View Full Version : True Confessions

David DeCristoforo
04-04-2008, 2:59 PM
For the last several months, I have been participating in this forum under the name of Yoshikuni Masato. Now I have to confess that that is not my real name. My real name is David DeCristoforo.

Come May, it will have been two years since I "suffered" a serious hand injury (table saw). This was severe enough to abruptly put my woodworking activities on hold. It would seem that this was the underlying cause of my developing a "very bad attitude", something that became painfully obvious to everyone but myself. The big "tip off" came when, after getting kicked off three online forums (including this one) and complaining about it to my wife, she told me that, yes, I did indeed have a crappy attitude and that I had turned into a complete "curmudgeon" (according to Webster, "a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person".) Think Walter Matthau's role in "Grumpy Old Men". So, I happily (not!) began to reexamine the situation and realized that everyone was right! I had become a grouch. I was swearing at every car on the road, every pedestrian, bicycle, every stop light, every store clerk...everything and everyone irritated me in some way. Most of my postings on forums like this one were arrogant and in many cases downright offensive.

While I have always been an "somewhat opinionated" person, I have also always been a pretty happy person who enjoyed interactions with others. And so this realization that I had become someone that people were crossing the street to avoid was a bit of a shock. Fortunately, I have also been a person who can admit it when I screw up so I have always been able to find a path out of situations like this. The problem was that I really missed being able to interact with other woodworkers. A couple of times I petitioned the forum moderators to un-block my account but even these requests were, I am afraid, somewhat "caustic" and evidently did not impress anyone. So I decided to create an new account using a "pseudonym". I made up the name Yoshikuni Masato because it was as far from "David DeCristoforo" as I could get.

At this point it seems to me that "Yoshikuni" has become an accepted member of this community and that is pleasing and allows me to participate but I am not comfortable with continuing this "deception" and I would very much like to be able to participate under my real name. So this is a request to the forum members and moderators to:
1) Allow me to re-activate my account and
2) Accept my apology for the deception which I hope will not have offended anyone and
3) Accept my apology to anyone and everyone I may have offended previously.

I realize that this is a bit of a "calculated risk" because some people might really be offended and feel that this was dishonest and if that is the case, I understand completely. This is, in no way, meant as an attempt to elicit sympathy but simply an effort to "set things right". I will happily abide by whatever you guys (and "gals") decide. I had planned to post this on April 1st but, after thinking about it, I decided that would have "made light" of the situation in a way that I was not comfortable with and would have denigrated the sincerity of this apology which is really what this is


Peter Quadarella
04-04-2008, 3:08 PM
While I do not condone the use of a pseudonym to get around forum sanctions, I do appreciate true introspection and effort to change. There is at least one other person in my life that I wish would come to the realization you have and make the effort you obviously have.

I have enjoyed and appreciated your recent contributions and personally would miss them if they were to be blocked again.

Bert Johansen
04-04-2008, 3:11 PM

I can't speak for others of course, but I have enjoyed your dialog and humor under your alias. Welcome back, and I hope you get reinstated as the "real" person.

Incidentally, I have a resource that can possibly help you with your emotional struggles. Email me if you are interested and I'll send you some info.

Derek Tuchscherer
04-04-2008, 3:16 PM

I too have really enjoyed the input that "Yoshikuni" has had since arriving in this forum. I have found your posts to be a great source of both great insight and lightheartedness that I thoroughly appreciate. I personally would welcome you back, so long as "David's" demeanor mathces that of "Yosikuni"! Welcome (back) to the Creek, and please continue in the same capacity you have been...gonna be hard to change the mental image I have built of you though.....

Dave MacArthur
04-04-2008, 3:17 PM
I've enjoyed reading posts by Yoshikuni, and found them to be valuable; many good words on cabinet construction just these last two weeks that I've scrolled up and said, "I need to remember this, who wrote this?" and found this name.

Forum mods and admin, TOS, etc. will decide, but I can't help but think that it is admirable when a person recognizes error, and turns their path around. "He among you who is without sin, cast the first stone" and all, and in this time of Easter while I'm thinking about the ideas of rebirth and redemption, you've got my vote for remaining.

I'm sure some will stand on the letter of the law/TOS. However, I've seen cases like yours before and want to think I'm a big enough person to understand, a little bit, of what goes on in the mind. Friends I know went off to Iraq as the happiest, friendly people... some come back wounded with plans and dreams shattered, loss of identity, and not friendly at all. We've got a name for it, Post Traumatic Stress syndrome... it applies to anyone who has a bad trauma like you've undergone. I'll be happy to extend the hand of friendship and brotherly love to you, welcome back.
Dave MacArthur

Ken Fitzgerald
04-04-2008, 3:17 PM

I'll start a thread in the Moderator's Forum. They may even want to remove this thread for consideration.

It takes a big man to admit when he's done something wrong...or been less than truthful. You have my respect.

Somebody will let you know what is decided.

Thanks for your honesty.

Mike Null
04-04-2008, 3:37 PM
Well, I was one of the many who tired of your posts but I'm with Ken. Sorry about your injury; I hope it is healing well.

I don't know the outcome but the mods are a pretty good bunch and your request will be given a review by all.

David DeCristoforo
04-04-2008, 4:01 PM
"Well, I was one of the many who tired of your posts..."

In that case, I offer you my apologies personally...

"...I hope it is healing well..."

It is as healed as it is going to get at this point, thank you.


Ken Shoemaker
04-04-2008, 4:32 PM

That took some fuzz on the kiwis.

A BIG MAN stands before his peers and admits his wrong doing. An even BIGGER MAN stands before the mirror and admits his wrong doing.

I have always, and will continue to, trust our moderators to do what is right for our forum. Regardless of their decision, I'd just like you to know that I would like to count you as a friend and someone whom I'd love to sit and chat about woodoworking.

Good Luck, my friend..... Ken

Mikail Khan
04-04-2008, 4:55 PM
Welcome back David.

Even though I have never read any of your "offensive posts" I respect the fact that you recognised your problem and were big enough to apologise.

I have enjoyed your posts under your pseudonym and I have admired the work on your website.

My wife has often told me that I am a
"a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person" and I have never had a serious hand injury :)

I hope your account is reactivated.


Greg Cole
04-04-2008, 5:07 PM
Good on ya for stepping up and offering to take it on the chin. When you know its coming, it's easy to run and hide versus stand up and take it.
I too have heard similar sentiments to my wife about grumpiness at times, seems to run down the male side of the family tree so I say.. which is just a crutch. I have to make a conscious effort about it daily, often many times a day. Sometimes I need a little reminder to try a bit (or alot) harder. I don't need to be the 33 year Walter Matthau or Peter Boyle on Everybody Loves Ray. Some days I feel I'm the dog, others the hydrant.
I dunno which way the wind will blow in regards to reactivation but that situation all but is what it is. I don't have specific posts in mind, but do remember your name and times avoiding posting etc due to the acidic tone etc.
The alias has proven you to be a very knowlegdeable part of the community and a sage woodworker in many aspects, 180* from DD's postings.
Anyway, the bubble's burst... cat's out of the bag et al. Time will tell and we shall see.
Welcome back in the mean time.


Ray Schafer
04-04-2008, 5:09 PM
I have enjoyed you as Yoshikuni and hope that the creek can respect your change in attitude and activate your account.

Mike Henderson
04-04-2008, 5:28 PM
Welcome back. Everyone should get a second chance (and sometime a third chance).


Dennis Peacock
04-04-2008, 5:35 PM
Yoshikuni (David), welcome back. Thanks for being a man of integrity to step up and do what you did.

Bill Wyko
04-04-2008, 5:48 PM
Nice job David. The world would be a better place if more people could do a reality check on themselves.(me included) Butterfly effect may come into play here. "If a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world, it can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world" Good way to start flapping those wings.:D

Lori Kleinberg
04-04-2008, 5:53 PM
I believe it takes a very big person to admit something like that. I know how hard it is to be civil, when you are hurting or frustrated. I have been trying to do it for 20 something years and it can be terribly hard at times.
I have been enjoying reading your recent posts and I believe with your true confessions you have earned a chance to return as yourself. Good Luck.

John Dorough
04-04-2008, 5:56 PM

Welcome back. I echo the comments of many others and appreciate your honesty and integrity.

I also would like to praise and commend your wife. Proverbs 31 says, in part:

An excellent wife, who can find?
For her worth is far above jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
And he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life.

Reading between the lines, it would appear that your wife has been a faithful and true friend through what have probably been extremely difficult times for each of you. Although I do not know her name, I lift a prayer of thanksgiving for her and a prayer for continued healing and restoration (physical, emotional and spiritual) for you.

With kindest regards,


David DeCristoforo
04-04-2008, 6:02 PM
"..it would appear that your wife has been a faithful and true friend through what have probably been extremely difficult times..."

35 going on 36 years and truer words were never spoken...


Mike Henderson
04-04-2008, 6:03 PM
And don't forget the Parable of the Lost Sheep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Lost_Sheep).


Peter Quinn
04-04-2008, 6:04 PM
I am disappointed; I hoped we had a Japanese master craftsman among us. Then again I am elated that David the pheonix is rising, and we still have a master craftsman among us!

I don't know or understand all the rules of this forum but after several years as an observer of several similar forums this is the only one both civil and diverse enough to inspire me to declare membership. I attribute much of that spirit to the wisdom of this forums moderators. If this were a democracy I'd vote yes to David DeCristoforo. As it is not my faith is in their wisdom.

I don't know the details and nature of your past contributions but those under your assumed name have been a great source of wit, wisdom and humor. I actually search threads looking for responses from certain members whose insight I find particularly enjoyable, and yours are among those. That one priceless trick of sand in the joint has made a myriad of glue ups problems disappear for me (I am using pumice as I don't have a fish store locally).

My wife tells me I am a hyper-focused opinionated stubborn mule (she says this with only love of course). Sometimes it pays to listen to the better half as they often see what we can't and say what others wont.

I for one look forward to your continued participation under any name. I've always wanted a Swedish friend. If reinstatement doesn't go well would you consider it? Hans Johanson for instance?

Carl Fox
04-04-2008, 6:15 PM
Boy, do I understand where you are coming from (not the injury part). My difference is that I tend to be a jerk naturally. However, through much painful introspection I have come to realize that it's better to leave a sweet smell when leaving a room and allow others to be 'wrong'. Rather than try to force others to be 'right' and leave an impression like a fart in an elevator.

jim oakes
04-04-2008, 6:28 PM
I have a confession too: My real name is George Nakashima.

David DeCristoforo
04-04-2008, 6:33 PM
"I have a confession too: My real name is George Nakashima."

I knew it! I knew he wasn't dead!

Seriously though, I am quite touched by the level of understanding and camaraderie that has been expressed in the replies to my post. Without getting all mushy.... thanx


Colin Giersberg
04-04-2008, 6:44 PM
Welcome back.

Regards, Colin

Craig D Peltier
04-04-2008, 6:59 PM
Hey whoever you are, thanks for your help:D.
I see your name in alot of post and nothing bad.

Always there to help.:)

Norm A

John Keeton
04-04-2008, 7:02 PM
David, as a relative newbie to the creek, I was not aware of your former nature. And, the key word is former. I have, as others have stated, thoroughly enjoyed the contibutions under your "alias." I hope that the value of your knowledge and willingness to step forward will be taken as a repentent gesture, made in good faith, and that all will be forgiven. The decision of the moderators will need to be honored by all, but I encourage a Christian approach to this, and I say that without offense to anyone of a different faith. I believe most faiths share the same view of such confession and character change.

Matt Ocel
04-04-2008, 9:16 PM
David - I say you can come back, but only as Yoshikuni. I can't spell DeCristoforo.

Ben Rafael
04-04-2008, 9:24 PM
You didn't commit murder or actually harm anyone, so I say you should return.

Glenn Clabo
04-04-2008, 9:35 PM
Aw...go ahead...get mushy.;) It's only being human.

And...I believe it takes one heck of a human being to be able to do what you just need. Most would just go away griping about how bad they were treated.

(I kind of like your new name...can we take up a collection to get it changed permanently?)

David DeCristoforo
04-04-2008, 9:57 PM
"... can't spell DeCristoforo..."

Neither kin I. That's why I took up wudwerking


Norman Pyles
04-04-2008, 11:05 PM
I understand about the injury making you hard to live with. I have had two back surgerys in the last 10 years with bad results from both. I too became angry with everthing and everyone. I finally figured out that I was sufering from depression, and started medication. It worked wonders for me. Good luck to you, and I hope the admistration lets you contune to share with us.

David DeCristoforo
04-04-2008, 11:23 PM
"...started medication..."

I have medication too... Espresso, chocolate, t-bone steaks and mango juice!


Peter Quadarella
04-04-2008, 11:31 PM
I might have to try that regimen. ;)

Jeff Miller
04-04-2008, 11:51 PM


Mike Cutler
04-05-2008, 5:30 AM

I actually missed seeing you post. You brought a lot of knowledge to the table, and I benefitted from it.

I also like Yoshikuni. He keeps a nice perspective on what is important.

There's room here for both, and either name is good enough for me.;)

Joe Chritz
04-05-2008, 5:49 AM
I have one of those wives as well. Someone once told me that a true friend is the one person who is there, when they would rather be anywhere else.

Of course the same guy told me that a friend will help you move but a true friend will help you move a body. Go figure.

I have some experience in dealing with people at all points of their lives, from the very best to the very very worst.

It sound like you decided to look at the facts and realized that a change needed to be made. Good for you, very few people can or will take that step.

It is a constant battle.

What to do with you in regards to the forum I leave in the capable hands of the mods.

50 lashes with a red hot wire?

I hope everything works well for you.


Barb Mrazek
04-05-2008, 7:20 AM
But YM has been cracking me up, still trying to work out how to park my car in my basement, per your suggestion! Glad to hear things are better your way, and life is looking rosier, I think we all can understand we're you've been, and appreciate where you are.

Looking forward to your posts!


John Shuk
04-05-2008, 7:38 AM
Welcome back.
These kinds of acts are what humanity is all about.

Raymond Fries
04-05-2008, 7:52 AM
I am really happy to hear of your life change! More people need to do what you are doing. We can all view a situation, person, event, etc and see good or bad. What we take away from it depends on our perspective on life. And then our emotional state affects those around us. If you smile at people, they will almost always smile back. :)

An then, if you have looks that could kill and flip someone off, I doubt if he/she will smile back.:eek:

Always look for the peace within; it is there somewhere.

Welcome back and congrats on your new perspective.

Mick Zelaska
04-05-2008, 7:55 AM
You could legally change your name to Yoshikuni Masato - then there would be no issue. But in case you elect to not take that route, my vote would be to have you reinstated.

Per Swenson
04-05-2008, 8:03 AM
Good for you.

Introspection, realization and action, is a painful process

and very rarely undertaken.

My vote counts for naught, nevertheless. the honesty and frankness

of your post begs for full reinstatement and commendation.


Bob Noles
04-05-2008, 8:19 AM
He who cannot forgive would find it hard to ask for forgiveness, I therefore have no choice but to extend forgiveness in your direction and hope that the powers to be would do the same. ;)

Good luick and best wishes in your quest.

Jim O'Dell
04-05-2008, 10:00 AM
I suggest the name for the "Yoshikuni Masato account be changed to "David DeCristoforo 2". Lets keep the older posts separate from the new man.
David, I agree with the others, it takes a special kind of guy to come clean in front of his peers. I'm thrilled that you found your way back. I know that there are others here who post under assumed names. Possibly some with permission from Keith because of their jobs in real life. But for thoses that do it just to see if it can be done, I hope your revelation will spur them into doing the right thing too.

John Lannon
04-05-2008, 10:57 AM
I've spent 3 years on here posing to be a woodworker :o.

We all have some sort of "skeletons in the closet".

I hope things are turning for the good.

Dave Falkenstein
04-05-2008, 11:01 AM
C'mon back David. You are an inspiration to this older, sometimes (too often) grumpy person - according to my sweet wife.

Roger Ronas
04-05-2008, 12:20 PM
As a newbie I don't know spit from shinola, but Yoshi is/was still David posting.
Everyone has bad times in their life, some longer than others.
Life is too short to not forgive an internet interaction that was negative.



Eric Gustafson
04-05-2008, 12:50 PM

Without my better half, I wouldn't be half as good as I am and I could always do better. Three cheers for your about-face. Redemption is the one thing about life, that is the most amirable. Kiss your wife for all of us and welcome back. :)

David DeCristoforo
04-05-2008, 1:45 PM
"Kiss your wife for all of us..."

Well... OK... but she's gonna want to know why I'm kissing her so much!

Daviforo Yoshimato

Dennis Peacock
04-05-2008, 2:25 PM
David - I say you can come back, but only as Yoshikuni. I can't spell DeCristoforo.

Now that's funny right there. :D

Dennis Peacock
04-05-2008, 2:32 PM
"Kiss your wife for all of us..."

Well... OK... but she's gonna want to know why I'm kissing her so much!

Daviforo Yoshimato

Come on David....just DO IT!!!! She'll love ya for it. ;)

Eric Gustafson
04-05-2008, 2:43 PM
"Kiss your wife for all of us..."

Well... OK... but she's gonna want to know why I'm kissing her so much!

Daviforo Yoshimato

Hey! Its good advice. One thing might just lead to another... :cool:

Stephen Edwards
04-05-2008, 8:11 PM

Welcome back. I echo the comments of many others and appreciate your honesty and integrity.

I also would like to praise and commend your wife. Proverbs 31 says, in part:

An excellent wife, who can find?
For her worth is far above jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
And he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life.

Reading between the lines, it would appear that your wife has been a faithful and true friend through what have probably been extremely difficult times for each of you. Although I do not know her name, I lift a prayer of thanksgiving for her and a prayer for continued healing and restoration (physical, emotional and spiritual) for you.

With kindest regards,


AMEN! I agree with John 100%. I also believe in forgiveness and healing. God's blessings on you and your wife. My hat's off to you for "confessing". The "RIGHT thing for all of us to do is to forgive. For those of us who are Christians, the Bible tells us that when God forgives us of our sins, He remembers them no more. That is what we, too, should strive for.

Personally, I've enjoyed your informative and courteous posts, regardless of what your name is.

Best Wishes and a Big Tip of the Hat to you and your wife!

David DeCristoforo
04-05-2008, 9:20 PM
"One thing might just lead to another..."

"...just DO IT!!!! She'll love ya for it..."

Alright, alright already. Like they say, it's a tough job but I guess somebody has to do it..... (remainder of reply deleted due to unsuitability for public display... sorry guys!)

:) :) :)

Davasato DeYoshiforuni

Mike Dauphinee
04-06-2008, 6:56 PM
I suggest the name for the "Yoshikuni Masato account be changed to "David DeCristoforo 2". Lets keep the older posts separate from the new man.
David, I agree with the others, it takes a special kind of guy to come clean in front of his peers. I'm thrilled that you found your way back. I know that there are others here who post under assumed names. Possibly some with permission from Keith because of their jobs in real life. But for thoses that do it just to see if it can be done, I hope your revelation will spur them into doing the right thing too.

I disagree. While I know we are only discussing this and have no real say....I will share a thought.
The name and all it's posts were a deception and in any consistency of rules should be banned. However, David should be able to join as himself and post freely. There should be no "Reward" of keeping posts counts because he deceived us and then came clean. All things have consequences.

Bravo for the confession and repentance. Bravo for a for that does what it say it will do. To deviate on this is just wrong IMO and waters down the integrity of SMC. Extending grace by allowing David to register as himself should be sufficient.

David, thank you for doing the right thing. You will be a better man for it.

David DeCristoforo
04-06-2008, 7:45 PM
Mike, I'm not concerned about "post count" and I do not expect any "reward". Being allowed to post under my real name would be more than satisfying. Personally, while I am happy to have received such a positive response to this situation, I am very surprised that more of you were not completely offended by the whole thing. There are many here, it would seem, who are far more forgiving than I might have been myself. So all of the kind and understanding comments that have come my way since I posted this have been far more humbling than I could have imagined. There are many good souls here.....


Dave Falkenstein
04-06-2008, 7:52 PM
It is good that David/Yoshi is not concerned about post counts. I looked in the Member List and David DeCristoforo does not appear. So hopefully the mods will see fit to restore David's ability to sign in under his real name.

Glen Blanchard
04-06-2008, 8:15 PM
Well, I'm a bit late to the party. However, I do hope the mods allow David back under his real name. Kudos and Godspeed to you David. Your admission was a classy thing to do.

Matt Meiser
04-06-2008, 8:55 PM
Dave, former members who have been made guests don't show up. You can use the Google search to a post by a former member, and then from there you can get to their profile and search their past posts.

Yoshikuni/David, I'm not sure what David did to achieve guest status--I looked through a number of your old posts and everything that's left looks normal to me--so there must have been some nasty ones that were moderated away. But in what I read, I didn't really even see any hints at something awry and I saw many helpful posts. My personal opinion, not that it means anything, is that you should be allowed to rejoin with the understanding that if you can't abide by the community's standards, you are gone for good. I'd say the same for just about any former member. That said, if the powers that be are still mad about whatever you did to be guested, I think they have that right, especially since you did break the rules by posting under an assumed name. Probably the right way for someone to handle it in the future would be to approach Keith or one of the moderators.

At this point, if it were possible, I'd say that all your posts should be merged under your real name. I don't see it as some kind of reward/punishment thing and I think merging the two would allow someone to see the whole of your postings.

Oh, and where in the heck did you come up with your alias?

David DeCristoforo
04-06-2008, 9:07 PM
"I'm not sure what David did to achieve guest status..."

Who? Me? I didn't do nothin'... Honest! ;)

"Oh, and where in the heck did you come up with your alias?"

Yoshikuni was the name of a Japanese kid who lived next door to us for a while. He was at our house one Thanksgiving, knoshing on a turkey leg when his dad came looking for him. His dad almost had a heart attack when he saw the kid with the turkey leg and ordered him home. He never came back and I never forgot the name. Masato was the name of a guy in Japan who I traded with years ago for most of my Japanese hand tools.

Whatevermy Nameis

Craig D Peltier
04-06-2008, 9:30 PM
David you do great work, good.We dont get paid enough doing this. It takes some brains an creativity.That I didnt respect until about 2 yrs ago. Congrats on your talent.
Thanks for your help.

Joe Little
04-07-2008, 12:44 PM
Welcome back. Seems like a growth experience and you deserve to get back!!

Scott Kilroy
04-07-2008, 2:02 PM
I hope the moderators let you back in under your own name. Regardless of the TOS the fact that you came clean should count for a lot.

More important then your status at SMC is that it sounds like you're working hard on dealing with your accident. 10 or 20 years from now I doubt anyone will remember a couple of post on a message board but you will remember the relationships you have formed, here or anywhere else.

Roger Warford
04-07-2008, 2:39 PM
As another new Creeker, I have no prior "David Baggage".

I can't condone the YM deception (but I did enjoy the image I had of Yoshikuni!), but I can add an "outsiders" perspective. I've joined and made a small donation to SMC for two reasons:

1) Great information is shared here
2) This forum is uniquely charactized by a very positive, caring attituded

The second item is more important than the first. This is the ONLY public online forum I have ever joined, much less donated to. (By the way, my day job for the past 20+ years has kept me online - well, as long as there has been an "online" anyway).

David, I'm not sure your approach was the best approach, but you have demonstrated that you have much to share with the community. I have learned from many of your posts and have enjoyed the humor you bring.

I believe that it would be in keeping with the spirit of SMC (the same spirit that I believe draws many here), to reinstate your account.

You are to be commended not only for having the courage and committment to change, but for being open and honest about it as well.

Good luck and I hope to see many more posts from Masacristoforo!

Man I hate to see Yoshi go though! I had this Yoda like image of the master woodworker quietly giving and advice and encouragment...

David DeCristoforo
04-07-2008, 2:49 PM
"... I'm not sure your approach was the best approach..."

Well, I'm not sure either, Roger. I have always held the belief that if something does not "feel right", it probably isn't. Continuing to post under a false identity did not feel right. I decided that it would be better to try and correct this. I don't want to get carried away with this whole thing. It's not like I committed a heinous crime or anything. But I know I offended some people and that it was unfair of me to take my anger out on them.


Mike Dauphinee
04-07-2008, 6:11 PM
Obviously the management approves of your deception and "coming out", the fact is you are still posting and that is an answer in and of itself. Any other poster caught with an alias no matter how innocent has been terminated post haste.

From now on you will be a Japanese WW with an real Eytalion name. Tough on the kids though I guess.:D

Stephen Edwards
04-07-2008, 6:51 PM
Obviously the management approves of your deception and "coming out", the fact is you are still posting and that is an answer in and of itself. Any other poster caught with an alias no matter how innocent has been terminated post haste.

From now on you will be a Japanese WW with an real Eytalion name. Tough on the kids though I guess.:D

Personally, I don't think it's the deception that the management approves of. Rather, I think it is the humility displayed by Mr. "Masacristoforo" and the courage that he has exhibited in coming forth with the truth that the management respects and has allowed him to remain a part of this group thus far.

I forgive him for his deception and commend him for "coming clean" with everyone on this wonderful forum. Furthermore, I wish God's blessings on him as he heals physically, emotionally and spiritually. It would appear that he is well on his way!

Jacob Reverb
04-07-2008, 8:00 PM
So...are you related to R.J. DeCristoforo? (He is one of my favorite woodworking writers.)

David DeCristoforo
04-07-2008, 8:11 PM
"So...are you related to R.J. DeCristoforo?"

Romeokuni? Yeah, he was my old man.

Roger Bell
04-07-2008, 9:44 PM
They have been others that have been removed and then reappeared under a different name. And they have succeeded without apparent detection.

Not that anyone has asked me, but I would support your reinstatement.

Jacob Reverb
04-08-2008, 10:11 AM
"So...are you related to R.J. DeCristoforo?"

Romeokuni? Yeah, he was my old man.

The R.J. DeCristoforo???

If so, that's really cool. Your Dad was a real inspiration to my late father, and to me. He had some great ideas and techniques in his books. http://www.arboristsite.com/images/smilies/cheers.gif

Cliff Rohrabacher
04-08-2008, 10:26 AM
Sounds to me that you went through some difficult times, suffered a serious and permanent set back, went through a difficult period with your own internal pain and anger about it all, and have managed to work it all out by yourself. And you did this in about the most creative way I have seen.

I for one think it's pretty cool.

I mean it~!!

Steve Clardy
04-08-2008, 1:01 PM


Keith Outten
04-08-2008, 1:35 PM
Davids account has been reinstated. All posts by Yoshikuni Masato have been merged back into Davids account and user name. The username Yoshikuni Masato has been deleted.

David, based on the response from our Commnity you have been given a second chance by your peers.

This thread is now closed.
