View Full Version : Wiseman gains wisdom from others

Johnny Fischer
04-13-2008, 7:52 AM
Why is the wiseman sooo wise?
Everybody loves to be noticed, heard & included. Human nature.
He sits back and observes and watches others make the mistakes of life and does not repeat the same misstakes.
Of course life wouldnt be life if we didnt live it & make some of our own mistakes.
Everbody also loves true wisdom & good advise shared with them from wise people.
Bad advise gets people hurt or in trouble.
If you dont know the answer, find someone who does have the correct answer.
Your toes wont hurt as much.
Seek, Observe, Listen & Learn.

Stephen Edwards
04-13-2008, 8:13 AM
AMEN! Great advice, not just for woodworkers but for life in general.