View Full Version : Oliver 12" jointer 4255???

Joe Meazle
04-05-2008, 3:02 PM
Anybody have one of these? I would like to hear you opinions and any issues that you have had.

Anybody use the Oliver helical head. A supplier that handles both the Oliver and Byrd heads told me that the Oliver leaves a better finish. I would just like to hear from someont that uses one.

Rick de Roque
04-05-2008, 5:20 PM
I don't have one but I think I smell a gloat coming:D


Ray Scheller
04-05-2008, 8:38 PM
I have the 10" Oliver helical head and it's been good to me.

Peter Quinn
04-05-2008, 9:02 PM
I don't have one nor have I used one, but that is the most handsome product I have seen in a long time. It evokes the image of heavy iron of yore, and based on the specs it is a pretty heavy piece of iron still. I find myself drawn to them regardless of how they may perform based on looks alone. Their design / marketing people apparently have my number.

Is it wrong to admire the way machinery looks?

Jim Andrew
04-05-2008, 9:20 PM
I had an Oliver 4240, put a byrd head on it, and decided I needed a wider jointer, and wound up with a GO609 Grizzly with Byrd head. Like it better than I did the Oliver. But I miss the blue paint. The people at sunbelt said the chicom head was better. Grizzly also has a chicom head for their jointers, the difference is the cutters hit the board square, where the Byrd is angled slightly. It makes your jointer into a 11 3/4 instead of 12 because of the angled cutters. Jim

Joe Meazle
04-05-2008, 10:00 PM
Thanks Guys yo are helping keep the buyer's remorse away.

I think the oliver head is unique and the cutters are skewed. here is a link:http://www.olivermachinery.net/machines.asp?machine=4255


Paul B. Cresti
04-06-2008, 11:29 AM
I see your in Arkansas...ever consider Rojek from Tech Mark?

Joe Meazle
04-06-2008, 12:07 PM
Sure Paul, I actually know a guy who works there and I even owned a Rojek table saw for 23 hours once but that is a whole other thread. BTW I found that table saw to be very well built and the length of owner ship does not reflect on the quality of the machine.

Paul B. Cresti
04-06-2008, 4:40 PM
that sure sound like a story beggimg to be told ;) so did you order the Oliver?

Joe Meazle
04-06-2008, 4:47 PM
RE: Rojek TS, You know the rules Paul, no pics so it didn't happen, and I did not own it long enough to get a picture. So, I guess it never happened.;)

Yes the Oliver is mine. I have to go pick it up Tuesday.

Joe Meazle
04-07-2008, 12:42 PM
Any of you weekday folks know any vices or virtues of this machine?