View Full Version : Compressor setup advice (Dryer)

Joe Jensen
04-18-2008, 3:42 PM
I was fortunate to find a Quincy 325 compressor on a 60 gal horizontal tank with a 3HP motor for $300. I was in pretty good shape but the owner said the motor didn't run and he thought maybe someone ran it on the wrong voltage. Also, the seller purchased it from a dental office that closed.

The unloader housing was cracked ($100) and it needed an air filter ($51). I also replaced the check valve ($9) both relief valves ($12), and the pressure switch ($50). I have good Wilkerson particulate and coelescing fitlers.

My big question is around drying the air for spraying with an HVLP conversion gun. I live in AZ and it's really dry here. Yesterday the dew point was 25 degrees. The refrigerated dryers are rated to guarentee a 38 degree dew point. Another plus with the refrigerated unit is that the air is cooler. I think I cost is between $400 and $800 depending on if I can find a good used unit. The other option is a desiccant dryer. Cost here looks like around $150.

I'd love some inputs from those with experience.

Jim Becker
04-18-2008, 10:48 PM
I only use a regular water/moisture filter on my 60 gallon setup and it's been just fine for finishing. The auto-drain I have on the compressor also contributes to that success, I believe.