View Full Version : First Small Boxes Completed

Dave Verstraete
04-05-2008, 4:24 PM
I recently read an article in the April 2008 FWW Magazine on design of boxes by Doug Stowe. I decided that I just had to do this. So I went to their site and bought Doug's book. The attached picture is my first attempt at it. I really releases the creativity in me. I hope Doug reads this and continues writing more "how-to" books.

glenn bradley
04-05-2008, 4:39 PM
Ah, a spreading sphere of influence(?). Fun with beech and walnut . . .

Lance Norris
04-05-2008, 5:03 PM
Very nice Dave. I am a box maker myself and have made hundreds of boxes. Its enjoyable. Do you have a bandsaw? I started out making flat stock boxes and now, make lots of bandsawn boxes. Boxes make nice gifts and dont take much wood. There are lots of good books on box making. Here are some of my favorites:




Dave Verstraete
04-05-2008, 9:39 PM
I see the similarities. You must have been reading the same books as I.

Thanks for the link to the resource material. I'll take a look at them. I sure enjoy making them. I also get to use up those great scraps that I just can't throw away!

Bob Noles
04-05-2008, 9:46 PM
If y'all enjoy his articles and book, you should try is DVD. It is AWESOME!

Dave Verstraete
04-06-2008, 8:09 AM
I saw a short clip on the FWW website. Doug sure makes it look easy. I built 3 of his jigs and it really helps out. The tip on setting up the 45 degree cuts for the squareness made the box just "fall together". Well..almost.

Dave Verstraete
04-06-2008, 10:49 AM
I thought that I would add 1 more box to this thread. I finished it this morning.

Mikail Khan
04-06-2008, 1:02 PM
Very nice boxes. I recently purchased "Basic Box Making" myself, but I have not had time to make any boxes.


Bob Noles
04-06-2008, 1:49 PM

FANTASTIC job..... where are you getting that awesome wood?

Dave Verstraete
04-06-2008, 2:07 PM

The wood (Cherry top to the large box) has been hanging around my shop for a couple of years. I had it sitting where I could see it so I wouldn't forget it. It just never "spoke" to me before. There are a couple of others that I am looking at. I just put them where the other was. They will be boxes shortly!!

As the LOML says: "Enjoy the process, Dave"

glenn bradley
04-06-2008, 2:22 PM
That is a beauty, Dave.

J. Z. Guest
04-07-2008, 12:16 AM
Very nice Dave. I've looked at that book a few times in Borders. I've been close to buying it, but am not sure I like the designs enough to buy the book.

The design you picture is my favorite of the book.

John Thompson
04-07-2008, 1:54 AM
Very nice boxes regardless of first attempt, Dave. I mostly do larger carcass work but would love to do some of those boxes in the future. Well.. if time allows and my wife runs out of ideas for larger carcasses. :)

