View Full Version : Found a Trent Bosch Carving Stand.(on CL)

Scott Hubl
04-09-2008, 12:34 AM
I just picked up the Trent Bosch Portable Carving Stand on CL for $70.00 plus $10.00 to ship it to me.

These are pretty cool if you want to do some carving or other type detail work to a turning while its still mounted to your chuck.http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/tls/633273207.html

http://images.craigslist.org/01010801150501020320080407b277b3e1ebd2763d8000fc21 .jpg

This one is a 1X8TPI so I will get an adapter to 1-1/4X8:D I should have it by Monday.

Trent sells them for $140.00 plus shipping