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View Full Version : Wet Flares & 97 Camry

Greg Peterson
04-06-2008, 2:53 PM
So I kept a few flares bundled together in the left rear trunk compartment of our 97 Camry.

Was vacuuming the trunk compartment and pulled out the covers to check the spare and vacuum up any loose debris that has a way of falling down there. The left compartment was half full of water, the flares were soaked and there was a white crusty buildup at the water line. I've removed the flares and the water.


How corrosive is this water now that the flares have leeched their chemicals into it?
Any idea where the leak may be? Body shop guys probably have a pretty good idea. I'm guessing the tail light assembly. If so, what's the fix?
Now that the flares are thoroughly soaked, do they present any kind of a hazard, fire, chemical or otherwise, or can I just dump them in the trash can? I'm thinking safe, responsible disposal here.Anyway, thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.

Joe Chritz
04-06-2008, 4:59 PM
Most of the chemicals in road flares are not water soluable. Each manufacturer has a different formula to some extent so it is impossible to say for sure based on your flares.

I am not aware of any regular trash disposal that accepts road flares. A trip to the MSDS for your particular ones would be a good start. Also check with a marine supply store and ask about disposal. Boats over a certain size (16' or 18' if memory serves) has to have in date flares.


Eric Franklin
04-06-2008, 6:58 PM
If the antenna is in that area, it could be leaking around that. I pretty sure power antenna's have a drain tube.

Barry Nelson
04-06-2008, 9:19 PM
Had the same model solution was to put a small bead of silicone around the tailight assembly,.Kept it watertight,must have been a fault with that particular model.

Matt Meiser
04-06-2008, 9:21 PM
Look for weep holes too. There are usually holes that should have let this water run out. If there is debris in them, they can prevent water from getting out. While you shouldn't have had a lot of water in there, condensation and such needs a way out.

Greg Peterson
04-06-2008, 11:04 PM
Thanks guys. Breaking out the silicone and checking the weep holes.