View Full Version : Bathroom vanity question

C Scott McDonald
04-12-2008, 11:22 PM
I am going to make a Vanity for my bathroom. I am going to buy a premade countertop that is 25x22.5 It is going into a corner of the bathroom. There a guide line for how much over hang there should be for the top over the cabinet? I was thinking 1 inch around the two over hang edges?? It is a granite top from the big blue store.

Any suggestions?



Paul Girouard
04-12-2008, 11:31 PM
I like at least 1" but 1 1/4" is the optium number IMO.

Reason being is that way any water that runs off, there's always some from wipping the counter top off , cleaning, etc. That water then does NOT ended up on the face of the doors and draw fronts , well most of it doesn't anyway , it drips to the floor / easier to clean up.

Johnny Fischer
04-12-2008, 11:38 PM
You better on planning to have a 1 1/2" overhang for your top as custom and pre made all wood cabinetry usually have a minimum of 1" thick drawer faces. Your top should over hange the drawer faces by at least 1/2".

Joe Chritz
04-13-2008, 5:28 AM
I build all my counters standard with 1 1/2 overhang on the front and sides. I build it 1 3/4-2" wider than the cabinet to account for scribing. Usually the same overhang on the end unless I want something special.

The last one needed over 1/2" of scribe to fit the wall.


Jim Becker
04-13-2008, 9:02 AM
The newly installed counters on the vanities I did for our addition have a 1" overhang.

Matt Meiser
04-13-2008, 10:11 AM
I have 1" on the front, quite a bit less on the end due to me failing to take into account the filler strip on the other end. I could have gotten a lot of it back by cutting down the filler strip, but I liked the look so I left it.

Ben Grunow
04-13-2008, 2:11 PM
1" is the standard for inset doors and 1 1/2 for overlay around here. I would fit the top on some temporary cleats before making the vanity so you know what you have before you start.

That said- 1/2" on the side is not the end of the world. You may want max cabinet width and min overhang so you dont bump you elbow on it if the toilet is next to the vanity.

Matt Ocel
04-13-2008, 2:41 PM
When I measure vanities for tops in new construction, we add an inch for overhang. I have been measuring that way for 14 years.