably don't, but stop by SMC and say hello, it would be 'cool' to have you here. Regards, Bill

Matt Ocel
04-22-2008, 4:24 PM
So Norm, David, Tommy, Richard, Kevin, and Roger if you ever have time, I know that you probably don't, but stop by SMC and say hello, it would be 'cool' to have you here. Regards, Bill
(The above is a quote from Anthony A.)


Richard M. Wolfe
04-22-2008, 4:34 PM
I'm hoping to get Paul Bunyan's sutograph one of these days. :D:D

Dewey Torres
04-22-2008, 7:15 PM
I also got a reply from him. I gave him a coin from our command and he asked for the pics to be e-mailed to him. He replied and I was shocked because he clearly told us (Pat Germain and I) in the class that he rarely has time to e-mail.

Bill, glad to hear he know a few people here on SMC.

A agree it would be awesome to see a post from him. I bet Marc Spagnuolo (http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkxqpfw5IIlYBcGZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZjY4Nm1 rBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0gxMDJfNzQ-/SIG=132eglnob/EXP=1208996137/**http%3a//www.taunton.com/finewoodworking/Community/ArtistProfile.aspx%3fid=28080)
could talk him into a post. Those two are pretty close actually.


Dave Tinley
04-22-2008, 9:22 PM
He is quite an inspiration to me. I only hope I get to meet him personally some day.

Yes, you should meet him, he is really great.

I was taking a bent lamination class of his at the Dallas Woodcraft store. Things were not going smoothly and we stayed till about 9 pm that night to finish up. At 7 pm my wife called my cell wanting to know where I was. I put David on the phone and he talked to her for a couple of minutes and thanked her for understanding the time frame. She couldnt believe she had talked to a TV star, he seemed so down to earth was her reply. Way cool.
He used to make some of the touring WW shows and we still talk about that class.

sascha gast
04-22-2008, 9:30 PM
David is such a nice guy, I gotta go see him one day again, I don't think I have ever been so relaxed as when I was in his studio a few years back, great time.

Mark Singer
04-23-2008, 8:06 AM
David is a great woodworker and a terrific guy as well. I am always amazed at his vast and varied techniques in woodworking and finishing. I think all of us can learn a great deal from David.

Tim Malyszko
04-23-2008, 8:22 AM
I had the opportunity to take a class with David last year and he was such a down to earth, gracious gentleman. It's too bad that his show only lasted a few seasons, but it sounds like DIY really hosed him on the whole deal. O well.

I emailed him after the class and he didn't respond, but his wife did since he was still on the Woodcraft class tour. It was a really nice personal email.

The Marks family is a class act.

Bill Wyko
04-23-2008, 11:01 AM
When I send him more pics I'll be sure to invite him to SMC:)

Bob Hallowell
04-23-2008, 11:07 AM
Bill you should let him know we have some other top pro's posting such as Malcom Tibbets over in the turner forum. And for those who haven't seen Malcoms work you should visit his website.


Larry Browning
04-23-2008, 11:10 AM
Who knows, maybe some of our famous heroes are actually members of SMC under an alias name. I have often wondered if that were true. Like maybe Chris Padilla is really David Marks:eek: (oh, wait, I met Chris once and he didn't look like DM at all)

Peter Quadarella
04-23-2008, 11:43 AM
I heard from a friend who heard from a friend that Jim Becker is really Tage Frid.

ken seale
04-23-2008, 1:44 PM
I heard from a friend who heard from a friend that Jim Becker is really Tage Frid.

Too funny!


Chris Padilla
04-23-2008, 2:13 PM
Who knows, maybe some of our famous heroes are actually members of SMC under an alias name. I have often wondered if that were true. Like maybe Chris Padilla is really David Marks:eek: (oh, wait, I met Chris once and he didn't look like DM at all)

LOL! :D I might have a pinch of David's talent...in my little pinky toe...on my left foot...that I always drop freshly sharpened chisels on! :eek:

Chris Padilla
04-23-2008, 2:13 PM
I heard from a friend who heard from a friend that Jim Becker is really Tage Frid.

Tage must have lottsa time to post from beyond the grave, then!! :p

Leo Pashea
04-23-2008, 2:55 PM
Who knows, maybe some of our famous heroes are actually members of SMC under an alias name. I have often wondered if that were true. Like maybe Chris Padilla is really David Marks:eek: (oh, wait, I met Chris once and he didn't look like DM at all)

Can't be, Mr. Marks actually DOES woodworking. :rolleyes:

Scott Kilroy
04-23-2008, 3:09 PM
Who knows, maybe some of our famous heroes are actually members of SMC under an alias name. I have often wondered if that were true. Like maybe Chris Padilla is really David Marks:eek: (oh, wait, I met Chris once and he didn't look like DM at all)

He is David Marks, he's just got very very good masks.

Chris Padilla
04-23-2008, 3:12 PM
Can't be, Mr. Marks actually DOES woodworking. :rolleyes:

I haven't glued up an 8" thick MDF form lately so you may be right! ;)

However, I can make sawdust faster than you can say, "Oops!" :o

Chris Padilla
04-23-2008, 3:13 PM
He is David Marks, he's just got very very good masks.

...and make-up for the tatoo on my forearm.... :D

Peter Quadarella
04-23-2008, 3:45 PM
Mr. Frid is like Elvis, he's just hiding out ;)