View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
04-21-2008, 9:14 AM
21 Apr 2008

Good Morning Everyone,

It's been a whirlwind of a week and weekend. We finally got to go and visit the LOML's parents...the FIL in particular and was able to be there with them during the FIL's surgery. He's at home recovering and we are back home after a whiring 1,196 miles of driving (round trip). With gas prices being as they are, makes if VERY expensive to drive and see the family any more. Makes me pretty angry, but I won't get on that topic.

No woodworking for me and I have a mower deck to rebuild as my John Deere 48C mower has decided to sling some parts and now needs rebuilding. Sheesh.!!!! That's all I needed....another expense to deal with.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

alex grams
04-21-2008, 9:28 AM
Actually got some work done!

I started to make progress on the wife's new desk. Got the side panels finished and stained, now to just assemble them together and final coat them!

The color on the walnut is turning out better than I expected. (the beauty of wood always amazes me when you find the right way to bring it out). And for the front side of her desk we were able to find a nice veneered sheet of walnut that has a beautiful curl to it that is really going to make it pop (nearly a curly maple style of wave).

Matt Woessner
04-21-2008, 9:32 AM
This weekend I got my chicken coop finished, nesting boxes and roosts built. My wife and I also got our garden in. No shop time though.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-21-2008, 9:55 AM
Saturday...... A little wind down time and played with my great-granddaughter Riley.

Sunday, worked on cleaning my office, the carport and repairing my mahogany office desk.

Sometimes as you get older you forget stuff....I need to clamp sections of that desk together while the glue dries. I reluctantly went to the shed to get my pipe clamps.....Imagine my surprise when I discovered in the shed ...not the shop.....my two 28 year old pipe clamps and the 4 jorgie's I'd bought 4 years ago. Brought 2 of the jorgies in with a smile on my face.

Got to find out if I can get my passport locally. Planning our upcoming Christmas/40th anniversary trip.:)

Martin Shupe
04-21-2008, 10:19 AM
I went camping with the Boy Scouts to the District Camporee. We won first place in the Campsite Inspection, and our older patrol won first place for the entire district patrol competition! The younger patrol won some ribbons as well. The Scoutmaster and I are elated. A couple years ago, the troop was on the verge of disbanding, and although we are still a small troop, I believe we are providing the boys with a good program, and the results seem to support that.

(Ken, I am still working on your box, but it should be on its way this week.)

Lance Norris
04-21-2008, 10:36 AM
Well... I went and got all the pressure treated lumber for my wifes picnic table on Friday, spent Saturday cutting it all to size and building the 4 uprights for the 2 benches. Sunday, after a late start, I built the uprights for the table. Today(Monday) as soon as the coffee kicks in, Im going to put it all together. I will post pics tonight.

Ed Kilburn
04-21-2008, 10:40 AM
I found a Jukebox program to turn a computer and touch screen into an electronic Jukebox. No problem finding a computer, new touch screen monitor EBay, software online. Now the problem what to put it in, on the mp3touchscreens forums other people found old floor model radios to mount the monitor in. After weeks of looking we had no luck. So last Sunday I sat down with Solidworks and designed a cabinet that could be built quickly, seeing we were having a party this past weekend. My wife wanted it to match the bar so I had some tambour left over and put sliding doors to cover the monitor when not in use. Also included is a picture last years project, the bar and bar stools there are 12 of them.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-21-2008, 10:40 AM
I went camping with the Boy Scouts to the District Camporee. We won first place in the Campsite Inspection, and our older patrol won first place for the entire district patrol competition! The younger patrol won some ribbons as well. The Scoutmaster and I are elated. A couple years ago, the troop was on the verge of disbanding, and although we are still a small troop, I believe we are providing the boys with a good program, and the results seem to support that.

(Ken, I am still working on your box, but it should be on its way this week.)

Congrats on the troop Martin!

I'm not the least bit concerned about the box. It'll be appreciated but it's not mandatory.

John Thompson
04-21-2008, 10:40 AM
While waiting a week for shellac to cure for a 6 drawer chest... started a tall TV.. DVD.. book stand for my son on Wednesday. Cut and laid two coats of poly finish as not the priortity of the chest. Will lay final coats of wiping poly and assemble tomorrow with the start of "rub-out" on chest today between coats of wiping poly on TV chest.

And caught some NHL play-offs to kill time betweeen. It often appears that I don't have a lot of time to kill though. Possibly just a figment of my imagination? ... :)


Rick Malloy
04-21-2008, 10:47 AM
Started working on an assmebly table for the shop on Saturday. Then the wife wanted to go to the borg and off we went, never miss an opportunity to go tool shopping no matter where it is. I picked up a metal trash can and some duct work for my new DC. Ended up making a pre-collector ( or whatever you want to call it) so the bigger pieces don't go thru my impeller. I figure that just might lengthen the life of the DC:)

Sunday was thunderbooming on and off all day. Didn't want to go out in the shop and plug in power tools in those conditions so that was a wasted day.

Ed Breen
04-21-2008, 12:15 PM
Hey Dennis,
Aint it a pain when the mower gives up the ghost!! SWMBO and I spent the weekend driving the 40 miles to the old place and packing up as much of the tools, garage stuff and old sheds as we could. Tough on two( seniors @ 78 and 64!!) Did find a super stand for my anvil, and it is exactly knuckle high it was in a lean to, buried under a ton of leaves. We started this moving last Thursday and figure we've still got two weeks of hauling. I now have two shops crowded into my 30 x 50. I should have built bigger! Oh well, I also found a rusty 9" square in the lean to dirt floor which when I buffed it up turned out to be a Starret of Athlo Mass.
No news next week, we're off to Arkansas for our time share.

Matt Meiser
04-21-2008, 1:05 PM
Finished up construction of my daughter's book shelf pictured below. I hoped to put the first coat of finish on at lunch today, but work has been keeping me too busy--barely had time to eat and check the creek. Yesterday I got the shop all cleaned up and did some planning and prep work for an upcoming gloat.

Karl Laustrup
04-21-2008, 1:54 PM
We had just about the best weekend one could hope for, weather wise. Temps in the lower to mid 70's and just a slight breeze.

I took the opportunity to pressure wash the deck, BBQ, all the window screens and the patio table and chairs. Now we can sit out and enjoy the weather.

Unfortunately that was the sum total of my endeavors. My foot was really hurting but LOML and I finished. Tomorrow is Dr. day about the foot. Hopefully, we'll have some changes which will let me to do the things I need to do around here.

Got to find out if I can get my passport locally. Planning our upcoming Christmas/40th anniversary trip.:)

UHH, Ken since when do you need a passport to get out of Ideho? :confused::eek: Would I need one to get in also?

Have a good week all.


Glenn Clabo
04-21-2008, 2:08 PM
UHH, Ken since when do you need a passport to get out of Ideho? :confused::eek: Would I need one to get in also?

Karl...The better question is...WHY would you want to get INTO Ideehoe?;)

Ken Fitzgerald
04-21-2008, 2:15 PM
Uh....guys.....there are a number of folks here driving around with bumper stickers.........."Welcome to Idaho...Now go home".....

Please don't encourage them!

For our 40th anniversary on Christmas Eve, our yougest son and his pretty little wife are giving us a trip to NZ.

Al Willits
04-21-2008, 2:25 PM
BBQ'd some brisket, cleaned the garage/shop, did some more finishing on the TV stand, replaced the sandpaper on my drum sander, helped rake the yard, sharpened some chisels, planed some molding for a friend, summerized the snowblowers, got the lawnmower ready, worked on the boat getting that ready, took Beasty out to din din, recleaned the garage again, and basicly run around like I was 30, in a 60 year old bod.

Right now I'm maxed out on Ibuprofen and at work trying to get the leg cramps and back pain to go away...:)


Jim O'Dell
04-21-2008, 2:48 PM
Al, I'm in the same shape you are, it sounds like. I dug out for a french drain for the side of the shop that is still taking on water when it rains hard. Legs aren't as bad as I thought they'd be, but my shoulders are worse! Got most of it in, lack 1 section of 4" PVC to finish up. For pictures, see my thread here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=14427&page=5
I'll be glad when this shop building is done. Hope I live that long!! :p Jim.

Greg Hines, MD
04-21-2008, 3:01 PM
I worked on a storage drawer for the bottom of my router table. I am making it with a rabbet and dado joint at the corners, out of 1/2" MDO plywood. The bottom is also 1/2" thick as well. It isn't quite coming together like I had planned, but should get glued up this week. For runners, I intend to just use mating cleats on the sides and under the table, perhaps lined with UMHW tape.

I am concerned about using the dado/rabbet joint, due to the inherent weakness of the plywood. I did have a part of it delaminate that I have glued back in place. That said, I am not sure what else can be done on that point.


Fred Voorhees
04-21-2008, 5:14 PM
Friday night I finished up breaking down my Delta contractor saw and Saturday morning, the fellow who was purchasing it came to pick it up. He must have been anxious to get his use out of it, because he called me on Sunday and told me that he already had it rebuilt and cutting wood. Glad to make a happy woodworker! Saturday afternoon and evening, it was off to my first dirt track stock car racing event of the season. I am back writing about the sport via a web blog for the racing trade paper that I used to write for weekly. Sunday morning it was a quick jaunt to one of the bigger reservoirs in the area to test out a used Evinrude motor I bought for my aluminum boat. After that, it was basically in resting mode the rest of the day and getting used to two new cats in the house to bring our total to four felines - two males and two females.

Ray Schafer
04-21-2008, 5:53 PM
The bar looks great! ... is that a dance pole?

Jim Becker
04-21-2008, 6:22 PM
It was a beautiful almost-3-day weekend for me and I got a lot accomplished, although it was not in the shop. For the most part, Professor Dr. SWMBO, the girlie-girls and I were doing all kind of things to get the new addition ready to move into once we get a CO. (Hopefully this week sometime...) While they largely did cleaning, I was working on things like getting the drawers and doors installed (and knobbed....) in the bathrooms and other similar pursuits. The master bath vanities (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showpost.php?p=834643&postcount=71)really look great in the space...I'm very pleased.

I also did some additional "dirt work" with the big orange power tool to prepare for the front walkway and retaining wall as well as got the great room in the original structure "cleaned out" so that the painters can get in to take care of that much needed work as well as the floor guys who are going to refinish the "bottom" of the room. Boy, does it look BIG right now, too...nothing in it which is a big change from total clutter during the last 9 months of construction.

I will get back in the shop soon to do the cabinets for my new office after a few minor things to further prepare the great room for paint and floor work plus getting the glass in the wet bar doors. And then I need to start building more furniture...

Lance Norris
04-21-2008, 8:44 PM
Well... my weekend project was building a picnic table. I like this design because my wife and I are um, well... rather large people and a regular picnic table is uncomfortable. We ate dinner there tonight and it was nice. Its interesting that food always tastes better outdoors:).

Leo Zick
04-21-2008, 8:50 PM
I found a Jukebox program to turn a computer and touch screen into an electronic Jukebox. No problem finding a computer, new touch screen monitor EBay, software online. Now the problem what to put it in, on the mp3touchscreens forums other people found old floor model radios to mount the monitor in. After weeks of looking we had no luck. So last Sunday I sat down with Solidworks and designed a cabinet that could be built quickly, seeing we were having a party this past weekend. My wife wanted it to match the bar so I had some tambour left over and put sliding doors to cover the monitor when not in use. Also included is a picture last years project, the bar and bar stools there are 12 of them.

i like your bronze dancing pole :D

Tony Cox
04-21-2008, 9:31 PM
Saturday morning the wife and I went to Frank Miller Lumber since they were having their spring sale. In the afternoon I finished putting together the 8 drawers for 2 of the cabinets I am building for the garage. Sunday I cut down a dead tree in our backyard and cleaned up the garage a little. Not much I can do with the garage until I get the cabinets done. My pre-cat lacquer came in today, so maybe I can get them finished.

Ed Kilburn
04-22-2008, 2:23 PM
The dance pole is power coated, as are the bar foot rail and the foot plates on the bar stools. The pole is removable, but we have it up at some of our parties, there are a few ladies that like to dance on it.