View Full Version : Pen Kit/CA finish question

John Yogus
04-05-2008, 4:50 PM
I've recently started into pens within the last few months. What is the difference between rhodium and titanium pen kit finishes as far as durability? They seem to be considerably more than the others. Is one better than the other? Is there any advantage to gold ti, black ti, or regular titanium other than look? Also, is a titanium kit the same as titanium nitride? One more thing. If anybody has a thread handy about how to do a CA finish it would be appreciated. Thanks.

Stan Cook
04-05-2008, 5:58 PM
Rhodium, platinum, and titanium (both gold and black) are all extremely durable. These, along with chrome, are all that I use.

John Devost
04-06-2008, 8:37 AM
John, have a look at Don Ward's website:
http://www.redriverpens.com he has a very informative tutorial on CA finish for pens. Also he has a Pen Kit Plating page, that should answer all your questions

michael gallagher
04-06-2008, 3:27 PM

One of the members here gave me the same recommendation a few months ago, and it works for me:

Go to www.penturners.org (http://www.penturners.org), then click on "Library." Scroll down a little bit, and click on Russ Fairfield's video tips, then click on the finishing with CA glue video.

It's worked for me about 80% of the time. There are certain woods, or maybe it's the shoddy craftsman (e.g., me), that CA glue just doesn't like as a finish.

Looking forward to seeing some of your finished pens posted here.

Houston area

John Yogus
04-06-2008, 8:42 PM
Thanks for the info.