View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
04-18-2008, 7:14 AM
Friday April 18th, 2008


What a week. I trust everyone made the tax deadline, or at least got an extension.

Had some decent weather with temps in the 60's for a couple of days, although it was quite windy. Rain yesterday, today and tomorrow, which will get the ground saturated again and preclude any outdoor activities. Still no buds on the trees and my grass is just starting to recover from the record snows. I should be getting the JD ready for mowing, but I'm afraid if I take the snow thrower off we'll get a major snow storm again.

Going to try and get some more done on cleaning and straighting the shop up as well as the basement [Al?]. Foot is still a problem though. I go to the Dr. Tuesday so we'll see what he has to say then.

What's up in your neck of the woods? Fun, games, work or play?

Al, I hope you've got the boat all ready again for some fishing. Golf isn't too far off. :)

Whatever will be keeping you busy for the next couple of days, I hope it's productive and above all SAFE. Have a good weekend.


Matt Meiser
04-18-2008, 7:43 AM
Its supposed to be in the upper 70's here. Today is LOML Jr's birthday so we're having family over tonight and then tomorrow afternoon she's have a party with her friends at Ronald's place. In between I'm hoping to finish up the book shelf I building for her this weekend which pretty much means flushing the edging on the shelves and final sanding. I also need to design the shelf I promised my mom I'd make her since that will be my next project.

John Keeton
04-18-2008, 7:56 AM
Beautiful day on tap today, but rain for tomorrow and some Sunday. Hope to get some reseeding, etc. and other yard work done this afternoon ahead of the rain. Then, I hope to rebuild my collapsed ductwork on my DC system! Time permitting, I will work on building new windows for the shop from PVC board. I've never fooled with that stuff before, so i am interested in seeing how that goes.

Turkey season is in, but tagged out last weekend. Kind of takes the fun out of a 3 week season, but with rain on the weekends - just as well! Hope everyone enjoys the time the good Lord has given us! Be safe.

David Duke
04-18-2008, 8:06 AM
Our oldest grandson will be spending the weekend with us this week so I look forward to being able to spoil him for a while. In between time though I have the doors/drawers for the kitchen I'm building to make, I hope to put a pretty big dent in these this weekend.

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!!!!

Lance Norris
04-18-2008, 8:17 AM
Im going this morning to buy treated lumber to build myself and the wif a picnic table. She wants the one thats on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens, Wood Magazine~The Best of Wood Book 3. Its an easy project, I should have it together by Sunday, unless Saturday is a washout. I am also going to the local AAW meeting, Buckeye Woodworkers and Wood Turners, for the first time on Saturday morning.

Mike SoRelle
04-18-2008, 9:27 AM
John, your forecast for Central KY sounds about like the one I'm hearing for up here in Northern KY, such a shame, it's been so nice this week.

I've got to get the finish work done on a simple table I built to use as a spot to fold and stack clothes in the laundry room.

The the plan is to work on a picnic table too, I was wanting to use cedar, but I don't know about you guys, but finding 4x4 cedar posts seems to be alot harder than I remember it being say 10-12 years ago, the last time I used it for something (I wanted to use 4x4 for legs) none of the lumber yards I've checked up here have any.

I think I might end up doing the base out of PT pine and use cedar for the top, the contrast might work out to look okay.

I'd like to use the rainy time to clean out some of the junk that's been accumulating in my shop too, but that's just not as fun as making sawdust.

So basically I'll be doing good if I manage to get just one of those three things done! :)

Everyone have a great weekend!

J. Z. Guest
04-18-2008, 9:30 AM
Karl, I like these posts of yours. They really keep me aware of whether I'm actually making progress on my projects.

This weekend, I intend to put two more coats of tung oil on a Shaker wall shelf and hopefully get some gloss to the finish. Also, I'd like put together the assemblies of the nightstands. (tonight & Sat.)

Sunday, I'm going for an all-day motorcycle ride starting with pie & coffee in Wisconsin with my Region 4 buddies XXXXX*. Trying to convince my wife to come along.

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Jared Minor
04-18-2008, 10:29 AM
Going to Austin for an Orchid show at the Botanical Gardens. We have had temps. in the low 80's for a couple of weeks now, so everything is blooming. Including the trees! Man the oak pollen is something else. One good thing about where I live is that we have a few cedar mills around. If we need 4x4's or whatever, we just have a short drive to make. Funny thing, there isn't a stick of hardwood unless you cut it yourself. I've got piles of mesquite and spalted oak and pecan that I need to cut, that won't be happening this weekend.

Jim Becker
04-18-2008, 10:42 AM
Well, I have the YMCA karate and swimming run this Saturday, so that will take a few hours out of my time, but when not otherwise engaged, I'll be doing a lot of things in support of getting our addition ready to move into...hanging towel and TP hardware, installing the remaining cabinet hardware and getting all the drawers and doors back on the vanities, getting the glass into the doors on the wet bar, etc. I'll also be trying to get all the stuff out of the great room so it can be made ready for painting and floor refinishing...the contractors' schedules are getting ugly, so I don't want to delay too much. I also have more dirt and stone to move around with the big, orange power tool outside. I'm starting my weekend again on Friday this week, taking a personal day, so I can keep moving on all these little things with the addition. We are SO close to being finished...and hopefully we will have a CO next week sometime.

Taxes were ugly, Karl, but I got them done on Monday and got my crying over with as soon as I could... :( I just hope that all that money gets used for things I approve of...and we can leave that thought right there to stay within the TOS... ;)

Karl Laustrup
04-18-2008, 4:54 PM
Taxes were ugly, Karl, but I got them done on Monday and got my crying over with as soon as I could... :( I just hope that all that money gets used for things I approve of...and we can leave that thought right there to stay within the TOS... ;)

I hope too Jim, but I ain't holdin' my breath. :rolleyes:


Fred Voorhees
04-18-2008, 6:07 PM
Little bro is visiting today (Fri) and tomorrow. Will have him help me move my contractor saw down from the shop tonight so that the purchaser can load it up tomorrow. Yup, the shop will be without a tablesaw for a month or two until the new Jet cab saw arrives. Will be mounting a used boat motor I purchased on the boat for the first time tomorrow morning and giving it a good test run. Hopefully, if the weather cooperates, myself and a fishing buddy will take it out on a major reservoir Sunday morning and do some fishing along with an actual test run out on the water. First dirt track race of the season Saturday night at my usual haunt, the New Egypt Speedway in central NJ.

Al Willits
04-18-2008, 8:04 PM
Karl, I'll probably get the boat ready this coming sunday while the brisket is BBQ'ing, Golf clubs are ready where ever they are...:)

TV cabinet is Saturdays project, the Watco stuff has had about three days to dry and I will start adding poly after a light sanding, never did find out if I can raise the grain now that the Dainish oil is dry, so we'll skip the wet sanding this time...all goes well I should have a couple coats on by Sunday
320 between coats I think, but not quite sure what to do the final coat with though, its a satin finish??
I've heard everything from 0000 steel wool to a buffing compound...:)

Al..who's not sure why you'd buff a satin finish, but figures there's something he's missing

Karl, your foot getting better???

Fred Haydon
04-18-2008, 9:01 PM

Weekend plans were to start with planting 20 trees in the back 40 this evening, but I'm still at work (14 hrs and counting) SO...

Plant the trees in the AM and then is down to the neighbor's to assist with the patio he's putting down. He wants a cut man for the pavers and claims I'm the most qualified for the job. As long as the beer is cold at the end of the day, who am I to complain.

Sunday I'll be getting started on a picture frame job that was finalized that night. 10 8x10 white oak frames, custom profile, clear finish with lo-glare glass. The Woodmaster and I will be making a mountain of shavings 'fore the day is through.:D

After the day I've had today, the hum of WW machinery will be sweet music to my protected ears.


Steve Clardy
04-18-2008, 9:11 PM
Working on cabinets as usual Saturday.

Also will be on the lookout for a visit from a friend.:D

Sunday its bid time at the lake. Former customers want some more cabinets in their lake house.

Then its time to keep me and my visitor out of trouble.:eek:
They will be lots of yakking and coffee drinking going on. [And work] ;)