View Full Version : David Marks, clamping dovetails

Steven Bolton
04-21-2008, 8:40 PM
I see there is a thread on David Marks. I just realized that I got the show a week or two ago. I caught a few minutes of a show.

On the show he was using cork (I assume attached to wood) to clamp up the dovetails. They were through dovetails. This really made sense to me.

But I didn't catch any details. Anyone know how to attached the cork to the wood? Where can you buy cork. What thickness?

Any details would be appreciated.

Steve Bolton

Peter Quinn
04-21-2008, 8:43 PM
I bought a sheet of 1/16" cork from a local craft store and attach it to clamping blocks with 3M #77 spray adhesive.

Mark Stutz
04-21-2008, 8:56 PM
I've purchased 1/8" thick in sheets for office supply stores like Office Depot. Easily attaches to wood with white or yellow glue. I've also read of using pine clmping blocks to achieve the same result, i.e. a soft block to allow the slightly proud pins to compress the block so that clamping pressure is distributed on the tail board.


Steven Bolton
04-21-2008, 9:00 PM
when you get in 1/4 inch sheets, how big is a sheet?

Steve Bolton