View Full Version : kudoes to Doug Thompson and Oneway

Hilel Salomon
04-19-2008, 10:10 AM
Had several frustrations here in the mountains, but thanks to the mountains to placate my angry spirit and to Doug Thompson and Oneway, some of it has gone away.
I have read so many favorable comments about Doug's gouges that, despite having an abundance of good ones, I still wanted to try them out and ordered two half inch bowl gouges (a v and an u). When my package came... remarkably quickly, it was quite empty. The local post office gave me the runaround and I called Doug. A few days later, a tube with the gouges, and no questions asked. NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL GOOD SERVICE.
Also, when I tried to get my existing jaws on newly purchased stronghold chucks, the last jaw on the last chuck didn't have a grub screw. Called Oneway (Gloria) and she insisted on sending my the grub screw---actually sent me a few. That too is why I tout Oneway.
Anyway, I thought I'd share the nice stuff with you folks.
Regards, Hilel.

Steve Schlumpf
04-19-2008, 10:36 AM
Always good to hear about good service! Hope that's the last of your problems for a while! Thanks for sharing!

Bernie Weishapl
04-19-2008, 4:57 PM
Thanks for sharing Hilel. It is good to hear that we still have people that will take care of problems.

Doug Thompson
04-20-2008, 11:41 AM
I'm glad everything worked out well, over the past year and a half the USPS has a good record with only a few tools that didn't make it or an order that is not delivered on time.

It was good talking to you on the phone and I hope the tools are a improvement over the others in your collection.

Glenn Hodges
04-20-2008, 1:17 PM
That kind of service is unheard of today, stories like this make me a steadfast customer of Doug. Hey CEO's are you listening? Shoot no, no one listens to me not even my dog, but it's my money, and it is the one thing I can still control (after all that bunch get their hands in it getting all those taxes). I ordered a case of bullets and someone had gone into it and remove some from just about each box before it arrived at my home. I almost had to take UPS to court to get back the missing amount of bullets. UPS decided they did not want to go to court in this little county. That is the kind of service the CEO's are offering me these days so they can get their multimillion dollar bonuses. Thanks Hilel, for telling me about Doug's good service.

Allen Neighbors
04-20-2008, 6:33 PM
You just can't beat DT or OW. They make a great combination in the shop, too.