View Full Version : Weekend Accomplishments.....PICS*

Dennis Peacock
03-29-2004, 12:24 AM
Well....I'm Really, <b>REALLY</b> glad that this weekend is over.

Yup Tyler.....it was my "grouchy week".!! ;) I have been oncall for WORK this week and I am functioning on 3.5 hours of sleep and I am really PAST ready to hit the rack.

Nothing really done over the weekend except for work. But here is what I did just prior to Friday night.

Airplanes for John Weber's little neighbor.
Glenn's two adirondack chairs and LOMLs adirondack chair
Pens for the FPP and some pens to sell.
The bottom pen is LOML's Purse Pen. She gets it in the morning. It's her B-Day gift...well PART of her gift anyway. :)
Not too bad of a weekend. So what did YOU do this weekend.?

Best of weeks.....

Terry Quiram
03-29-2004, 7:14 AM

That is a grand looking chair! And a very nice pen for the LOYL. Wish her a happy birthday from Connie and I. I continued to work on the 12 table tops for my friends bar. I also roughed my first Stubby bowl.


Kelly C. Hanna
03-29-2004, 8:38 AM
All that in a weekend? I'll bet you're tired. I like the chairs....beautiful work.

Jim Becker
03-29-2004, 8:45 AM
From an actually woodworking standpoint, I merely got the final coats of lacquer on the LCD TV stand. Otherwise, it was a "lumber gathering" weekend with my trip to hook up with Alan Turner and my chainsaw/bandsaw marathon yesterday after a brief visit to Home Depot with LOML. The DVD movie of the week was the first Harry Potter film (very well done...) and we had our one-week-delayed "third Saturday" dinner out with another couple.

It's Monday morning and I still feel like I've been run over by a truck with all that chain saw work. That should make NYC more "fun" for the 'ol bones...:rolleyes:

Kelly C. Hanna
03-29-2004, 8:55 AM
I got a bit of woodworking done this weekend as well (although not in the usual scope of what we do). We were camping in Beaver's Bend, OK and I was the firewood procurement instigator. We filled my 3/4 ton truck four times for three nites. No chainsaws or axes were involved though. We cut them to length with my sawzall (since my chainsaw quit on me two months ago and I ran out of time to get another one before the trip).

At one time we had the fire stacked 5 layers high and we were sitting about 8' from the fire ring (and staying very warm).

Ken Salisbury
03-29-2004, 9:13 AM
Spent a good deal of time Saturday with the local TV people who did a fantastic job on giving us coverage. The segment re-aired 3 times Sunday and again on this morning's news.

Sunday I managed to make some red/white/blue Corian blanks and center bands, took photos and wrote up the procedure w/pics on a web page (http://www.oldrebelworkshop.com/pen contruction.htm).

p.s. Also watched some basketball and drank 1 BL :D

John Miliunas
03-29-2004, 10:01 AM
Took Friday "off" for a "Family Day". Spent at an indoor water park in the Dells. My daughter plum wore me out and too pooped to pop by the time we got home. Sat., tried turning a base for the acrylic creation I started last week. Not quite satisfied with that yet. Sat. afternoon, finally got around to cutting up some mdf for the platten, to be used on the vacuum press. Got all the grooves cut and even waxed the puppy to help with glue leak cleanup. Started prepping a couple pieces of veneer to test with. Sun. a.m, found I had won the bidding for the "new" lathe, so communicated with the seller and found he was anxious to deliver! (Cool!) Got help lined up, made space for it. Took delivery and spent a couple pleasant hours talking shop with the seller. After he left, started organizing and planning layout for the "new" lathe. Spent the rest of the evening with LOML and daughter. These weekends are WAY too short! Have a great week, all! :cool:

Tyler Howell
03-29-2004, 10:12 AM
Great weekend. Very productive. Got to play plumber, electrician, machinist. sheet metal worker and garbage man.
Working my way through the re muddling punch list. Also reworking the out-feed table on my table saw. More work space and room for swinging sheet goods. Also extended the left tilt crank for the TS so you don’t have to stand on your head to use it. Repaired a pile of hand toold that have been patiently waiting attention.
Put in an order to Woody and a few other shop suppliers. Pix to follow.

Got caught up in the thread fever at SMC and decided to pull two new 220V drops for the shop. While I was at it I converted my jointer, BS, & DC to 220.
Dennis rest up buddy! We gotta get that septic system perking. Beautiful chair and pens. If I grow up I want to be just like you.;)
Jim B. come on now you gotta ketchup on your flicks buddy! :p That one is great and in my DVD collection but ancient.

Scott Coffelt
03-29-2004, 10:44 AM
Where did the weekend go? I look back and realize I got nothing accomplished, WWing related at least. I spent about an hour trying to and finalling succeeding in getting my wife's MP3 player working (I bought it for her at Xmas). Dell PCs are nice, but they load a skinny version of teh operating system and it seems everytime I need to load something new it takes for ever locating needed drivers and such.

The weather cleared up Sunday enough for me to get the yard mowed, leaves picked up, fertilizer and some seed down, and to cleanout the watering system (no leaks this years, hope the luck holds out). I am not sure I am ready to mow every week, yet.

Looked at a lot on Saturday, but the builder and I had a long conversation and decided the drainage for the entire world runs right through the center of the location the house would sit on. So, moving on. Some day I hope to gloat about a lot, but not this week.

Spent all morning Saturday running around trying to find a lab open to take my sons blood. The little guy has to have his tonsils, adnoids removed and tubes put in on Wednesday. All the locations were closed though they were suppose to be open. PITA!

That's about it.

Jim Becker
03-29-2004, 12:03 PM
Jim B. come on now you gotta ketchup on your flicks buddy! That one is great and in my DVD collection but ancient.

Yes, it's not a new one, but since we didn't see it (nor much of anything else) in the theaters, it finally got in front of our eyes this weekend. That's why I put in the home theater setup and NetFlix is a wonderful thing! No lines...no waiting...they ship the next one(s) on our list as soon as they receive the one(s) we watched back. About two days turnaround. Fixed price $20 per month; they pay shipping both ways and there is no limit to how many you can get in a month with the only restriction that you can't have more than three out at a time. Since we can put titles on the list that are not even released yet, they get in our queue as soon as that status changes. 29000 titles available. Highly recommended.

Glenn Hodges
03-29-2004, 12:49 PM
I sure do like that chair. My son, his wife, and my granddaughter and I caught about 40 bream and bass in one of my ponds. We would have caught more, but we would have had to clean them. What a fish fry!

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
03-29-2004, 10:21 PM
Had a GREAT week end demonstrating caning at a juried art and craft show at the University of Texas Winedale facility; Wonderful weather, beautiful surroundings and fantastic people. Was asked to play my saw a lot and had a ball. Got a chair caned as well. My understudy worked along with me; I think she is going to do well.