View Full Version : My Sons first project

Bob Knodel
04-19-2008, 4:42 PM
Hello All,

My son wanted to make a bird house for my wife, 2 grand mothers and 1 great grand mother for the upcoming Mothers Day. I had him draw out a scetch on some graph paper and we went out to the shop. I cut all the wood on the table saw but he did most everything else. We even made a new box joint jig together. This was a fun project for both of us and only took a couple of hours. I do believe he is hooked on woodworking! He still has to sand and stain it but we will probably build the other 3 and stain them all at once. We just have to find another couple of hours between our familys 100 other extra-curricular activities!!!!


Vince Shriver
04-19-2008, 5:09 PM
That little house will become a family treasure in years to come -- excellent project. My son made a little recipe clip from a clothes pin and a couple wooden pucks for his mom years ago. She still keeps it on the stove after 15 years.

Mark Engel
04-19-2008, 5:12 PM
Very nice first project! Can't wait to see the next three.

You could just leave them natural. If you do want to stain them, make sure and use only water based stains and only on the outside. Don't stain the interior or the edge of the access hole. Make sure the stain is thoroughly dry before opening it up for occupancy.

John Thompson
04-19-2008, 5:37 PM
You didn't mention his name or I would address him direct... so tell him "Sarge" says that the bird-house is out-standing. :)

Regards to the family...


Jim Becker
04-19-2008, 6:33 PM
Looks like he did a FINE job on that one!! Bravo!

Duncan Potter
04-19-2008, 6:52 PM

Floyd Cox
04-19-2008, 6:55 PM
That is one fine looking bird house. There are going to be some happy moms & Grandmas out there.

Reed Wells
04-19-2008, 7:02 PM
Bob, Tell your son I like the shingles on the gable. Gives it a real old fashion look.

Ralph Okonieski
04-19-2008, 7:58 PM
Very nicely done ! I can't wait to see the next ones !!!

Bob Knodel
04-19-2008, 9:16 PM
Very nice first project! Can't wait to see the next three.

You could just leave them natural. If you do want to stain them, make sure and use only water based stains and only on the outside. Don't stain the interior or the edge of the access hole. Make sure the stain is thoroughly dry before opening it up for occupancy.

Thanks for the input on the stain. I kind of forgot about the occupants and the smell of the stain.

Thanks for all the great comments. He appreciates all of your support!! I think the next one will be out of wenge and bloodwood...or maybe we will just stick to the cedar. Maybe we should try some of those Double, Double box joints like on Bill Wykos latest Humidor! He sure makes some beautiful pieces. This site is truely an inspiration!

Pete Harbin
04-20-2008, 9:01 AM
Way to go Dad! The birdhouse looks great and the boy looks proud.


P.S. Is that an Arizona Sundogs cap on that boy?

gary Zimmel
04-20-2008, 11:08 AM
Your son did a great job on the birdhouse Bob. Won't be long and he will be needing his own tools...

Joe Chritz
04-20-2008, 12:30 PM
Very nice indeed.

I will be looking forward to many more project pics.


Bob Knodel
04-20-2008, 7:35 PM
P.S. Is that an Arizona Sundogs cap on that boy?

Nope. He plays Junior Baseball and that is his team hat. Woodworking takes a distant 2nd to Baseball for him. Baseball = Life. :D

Wes Bischel
04-20-2008, 10:40 PM
Wonderful project! Tell your son to expect lots of hugs and kisses from all the Moms in your family!:D
