View Full Version : Another Vista Problem

Anthony Welch
04-13-2008, 11:19 AM
My xp crashed... went and purchased another computer w/Vista.

Now when i make a new window to do something else, it replecates my new job and it writes over the previous job.

Almost all the time I need to go back and vector cut what I vector engraved or change something to it and now because of the replecation of the new job I've lost the old.

I've tried to work with this and it has made me mad as a hornet.

I know there is a "button" that I need to push, but I don't know what it is.

In XP I was able to do one job and toggle between windows and not loose anything. Now I'm aggravated as )(&^%$#%%$(!!!!!!!!

Can someone help?

James Stokes
04-13-2008, 1:37 PM
It sounds like the auto save is on. You can turn that off in your preferances or set up a differant folder to do the autosaves to.