View Full Version : How to video

04-01-2008, 6:40 PM
A few weeks ago I posted a few pictures of my 8 year old son and a bowl he made. Some of you suggested a video from him so here it is.


There was a catastrophic failure at the end and the bowl didn't survive. He was a little upset at first, but when I explained to him that we all have made our share of fire wood he was much better.

The video is about 10 mins long but I think you will like it.
Thanks for watching.


Russ Peters
04-01-2008, 6:51 PM
very nice... he is going to be teaching shop class instead of taking it in High school

Tony De Masi
04-01-2008, 7:05 PM
Very good job Zach. However if you send me your address I will send you a REAL baseball hat.

Tony - The Red Sox Nation

Norris Randall
04-01-2008, 7:17 PM
Where to start, Zach you are a remarkable young man. Don't ever give up even when things seem to "blow up" in your face.

Glen, you are certainly a special Dad. I know you are very proud of that fine son.

God Bless Your family.

PS Zach, don't even consider wearing a baseball cap from a foreign country. Keep ii in the good ole USA.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Oops that's ball four, guess I'll take a walk.:D

Rick Hutcheson
04-01-2008, 7:20 PM
Very good job. He will be a teacher.

Bernie Weishapl
04-01-2008, 7:52 PM
Zach you did just fine. We all have had failures and made funnels at times. So don't give it a thought. Keep going.

Pete Jordan
04-01-2008, 8:20 PM
Way to go Zach!

You too Dad!

John Shuk
04-01-2008, 8:35 PM
Great video. The kid is a natural. I have been making projects with my almost 7 year old and it a tremendous joy.
And the hat is perfect as is!

Steve Schlumpf
04-01-2008, 10:03 PM
Glenn - thanks for posting! Great video - even called my wife in to watch and we both got a kick out of it! Zack did a great job in explaining each step as well as demonstrating his skill on the lathe - very impressive! To bad about the bowl but that has happened to each of us! Make sure you let Zack know how much we enjoyed his movie - looking forward to seeing his next one!

Walt Nollan
04-01-2008, 10:10 PM
That is very cool! What a lucky young man! Great job!


Cary Swoveland
04-01-2008, 11:56 PM
I enjoyed your video, Zach. You did a great job of explaining how to turn a bowl. If you make another video, and that bowl explodes, show the viewer the next step: pick up another block of wood and start over.


Joe Chritz
04-02-2008, 1:26 AM
I had to see what kind of hat so I went to watch the video but couldn't stop watching.

Very impressive.

Now we just need to get him to start watching hockey. I'll trade a red wings hat for a turning lesson.


Tom Sherman
04-02-2008, 9:53 AM
Awsome job Zack, I know grown men that don't demonstrate the confidence that you do at the lathe. Even when they break it is still good practice. Very well done.

Thomas Bennett
04-02-2008, 10:27 AM
Glenn, you son is lucky to have a dad like yourself. Now teach him to drive the pickup truck in the background. Great video!

Scott Kuykendall
04-02-2008, 10:33 AM
I was wondering if Zack was available to show me how to make a bowl. Great Job.

Glenn Hodges
04-02-2008, 11:56 AM
Zach, I don't know when I have enjoyed a bowl turning demonstration as much as yours. Keep it up, I look forward to seeing more of your fine work.

Ben Gastfriend
04-02-2008, 1:15 PM
That's great! Amazing!:D Looks like you've got a good arsenal of tools there, and all the terminology down! I couldn't explain it any better!

Robert McGowen
04-02-2008, 2:23 PM
I really enjoyed the video. I like the way your son ended it by bowing out of the camera frame. It looks like a quality time was had by all. Sorry about the bowl though. Is there a follow up video on bowl repair in the works? :rolleyes:

Andy Hoyt
04-02-2008, 9:45 PM
When a video by Malcolm Tibbetts is next in the Yahoo queue, ya just gotta know that young Zack is on a roll!

Well done!

When's your old man gonna let you spin on that bigger lathe?

04-03-2008, 4:08 PM
Very good job Zach. However if you send me your address I will send you a REAL baseball hat.

Tony - The Red Sox Nation

Zach said he didn't need a Red Sox hat because he already has 1 pair of red underware.


04-03-2008, 4:23 PM
Just wanted to tell everyone thanks for looking and all the encouragement. Zman has been a little hard to live with last couple days, he's very proud of himself and is already planning his next video. This little video may snowball into something after this morning. A few of the kids as well as a few parent in Zach's co-op want field trips and lessons. I think it would be great if this got some more little ones interested in woodturning or just any kind of woodworking. LOML thinks it might be a good idea to let some of them make some pens, so if some of the other parents are interested we might give it a shot.


Mark Paulley
04-04-2008, 8:58 PM
You are one lucky man to have such a fine son and I believe a great wood turner in the near future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would give anything to be so lucky!!

Larry Marley
04-05-2008, 11:35 AM
Hey Zach,
That was a great video!