View Full Version : Pen Turners Exchange????

Greg Just
04-04-2008, 4:38 PM
I wanted to start a poll to see what level of interest there might be in exchanging pens, similar to the ornament exchange last Christmas. I exchanged a few messages with Ken and he said the only issue was that people needed to be truly committed to the exchange. Apparently there were some that signed up for the ornament exchange and never delivered. :mad: So, post your level of interest and we’ll see where this takes us. This is only a poll at this time and not a commitment. :rolleyes:



Benjamin Dahl
04-04-2008, 5:03 PM
Greg, I'd be up for it depending on the timing and some of the particulars. I would prefer no basic 7mm slimlines.

Greg Cuetara
04-04-2008, 6:01 PM
I would be interested but probably with someone who would like to do a basic 7mm slimline seeing as how that is all I have for a setup right now.

There may be interest at different levels which could work good so that some people can exchange more elaborate pens and other simplier style pens.


Rick Gifford
04-04-2008, 8:00 PM
I would be interested if it isnt right now, so much going on Im not turning pens but have alot of the blanks ready to get back to.

Slimlines is all I have done, so I understand if you'd like to restrict the exchange to others. Maybe have a Slimline exchange for those of us that do, and others for those more experienced. Basically match the slimline makers with each other.

Jon Behnke
04-04-2008, 10:11 PM
I would be interested also. Maybe the group could be split into pen classes to get like exchanges. Another idea would be to have a pen blank exchange, there are a lot of wood types that are regional and there are some talented segmented blank makers around.

Rich Stewart
04-05-2008, 6:15 AM
How about you can turn any kind of pen you want but the kit can't cost more than 4 dollars? Blank must come from "found" wood. And you have to tell where the wood came from.

michael gallagher
04-06-2008, 3:24 PM
How about you can turn any kind of pen you want but the kit can't cost more than 4 dollars? Blank must come from "found" wood. And you have to tell where the wood came from.

I'm in, and I like the idea of "found" wood vs. a store-bought blank.

Jon Lanier
04-06-2008, 3:33 PM
I might be interested if you folks could decide on something. I think $4.00 is a bit low. I think if one gets into this, it doesn't matter what someone else does. You do what you feel comfortable with... high end, low end whatever... no judgments should be made about what you get, the idea is to have fun, learn by what others are doing and get to know a few others in here a little better.

If you think for a moment that if you got a "pen" you wouldn't like and would be disappointed...don't do the exchange.

Nancy Laird
04-06-2008, 4:59 PM
I'm in -- whenever

David Wilhelm
04-06-2008, 5:12 PM
Amen John, I agree 100%. It's about sharing. I only turn those 7mm slimlines. I don't care to change. Dont really want to try and keep up with any more parts. I know there are pen kits that are over $35.00. Like you I feel if you think you'll get cheated you shouldn't even sign up. Found wood is an OK idea. Some of you guys may miss the boat on seeing some wild exotic grains........ If you shop right you can buy blanks cheaper than you can work them up.....Alls fair aint it??? I found a guy that can't turn pens but he can saw up some real nice blanks for a pen or two... does that count????

Ben Gastfriend
04-06-2008, 6:10 PM
Count me in.

But don't expect me to spend 35.00 on a kit and get a 2.00 slimline in return. That just sounds like a waste of money.

However, pairing people by kit cost looks a little bit discriminatory, and complicated.

Perhaps a maximum kit cost would be more appropriate.

And another thing to consider is the dissapointment some people got as a Christmas present because their partner failed to deliver his/her ornament. There has to be some way or another to reduce/eliminate this concern.

Curt Fuller
04-06-2008, 6:37 PM
On something like pens, where there are so many variables in kits, how about having everyone turn a pen from the same type kit. Then no one gets burned in the trade. You could even see if any of the smaller pen kit dealers might want to participate by giving a discount on the particular kit you decide on.

It sounds like a fun swap to me.

Russ Peters
04-06-2008, 6:53 PM
Sounds interesting. I'm in on the slimline/less then $10 kit idea.

Scott Hubl
04-06-2008, 7:58 PM
Just gonna sit back and eat my buttered popcorn and stay AWAY from this.

I can see the hurt feelings, misunderstandings from MILES away.

I guess at Christmas time some must say ,"Hey how much are YOU spending on ME? Cause I'm not spending one more dime on YOU than YOU spend on ME."

http://www.33smiley.com/smiley5/humor/20.gif Train Wreck, two trains on the same track headin straight for each other at full speed.:eek:

Raymond Overman
04-06-2008, 8:15 PM
I might should keep my mouth shut since I'm not planing on participating in this exchange but when has that stopped me from sticking my foot in it.

I'm not here to pour cold water on anyone's warm enthusiasm. I'm just saying that if you say yes and sign up, you should follow through and give it your best along with a nice letter that makes it a little more personal. The letter can make up for any difference in skill or kit price that naturally occurs in these things. A heartfelt thank you email from the recipient would be nice too.

//checking the mail for an ornament. maybe it'll get here by next year.:confused:

Rick Gifford
04-06-2008, 8:23 PM
Is there really a concern of getting jipped here?

I've participated in pen exchange before at The Pen Shop. (if you turn pens you should visit there... those guys have forgotten more than I'll ever learn). It is heavily moderated and only mature attitudes need apply (sound familiar?)

You make what you want, you get what they send. Everyone mails them at their own cost. Everyone gets and receives. No troubles.

The only exception to a general pen exchange is sometimes they will have a experienced gift exchange. The other is open to everyone, the experienced exchanged is open to those who consider themselves makers of fine pens that are non-slimline and more elaborate pens... inlays, laser engraved, etc etc.

Please don't tell me dedicated pen turners are more reliable and honorable than us! :confused: :eek:

Thought so... I knew we were good folks.

Just hope you don't get me as your matchup... it will be a slimline. Heck I might even send it COD.

:D just kidding~

Could it be possible to state what kind of pens we make, and get matched with someone the same? I know thats alot of extra work... but I do feel bad if I am making slimlines and I am receiving something high end.

Rick Gifford
04-06-2008, 8:29 PM
The letter can make up for any difference in skill or kit price that naturally occurs in these things. A heartfelt thank you email from the recipient would be nice too.

Actually a nice touch. Posting a pic of what you recieve is always fun as well. Lets everyone share in the exchange and gives the make some credit for a pen well done.

Greg Just
04-06-2008, 9:04 PM
When I started this thread I didn't realize there were so many worried about what they would get (price wise). The intent, like the Christmas Ornament exchange was to show others our creative side. To me, you can take a $1.60 slimline and use some exotic wood and make a beautiful pen and at the same time take a $5.00 pen and really make a mess of it. Same went for the ornament exchange. We didn't put a price on those. I spent many hours because I wanted to give something nice and unique. This might give those who have never turned a pen the incentive to try one.

It appears that there are 10-12 that might be interested. Let's let this thread run for another week and see how many are more might be interested. The worst thing is to sign up then never come through.

Andy Hoyt
04-06-2008, 9:40 PM
I'm in. I'll bet I've got a dozen or so kits lying around gathering dust and it just might take that many to recall how to do these infernal things again.

It is not the expense. It's the interaction. And interaction pays dividends.

Norm Zax
04-07-2008, 3:49 AM
Can we two exchange popcorn?
As to swapping - my vote is for blanks only.

Just gonna sit back and eat my buttered popcorn and stay AWAY from this.

I can see the hurt feelings, misunderstandings from MILES away.

Benjamin Dahl
04-07-2008, 8:02 AM
HI Greg, I think this should work. I expressed my opinion about the slim-line just because I am not a big fan of how they feel in my hand. I have a bunch of them lying around and would be up for using them if that is what everyone wants.

michael gallagher
04-07-2008, 9:56 AM
I like homemade pens, and I like making them - since I can't seem to turn a bowl to save my life, the pens are going well for me. Heck, sign me up 3 or 4 times: I'll exchange with anyone as I appreciate something that was made by a person by hand vs. some machine made junk from China.

Donald Barfield
04-07-2008, 12:24 PM
I will join in as long as no one minds slimlines. I have only been turning since November and that is the only type I have done. I joined the local woodturning club and all the penturners in that group turn only slimlines but they turn out some very nice pens.

Jeff Mohr
04-07-2008, 1:25 PM
Another idea would be to have a pen blank exchange, there are a lot of wood types that are regional and there are some talented segmented blank makers around.

I like this idea. I'm not a very good pen maker and not sure anyone would want one of my pens. However, I do mill some of my own lumber and could get some odd stuff in blank sizes to some people. I'll even exchange blanks for pens if someone wants to do it that way.

Scott Donley
04-07-2008, 4:09 PM
It is not the expense. It's the interaction. And interaction pays dividends.I am with Hoyt on this one, so, I guess that means I would be in also. I have a few kits floating around also and my mandrel is not bent to bad :o but I am sure I can put something together:cool: The OP's question was interest in an exchange, not blanks, not how much you spend and if you might spend more than you get, or if your glass is half full or half empty, If you get my pen, your glass will be just enough. :D
Ray : I was not part of the Christmas exchange but after following the thread I tried one anyway. Have not found anyone that wants it so if you would PM me your address you can have it, Not really THAT bad :D

Raymond Overman
04-07-2008, 9:39 PM
Raymond : I was not part of the Christmas exchange but after following the thread I tried one anyway. Have not found anyone that wants it so if you would PM me your address you can have it, Not really THAT bad :D

I appreciate the offer Scott but the point of my post wasn't to jump start a sympathy drive. It was a point that if you sign up, follow through even if it takes a few days past the deadline. I understand people get overwhelmed and excited about these things at the beginning and bite off more than they can chew. I've done it too. I was just wanting to pass on a couple of thoughts about these exchanges and hope it sticks when people sign up.

Nancy Laird
04-07-2008, 10:24 PM
...the point of my post wasn't to jump start a sympathy drive. It was a point that if you sign up, follow through even if it takes a few days past the deadline. I understand people get overwhelmed and excited about these things at the beginning and bite off more than they can chew.

I've participated in pens swaps on four different forums now--twice on one of them--and until the last time, I've had very good luck---but I think I've been forgotten by my swap partner on the last one. I've had such fun--swapped twice with Aussies and once with a Welshman---I'm gathering pens from all over!!

But yes, if you sign up, FOLLOW THROUGH AND MEET YOUR COMMITMENT. Something I learned a long time ago is that if you tell someone that you are going to do something--anything--you have made a contract with that person. If something happens that you can do what you said you would do, the only way to get out of it is to CHANGE THE CONTRACT with the person you told. Therefore, if you can't meet the deadline for the swap, at least have the courtesy to let your swap partner know that.

michael gallagher
04-11-2008, 6:12 PM
just wanted to move this up, see if anyone else is interested in an exchange

George Heatherly
04-12-2008, 12:10 PM
I just saw this thread. I would be interested in participating in a pen swap.

Tom Sherman
04-13-2008, 10:31 AM
I'm in for a couple, I've been unable to turn for some time this may be just what I need to reinvigorate me.

Andy Hoyt
04-13-2008, 11:54 AM
If ya'll want to sign up for this - go to this thread to do so.


Gonna close this thread now in order to keep things simple for Greg.