View Full Version : Is there a reason . . . .

Steven DeMars
04-18-2008, 7:39 PM
Is there a reason that a lot of you do not put your location on your profile / post?

It is so much easier to relate to someone when you know where they are located.

ie . . . When offering advice or suggestions about how to do something or where to find something . . .

For example, when I posted about A/C for my shop, I got everything from a few why would you do that to detailed suggestions on how to make it work.

But one thing was consistent in every post . . . "it's really hot and humid there isn't it?"

Chuck Wintle
04-18-2008, 7:46 PM
Perhaps some members don't want that information to be known?

Al Willits
04-18-2008, 7:51 PM
Its been brought up before and doesn't seem to help, I agree, be nice to know before you go though the time to reply that you have a wizit and you'd be glad to let them use it, only to find they're 1800 miles away.

Don't need exact address, just maybe what part of a state your from, if your nervous about letting anyone know where you are.

Course if your that nervous why are you online with all the hackers out there anyway?? :)


Ron Dunn
04-18-2008, 7:52 PM
Physical security is one good reason. I've often wondered if I'm contributing to a shopping list for the light-fingered by putting my location AND name online.

Isaac Barnes
04-18-2008, 8:18 PM
I'm afraid if you know where I live, my tin-foil hat won't protect me. I know how those people in Louisiana are..... hey wait a sec..

Tom Veatch
04-18-2008, 10:07 PM
I'm afraid if you know where I live, my tin-foil hat won't protect me. I know how those people in Louisiana are..... hey wait a sec..

Hey, Isaac! Not meaning to hijack the thread, but I see you're from my old stompin' grounds. Born and raised in Coushatta, 'bout 45mi south of you. Both my brothers still live in the Shreveport area and most all my kin are still within a few miles of a Blanchard to Natchitoches line.

(and you can see from my sig. that I'm not leery of putting my location on record.)

Eric Larsen
04-18-2008, 11:54 PM
I have too much personal information out on the Interwebs. I can't help it, it's part of my job.

That being said, I wish more people would put in their location. I bet there's a dozen creekers in the Las Vegas valley -- We could co-op on wood purchases to get a quantity discount.

I'd also like to know what's going to happen in to the stuff I make considering the current 6% humidity. There's got to be a good deal of desert woodworking tips out there, but I sure can't find any.

So, if any of you buy Eucirin skin cream by the metric ton (yet still have lizard skin), get in touch. I'd like to hear from you.

Dave MacArthur
04-21-2008, 3:35 AM
Indeed... I find smoking deals on craigs list constantly on tools I already own, and WISH I had a list of Phoenix creekers (or could search for them) so I could PM them the deal. And for the Workshops forum, advice is pretty much 50% useless there unless you know where/climate someone lives. Oh well; took me 2 months to figure out how to do it myself, and 3 months before I realized what "contributor" meant, and that I could contribute...

Joe Chritz
04-21-2008, 6:34 AM
Please post locations.

I have no way to know where to send the black helicopters without one. I think I here thumping in the distance.


Jeff Miller
04-21-2008, 7:36 AM
Some people probably don't know where they live.

The rest are paranoid :eek:


John W. Willis
04-21-2008, 8:17 AM
John Walsh and AMW

J. Z. Guest
04-21-2008, 8:25 AM
I think a lot of people sign up and either don't know about the profile or just didn't bother to go there and complete it.

Sometimes, if someone is local to me and they're having a problem with something or are tool shopping and are considering one that I've already got, I'll offer to have them over and go through it with them. No location posted? Too bad, you just lost out. You could be 2 blocks away from me and I wouldn't know it. So I hope the anonymity is worth it. :(

We have power tools, not diamonds. Power tools that are worth a lot of money are not that portable, in general.

I think most of us use our real names anyhow, so if someone wanted to find us, it would be all too easy. Whenever I search for something via online yellow pages, I get offers for "upgraded information"; for a nominal charge. It goes something like this: (but more diplomatically phrased) "Here is the legal information for free, the information this person doesn't want public, we will sell you for $20."